The abandoned warehouse was really completely abandoned. The scattered steel bars and bricks at the gate were piled all over the floor. Ruo Muliang had to work hard to find a gap to pass through.

Going up the stairs, three men in black were standing or sitting, waiting for Ruo Muliang's arrival on the second floor.

The one occupying the C position was naturally Jin Changzhi, who always wore a top hat even indoors. On the left side, close to him was his loyal younger brother and driver, Vodka. A little further to the right, a familiar black-skinned golden-haired man leaned against the load-bearing wall.

Jingguang, you may not believe it when I say this, but I ran into the childhood friend you have been looking for for a long time when I went out for a stroll at night.

Why is Bourbon here? If I remember correctly, after Amuro Toru got his official code name, he has always been a mystic who leans towards Rum's faction, and the number of times he has partnered with Gin can be counted on one hand.

"Put down the box."

Wakamura Ryo obediently put the box at his feet, then raised his hand and stepped back a few steps.

Vodka approached with a gun in hand, checked the box inside and out several times, and returned to Gin after confirming that there was no problem.

"Are you M?"


Wakamura Ryo was stunned for a moment. You are M, and your whole family is M.

"Huh! I don't have time to play detective games with you. You killed these people."

Gin took out a gun and pointed it at Wakamura Ryo's forehead, and threw a stack of photos and information at his feet with his right hand.

Wakamura Ryo looked down at the photos on the ground, and his pupils shrank slightly.

These people were used by him to experiment with the "assimilation" skill, and in the end they died because of some inexplicable cause and effect.

But what the hell is this omnipresent M?

Ryo Wakagi has conducted many experiments during this period, but he was only present at the scene when Kohei Putian was there. His presence at the hospital was reasonable, but the other dead people had no intersection with his life. He should not and could not appear near their bodies.

All he had to do was find a place with dense traffic, such as a shopping mall, turn on the "Eye of Exploration", select a small red and black dot on the small map (this means that this person's sin value is quite high and is an absolutely dangerous person), remember his appearance, and then throw a skill at him.

Then go home or find a quiet cafe, use the "All-Seeing Eye" skill (when the target has a magic mark on him, it can be monitored in real time) to monitor the test subject's every move and that's it.

The combination of the magic version of monitoring + monitoring is much more practical than the physical version.

"I don't know when I got the nickname M, but if you ask these people, it was me who did it."

Ruo Muliang picked up the photo on the ground. It was the first time he knew that people who were "assimilated" and became unfortunate would leave an M symbol at the scene after the filming was completed.

What the hell is this? Is the law of causality punishing me?

Moreover, so many people die every day in the world of science for various reasons, but Gin can come to the door for these test subjects. In other words, these people are either members of the winery or the targets of the winery's mission.

Ruo Muliang is more inclined to the latter. If he really killed three members of the winery in a row, Gin would definitely have collapsed, and Sister Bayonet's face would not work.

Anyone who is randomly selected can collide with the winery's mission, and it has collided three times. If you say that there is no credit for the luck value of -80, Ruo Muliang will never believe it.

"Humph, as expected."

"Why did you choose these three people? Where did you get the information from?"

"It's just a coincidence."

Gin narrowed his eyes, and the strong murderous aura almost materialized, which made Wakagi Ryo instinctively get goose bumps.

Wakagi Ryo: "There are at least dozens of people who die in Tokyo every day for various reasons. Have you checked the scene of each one to see if there are any traces of me?"

What this kid means is that he has killed far more than just a few people?

Gin pulled up the corners of his mouth and sneered, seemingly sneering at Wakagi Ryo's answer, but in fact, he believed it about 70% in his heart.

From the information Vodka found, the first victim of this kid was a doctor at Beihua Hospital, and this doctor really had nothing to do with the organization.

"Your coincidence has caused us to lose the information we deserve. If it weren't for that woman's guarantee for you, you would have died long ago."

Wakagi Ryo lowered his head, and his pupils unconsciously moved towards Amuro Toru.

Although the handsome black-skinned and golden-haired guy has been

At the beginning, he leaned against the shadows and said nothing, minimizing his presence. But judging from the notifications that kept refreshing on Wakagi Ryo's panel, this public security undercover is far from being as calm as he seems.

In just a short while, Amuro Toru has provided 2 skill points!

Too many, too many, more will break (happily).

"If you want to find the drug dealer's boss, then I do have a clue here."

Gin turned his head and glanced at Vodka, who, as a professional Gin interpreter, immediately understood what his brother meant.

