The old man was so angry, and the old man was so angry.

"It's as magical as alchemy."

Toru Amuro stepped forward and reached out to touch a little of the powder left on Vodka. The powder was very fine and looked no different from flour. Without a differentiation test, the naked eye could not tell what it was.

Tracking down drug dealers was originally a task assigned to him.

Gin accidentally discovered that several peripheral members showed signs of drug use during a mission. After solving the mission target, he also sent those rubbish on the road, and then assigned the task of tracking down drug dealers to intelligence officer Bourbon.

As a code member, Gin was not his direct superior and did not have the authority to assign tasks directly to him. However, Toru Amuro himself hated drug dealers, so after mocking Gin, he took on the task without any hesitation, which was rare.

After finding out that one of the suppliers behind the scenes was Kuroda, Toru Amuro handed the information to Gin, and then the leader of the action team, who had always been successful, suffered a Waterloo.

Kuroda was dead before they took action.


Out of curiosity, Toru Amuro checked Vodka's mission report and found that Gin had failed three missions recently. Although the mission targets did die, none of them died at Gin's hands.

The existence of M aroused Toru Amuro's strong curiosity and sense of crisis.

After knowing that Gin and Vodka planned to introduce M into the organization, the sense of crisis reached its peak.

He compared the information of the public security and the organization on these cases. No matter how you look at it, it was a complete accidental death. But it was not an accident, and neither the organization nor the public security knew how he did it.

So, he wanted to go with him with some reasonable reasons, such as "the clues to the Kuroda family are gone", "this was originally my mission", "intelligence personnel are better at torture", etc., but Gin probably wouldn't listen.

Unexpectedly, Gin, whose workload was reduced, seemed to be in a good mood and actually agreed to Amuro Toru's request to go with him.

No one knew how shocked he was when he saw Wakaki Ryo. Even at that moment, he was ready to fight to the death if his identity was exposed.

He recognized Wakaki Ryo, and he was sure that Wakaki Ryo recognized him.

Although the two of them had only met a few times five years ago, it was impossible for the other party to forget his conspicuous mixed-race appearance.

However, from the time he came in until now, Wakaki Ryo has not mentioned a single word related to him.

Amuro Toru: "I have a question. Since you can do it perfectly, why do you still leave a mark at the scene?"

Wakaki Ryo's mouth twitched, and under the dim light of the warehouse, it looked more like a disdainful sneer.

I also want to know why the will of the great world always stabs me in the back in inexplicable places!

Go ask that idiot! Don't ask me!

"Mocking the incompetent Metropolitan Police Department and Japanese Public Security."

Amuro Toru's face darkened for a moment (although it was not obvious from his skin color), and he was more certain that Ryo Wakagi had indeed recognized him.

Sorry, Amuro-san, the above mockery definitely does not include you (honorific words are scared out of his wits).

Gin: "Okay."

Gin knows the reason why he likes to leave the mark of M at the scene (he thinks so himself), and Bourbon does not know about Ryo Wakagi's parents.

"You should know about the assessment."

"Uh, in fact, I don't know anything."

Gin: ...

"Then you dare to come here after a phone call."

Ryo Wakagi: ...

If you have the ability, don't let three snipers aim at me, do you think I can come over!

"A year ago, she saved my life from the FBI."

Tsk, Gin clicked his tongue impatiently and muttered something in a low voice.

It seemed to be "another Calvados" or something like that.

The level of the vodka professional brother was revealed at this moment. He glanced at his elder brother's face, and then quickly explained to Wakuragi Ryo in detail about the assessment, formal members and code names in concise and clear language.

Even if Wakuragi Ryo had Vermouth's recommendation, it would not be possible for him to become a code member from the beginning.

But he would not be a peripheral member who could be cannon fodder at any time.

To be more precise, it is a "quasi-code member". There is no need to wait for years to gain experience. As long as a few tasks to become a regular member are completed and the training data meets the standards, they can be awarded a code name.

The "physical enhancement" skill has been clicked

Full, Wakaki Ryo's physical fitness is quite good in the world view of science, and theoretically he can dodge bullets or something. However, without professional fighting training, if a fight really breaks out, he is probably just a more flexible and resistant sandbag.

Gin: "Since you killed Kuroda, the subsequent tasks will be your first assessment. As for the accompanying 'examiner', Bourbon, aren't you very curious about M? You keep saying that this was originally your task, so this supervision is handed over to you."

Gin noticed that Wakaki Ryo instinctively frowned when he saw Bourbon, or to be more precise, when he saw Bourbon's hair color. Associated with enemies? That's just right, it's not a bad thing for code members to have discord, as long as it doesn't affect the organization's mission.

On the contrary, too good a relationship is a disaster.

Gin took out a cigarette in a good mood, and then after seeing Wakaki·Minor·Ryo's face, he silently put the lighter back.

Tsk, minors are really troublesome.

Amuro Toru nodded and agreed to Gin's assignment.

It just so happened that he also needed some time alone to figure out some things.

Wakagi Ryo glanced at Amuro Toru, showing a hint of dissatisfaction that was not obvious but could be detected.

In fact, his heart was already full of fireworks, great, golden-haired cheating teammate GET!

"I can disguise myself during the mission, but I don't intend to give up my identity."

Gin: "Whatever you want."

He looked at the time, called for Vodka, and left the abandoned warehouse first.

Wakagi Ryo glanced at Amuro Toru, touched his nose a little embarrassedly and said: "I need to go back and prepare something, see you tomorrow?"

Amuro Toru silently took out his mobile phone, dialed, and hung up when the phone in Wakagi Ryo's pocket rang.

"Remember the number."

Wakagi Ryo: "See you at the entrance of the Mika Library tomorrow morning."

Amuro Toru frowned, library?

He didn't say much, just looked at Wakagi Ryo deeply, and then turned and left.

It was too stupid to reminisce here. Although the other party was an acquaintance, his current position was unclear. And although the possibility was extremely small, it was possible that this Ruomu Liang in front of him was sent by the organization to test him.

Soon, only Ruomu Liang was left in the abandoned warehouse. He opened the small map to confirm it, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The sweat-soaked shirt stuck to his body, making him feel quite uncomfortable.

Today's process was a bit tortuous, but judging from the result, it was a complete profit!

Although he was forced to click two skills that were not very practical at present, after deducting this loss, the winery trio provided him with 1.5 skill points, which was enough for his usual income of about 2 weeks.

Sure enough, the initial guess was correct. In addition to the red protagonist group, the important characters of the black side can also provide sufficient emotional value.

After returning, hurry up to make a mask as a special vest for the black side, and arrange a voice changer. After all, Ruomu Liang does not have the magical voice changing skills of Kidd or Belmode.

After the main story begins, the vest will play on the black side, and the main body will play on the red side, so won't the skill points be credited?

In conclusion, Sister Bei is YYDS!

You can imagine that she is holding the cat Jingguang.

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