The two of them were in a mess.

Kogoro took the mirror back and nodded to Officer Megure,

indicating that the murderer they wanted to arrest, Murakami Jō, was inside.

Officer Megure also nodded in understanding.

Murakami Jō was eating bread in big mouthfuls, thinking about where to go.

He drank a sip of water while eating,

At this time, a man rushed in from outside the door and pressed him to the ground.

Murakami Jō was confused, and the water he had just drunk was not swallowed, and it went into his bronchus, causing him to choke violently.

After he coughed the water out of his bronchus, he quickly threw the water in his hand at Kogoro's eyes.

"Ah!!" Kogoro was hurt by the water in his eyes, and his hands loosened.

Because Kogoro had to control Murakami, he couldn't spare his hands to handcuff him.

So Officer Megure followed closely with handcuffs. But Officer Megure, who was holding handcuffs, saw that Kogoro was attacked and let go, and rushed over.

"Don't move, we are the police."

How could Murakami not know at this time that the two people in front of him were the police.

From the moment he was pinned down, he knew it.

Who would suddenly pin down a murderer without saying anything, except the police...

Murakami immediately broke free from Kogoro's restraints, took out a knife from his waist, and rushed towards Officer Megure at the door, waving it continuously.

"Get out of the way!"

Officer Megure was ready to fight back, but when he dodged, he stepped on the mineral water bottle on the ground and fell to the ground.

Murakami rushed out quickly.

Officer Megure rubbed his buttocks, "Damn it! You actually plotted against me!"

"Hurry up and chase him!" Kogoro had already stood up and rushed out of the room.

The two chased him along a long corridor and saw Murakami Jō running to the stairs and grabbing a rope, as if he wanted to escape to the next building.

Kogoro stood firm and Officer Megure passed him. He was puzzled: "What are you doing? Brother Mori, chase him!"

"Get out of the way, Officer Megure!"

Officer Megure was startled by the shout and looked back.

Kogoro was pointing his gun at this side.

Officer Megure was startled and dodged to the side.

At this time, Murakami Jō was already flying in the air with the help of the rope.

"He can't escape!"

Kogoro focused on the rope and could see the rope from his eyes.

With a "bang", the bullet was fired, and Officer Megure only felt a gust of wind on the right, and the rope in his sight broke.

He was shocked,

What a mess! !

He hurried over, worried that Murakami would fall down.

If Brother Maori shot and killed Murakami, it would be difficult for us to explain! !

When he came to the stairs, he saw Murakami holding the window of the next building and climbing up.

Officer Megure breathed a sigh of relief, happy and worried.

Kogoro also ran to the stairs and wanted to jump over, but looked down and retracted his head.

"Damn it! How can there be a rope in this damn place!!"

The rope was the rope of the demolition machine on the top floor.

"Brother Maori! Be careful when you use the gun..."

Before Officer Megure finished speaking, Kogoro had already rushed down the stairs.

"Hey, wait for me!!"

Officer Megure hurriedly chased after him.

Arriving downstairs, Kogoro hurriedly said: "Officer Megure, I'll chase him first, you quickly call for help, otherwise he will run away!!"

"Wait, brother Maori!!"

Officer Megure looked at Kogoro who rushed in alone, and was a little worried, but he still quickly contacted the police in the police car to drive the car over here, and asked the police to assist.

After explaining these things, Officer Megure hurriedly entered the building next door.

After entering the building, there were some staff members inside.

Officer Megure hurriedly asked a woman holding water: "Did you see a man come in?"

The woman pointed to the door behind Officer Megure, "I saw him, he just came in from your side, and he seemed a little anxious."

"Just when someone came down from the upstairs, he shouted "Don't move" and chased after him."

"It seems that brother Maori has met Murakami-jo."

Officer Megure murmured and followed him.

Kogoro had lost track of Murakami Jō by this time, so he started searching floor by floor.

Murakami Jō was hiding in the toilet at this time, breathing heavily.

Damn, why is he so difficult! ! ?

It was outrageous just now. I didn't expect that the policeman could shoot so accurately and hit such a thin rope.

I was suspended in the air for a moment, and I almost thought I was going to hang there. Fortunately, I grabbed the edge of the window.

"Where did the person go??!"

The voice of Kogoro and the hurried footsteps came from outside, which scared Murakami so much that he dared not breathe.

Kogoro opened the doors of the toilets one by one, and knocked on the door to ask if someone was using it.

He would leave only when he heard that there was no problem.

After hearing Kogoro's hurried footsteps, Murakami waited for another minute before slowly pushing open the door and leaving the toilet.

"Murakami! Stand still!"

Inspector Megure, who had just arrived on this floor, saw Murakami coming out of the women's toilet.

The other staff on this floor were startled by this sound and looked at Officer Megure.

Following Officer Megure's gaze, some of them looked at Murakami again.

Only then did they notice Murakami Jō coming out of the women's restroom.

Just now, they were working and saw two strange men rushing in one after the other.

The man in front rushed directly into the restroom, and the man behind looked around after entering, and then entered the restroom.

So they all thought they were just using the restroom, so they ignored him.

But unexpectedly, the man actually entered the women's restroom.

Before they could react, Murakami Jō kidnapped a woman who was relatively close.

"Don't move! Otherwise I'll kill her!!"

"Ah ah!!"

The woman screamed, shocking Murakami Jō a little.

The knife in his hand accidentally scratched the woman.

The woman screamed even more in pain.

"Don't scream! I'll kill you if you scream again!"

Murakami Jō yelled at the woman, and the woman became much more honest and didn't dare to scream again.

"Officer Megure." Kogoro ran down from upstairs.

"Are you okay?"

Inspector Megure stepped in from the door and made way for Kogoro behind him. Only then did Kogoro see the scene clearly.

"Murakami-jo!! Why is he still here!!?"

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