"Brother, Kuroda (drug dealer) went home at 4 a.m., and I entered his bedroom at 7 a.m. During this time, someone was monitoring Kuroda's house, and no one went in or out. The last call record on his mobile phone was at 3:30 a.m., and no bugs or monitors were found in his room."

Gin: "So where did you get your information?"

Wakagi Ryo kept a poker face, and cold sweat slowly seeped out of his back.

The information, of course, comes from the feedback given by the skill "Eye of Detection". The goods of Kuroda Field come from Tsukawa Hideji, a name that Ryo Wakagi has a deep impression on.

The library director of the childhood shadow, anyone who has watched Detective Conan will find it difficult to forget the face that rose with the elevator.

In the moment of crisis, Ryo Wakagi's spirit was unprecedentedly focused, and various explanations were quickly listed in his mind.

"Why do you think that lady called me an alchemist?"

Ryo Wakagi ignored Vodka, who was holding the gun conscientiously, and his hands were not sore all the time, which was quite awesome.

He walked to his box and gave Gin an inquiring look.

Gin stared at Ryo Wakagi, with a sarcastic sneer on his lips, and his face seemed to say please start your performance.

Ryo Wakagi opened the box, took out a bunch of parts and started to assemble on the spot.

The original owner was a genius boy in mechanics, and the skills that came with the character were naturally inherited. However, due to the limitations of the environment and materials, he could not make things that were too black technology for the time being.

But it doesn't matter, he can cheat on the spot.

Thanks to the two skill points provided by Mr. Amuro Toru, the public security undercover, Wakaki Ryo came up with the best solution to resolve this crisis in the shortest time.

"A bug?"

Gin frowned. Indeed, the size of this bug is much smaller than all similar products on the market. It is in the shape of a sticker and has a diameter of only about 2CM, which is more concealed. Although it is a big surprise, it is only to this extent...

The organization is not short of talented teenagers, and Shirley is one of them.

"Don't worry, do you mind asking the big guy next to you to cooperate with me?"

Anyway, he doesn't dare to attack Gin directly for the time being.


Vodka put away the pistol and walked in front of Wakaki Ryo.

Wakaki Ryo: "Stand still."

The newly made bug was attached to the button on Vodka's chest, and then he opened the laptop he brought and tapped a few times, and a slightly shaking picture appeared on the screen.

It was this abandoned warehouse with a somewhat gloomy environment.

"Big brother."

Vodka lowered his head in surprise and looked. Suddenly, Vodka's upside-down face appeared on the computer screen, and his black nostrils could be clearly seen.

The notebook also played Vodka's voice synchronously. At first glance, it seemed that he was talking with reverberation.

After tapping the keyboard again, a three-dimensional map image appeared on the computer, directly and accurately locating the corner of the commercial street of Beihua Town 3-chome.

Although the sticker-type tracker with both monitoring and surveillance is suspected of plagiarizing Dr. Agasa's ideas, this is the limit that Wakagi Ryo can do without cheating.

Next, it's time to cheat.

"The functional explanation is over, and the next is concealment."

Wakagi Ryo tapped the keyboard a few times, then reached out and pressed the tracker attached to Vodka. Under the gaze of several people, the white sticker-like tracker turned into the same beige color as Vodka's button. If the sticker itself did not cover the small hole on the button, it would be difficult to distinguish the difference in color even if you get close.

Skill "Camouflage" (LV1): can camouflage objects with a volume of no more than 1㎡, making them blend in perfectly with the surrounding environment.

"It is less likely to be discovered if it is attached to the inside of the collar or the hem of the clothes, and it is waterproof to a certain extent."

"Next is safety."

Ruo Muliang hit the enter key, and the sticker-type tracker suddenly cracked, turning into powder and falling.

Skill "Decomposition" (LV1): can decompose any object with a volume of no more than 1m³ into powder (cannot decompose living things, whether alive or dead).

"Fukushima Shouya (corrupt policeman)'s house is being renovated, Yanase Ryuichi (photographer) died in a fire, and Kuroda is taking drugs. It's normal for these people to have some powder on them. Besides, the condition of the bodies shows that they died in an accident. Who would check it carefully?

This is my source of information. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Vodka was shocked and speechless. Although Gin didn't show it on his face, the emotional value on the panel was filled with emotions. On the other side, Tohko has been filling the screen since they met.

The genius boy Wakaki Ryo, his character is not broken!

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