The police said that the suspect was a culprit.

"Brother Maori, the local police reported that they saw Murakami Takeshi."

Inspector Megure ran to Kogoro's side and said anxiously.

Kogoro was shocked, "Is it the recent murderer?!"

"Yes." Inspector Megure nodded seriously.

"Where is he? Officer Megure."

Kogoro grabbed Inspector Megure's shoulder.

"It's near the Coastal Boulevard. I've told the police officers who reported it not to act rashly. Let them follow Murakami and wait for us to pass."

Kogoro let go of Officer Megure and ran outside, "What are we waiting for!? Let's go out quickly!!"

He's really passionate, so excited...

Officer Megure also ran after Kogoro.

After getting on the police car, the police took them and drove the car to the Coastal Boulevard at high speed.

"Oh no!!" Kogoro suddenly shouted.

The police officer who was driving and Officer Megure were startled.

Officer Megure adjusted his hat and glanced at Kogoro, "What's wrong? Brother Mori."

"Today I have to go to Xiaolan's grandfather's house, so I have to pick up Xiaolan."

Officer Megure glanced at Kogoro, "Then go ahead, arrest Murakami-jo and I'll be there."

Kogoro smiled and said, "No, I'll call my wife to pick her up, hehe."

"Okay, hurry up, we'll be there soon." Officer Megure ordered.

"Okay." Kogoro took out his mobile phone and called Eri Kisaki.


"What? You said you can't pick up Xiaolan because you have to arrest the murderer!!"

Eri Kisaki put down the pen in her hand and said in shock.

"Yeah..." Kogoro touched his head and said with a smile.

Kisaki Eri rolled her eyes and said calmly to the other end of the phone: "So? You want me to pick up Xiaolan, right?"

Kogoro touched his head, "Hey, hey, you are worthy of being my wife, you are so smart."

"Stop talking nonsense."

Kisaki Eri pinched her eyebrows and said helplessly: "I really can't do anything about you, I'll go pick it up."

After that, she looked at the pile of documents on the table again.

She is still a new lawyer, and she didn't expect to be so busy.

After a previous trial, her reputation has become a little hot, and many people come here to help her with the lawsuit.

She can't imagine how busy she will be in the future as she has more and more lawsuits.

On the other end of the phone, Kogoro's voice came again, interrupting Kisaki Eri's thoughts, "Okay, thank you, wife, hehe."

Kisaki Eri ordered: "You arrest the murderer and pay attention to safety. You have to go to Dad's place at night..."

Her tone was flat, but her heart was already warm.

Kogoro said as if he was talking to his superior, "Okay, my dear wife."

After hanging up the phone, Kisaki Eri smiled indifferently and murmured, "Really, so slick."

Inspector Megure smiled and said, "Brother Maori, you have a really good relationship with your wife!!"

Kogoro laughed awkwardly, "I guess so. We usually have a good relationship, but if we quarrel, it will be a mess..."

"Before, we had a big fight over how to eat fried eggs!"

Inspector Megure was puzzled, "Fried eggs?"

"Yes, my wife thinks that Western food like fried eggs should be dipped in sauce, while I think Japanese people should pour soy sauce."

"We had a big fight because of our disagreements."

Inspector Megure laughed awkwardly and didn't say anything, but he had already complained in his heart.

Isn't the reason for your quarrel a bit too outrageous...

"Officer, we are near the seaside avenue." The policeman driving the car said.

"Let's get off the car." Kogoro got out of the car.

"Okay." Officer Megure followed closely behind, and after getting off the car, he said to the police officer in the driver's seat: "You stay here and wait."


"Where are the police officers who witnessed it?" Kogoro asked.

"I don't know where they followed them? Let me see..."

Officer Megure looked around, and soon he found two police officers in police uniforms in the crowd.

"Found it, there!!"

He pointed excitedly to the corner of the building.

Kogoro looked over and saw it, "What are we waiting for!? Let's go over there."

After saying that, he ran over.

Brother Maori is always so motivated...

Officer Megure also ran over quickly.

He had a big belly and it was a bit uncomfortable to run, so naturally he couldn't keep up with Kogoro.

Although he ran every day to lose weight, he couldn't lose weight, probably because of his physical condition.

He ran to Kogoro's side panting.

Seeing that Officer Megure looked very tired, Kogoro asked, "Are you okay? Officer Megure."

"It's okay, I just ran a little, a little tired, hi."

"Is that so..."

"I just asked them, and they said that Murakami just entered the building."

Officer Megure looked at the two police officers, and the police officer said again, "That's right, and after he went in, we have been squatting here, and we haven't seen him come out yet."

"Is Murakami holding anything in his hand?" Officer Megure asked.

The police officer was a little confused, "I didn't see what he took, he went in empty-handed."

Kogoro said disapprovingly: "It's useless to ask this. Even if he has a gun or a knife or other weapons, he shouldn't be holding them openly. He should put them in his clothes."

"That's true." Officer Megure murmured, touching his chin.

Then he looked at the building again and said slowly: "This building is an abandoned building to be demolished..."

One of the police officers nodded, "Yes, it is said that it will be demolished in another week."

Kogoro clashed his fists, "Anyway, let's go in and catch him!!"

After that, Kogoro ran again.

Officer Megure patted his forehead and said to the two police officers beside him: "Your mission is over, leave the rest to us."

After that, Officer Megure ran again.

Really, I'm really tired...

The two entered the building, "Be gentle, brother Maori."


The two moved slowly and lightly.

The two checked the floors one by one, and when they came to the fourth floor, they found the garbage bag of the convenience store at the door.

"Murakami-jo should be here." Kogoro whispered.

Officer Megure also nodded.

Kogoro walked to the front and quietly came to the door, and heard the movement of eating inside.

He gestured to Officer Megure not to leave, and made a gesture of silence.

Officer Megure also did so.

Kogoro took out a flip-top mirror from his arms, with a photo of his family on one side and a mirror on the other side.

He put the mirror close to the door and observed the situation inside through the mirror.

A somewhat thin man was wolfing down a bag of bread.

When Kogoro saw that face, his face became serious.

This man is the murderer that the police are currently looking for.

He is Murakami-jo! !

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