The police officer was very busy, and the police officer was very busy.

"Officer, do you need to move the books on the table?"

"Just leave it there."

"Officer, the key on the victim seems a little unusual."

Officer Megure took the key and opened the key ring, "There is tape inside."

Hatsuri Heiji also came over to take a look.

There was a small gap in the tape stuck in the middle of the key ring.

Hattori Heiji's eyes lit up and he rushed out of the room.

Conan felt his eyes blurry at this time,

Eh? What happened to me?

He fell to the ground.

Ran Mao Li came over and supported Conan, "Conan, what's wrong with you?"

Inspector Megure also shouted, "Go and call a doctor."

Then Ran Mao Li prepared to carry Conan to a room.

Just as he walked out of the study, Hattori Heiji appeared and said with a smile, "I know, I know the method of the locked room, and who the murderer is."

Conan glanced at Hattori Heiji, and a barely perceptible smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This guy must have gone to the Japanese-style room to find fishing line just now.

I look forward to your performance, Black Chicken.

"Inspector Megure, can you please act as the deceased?"

Inspector Megure also responded with a confused "Okay".

Conan was carried to the room by Ran Mao Li to rest.

Damn, it's so uncomfortable!

I didn't expect it to be so uncomfortable.

In the study, Hattori Heiji was performing his own reasoning show.

"All the windows in this study are locked from the inside, and the only door that can be entered and exited is also locked with a key, so it is a closed room murder case with no gaps."

"But this room that seems to be a completely closed room has a gap."

Hattori Heiji pointed to the bottom of the door, "It's the narrow gap under the door."

Kogoro looked doubtful and pointed at the gap in the door and said, "Hey, hey, hey, you are not going to say that the murderer threw the key of this study into the victim's pocket from the bottom of this gap, right?"

"You are right, of course there is this possibility, as long as there is an explanation and the fishing line I just found for tying the iron needle." Hattori Heiji said while taking out the fishing line from his pocket.

Hattori Heiji put Officer Megure on the ground and began to re-enact the crime. "First, he stabbed the victim's neck with a poison needle, killed him, and then snatched the victim's keys."

"Then he pulled out the hanging wire tied with the iron ruler, and fixed it on the tape at the other end of the iron chain tied to the hanging wire."

"Then he stuffed the end tied with the iron needle into the victim's pocket and passed the fishing line through the middle.

He helped Officer Megure to sit on a chair, "Finally, he made the victim sit on the chair and let the deceased pose with his hands on his cheeks when he was found."

Then Hattori Heiji slowly walked outside with the fishing line in both hands, still explaining: "Then just hold the two ends of the fishing line and walk out of the door, you can pull the fishing line out of the door through the crack, close the door, and then lock the door. ”

“Then tie the fishing line to the key and pull it over. In this way, you have to learn to climb onto the table through the crack in the door, and naturally, climb onto the table, and naturally fall into the victim's pocket. ”

“Then he just needs to pull harder to pull out the fishing line, and then just reel it up, and the evidence will disappear. ”

He opened the door and said confidently: "Such a complete secret room is formed."

Everyone was surprised, "It really worked!"

At this time, Conan was so uncomfortable that he couldn't speak.

His pupils shrank slightly and his mouth opened wide.

Damn, I thought it was a bit outrageous when I watched anime before, but now it feels really uncomfortable when I come here in person!

The doorbell rang, "It must be the doctor, I'll go open the door. "

Ran Maoli ran out quickly.

At this time, Conan changed back to Kudo Shinichi, and changed into a set of clothes in the closet in this room.

Wait, Black Chicken, here I come!

Other people in the room asked Hattori Heiji, "Then who is the murderer?"

"Wait a moment."

Hattori Heiji paused, he wanted to wait for Kudo Shinichi to come here.

But Kudo Shinichi did not come.

No need to worry about so much, let's start!

"It takes at least 5 to 6 minutes to complete this method, and the crime time is from 3:30 to 4 o'clock, within these 30 minutes."

"Mrs. Tatsumura who was with us at 4 o'clock and returned here

"It is ruled out."

"Similarly, it is impossible for Mr. Koike, the housekeeper, who stood at the gate and chatted with the neighbors nearby and welcomed us and Mrs. Tatsumura back here between three and four o'clock."

"After we arrived here, the son and his girlfriend of the deceased who came out with Mr. Koike to pick us up also went to the second floor, but it was only one or two minutes at most, and it is impossible for them to commit a crime."

"Then there is only one person left, that is, the old man who came here at around two o'clock and has been watching TV next to the study."

Everyone looked at Mr. Rikkou.

Hatsutori Heiji said slowly: "Mr. Rikkou, only you can be possible."

Then he took out the fishing line, "The evidence is the fishing line used to tie the iron needle that I found in the Japanese-style room just now, and I remember that I met you on the stairs when Mrs. Tatsumura and I were on the way to the study."

"You must think you did it perfectly, but I found this fishing line in the trash can in the Japanese-style room, which is the most powerful evidence. "

"How is it? Is it like this?"

At this time, Ran Mouri also came to this room to look for Conan, but Hattori Heiji was still questioning Mr. Rikkou.

Mr. Rikkou lowered his head, "Yes, it was me, the one who killed my son was me."

Hattori Heiji laughed after hearing this.

Kudo Shinichi, I won.

"No, you didn't kill anyone at all." A voice came from the door.

Everyone looked and was shocked, because they saw Kudo Shinichi!

"He is lying."

Ran sobbed a little and said, "Where have you been? Do you know how worried I am about you?"

"Why are you crying? Idiot."

After that, she slowly walked into the study.

Ran Mouri also noticed that Kudo Shinichi was sweating all over, "Are you okay, Shinichi?"

Kudo Shinichi replied with difficulty: "It's okay. "

Although my body has returned to normal, I still feel very uncomfortable!

Although I did not see the process of Hei Ji's reasoning, as a time traveler, I naturally know the process of his reasoning.

Next, I, Chu Chen, will help Kudo Shinichi slap Hei Ji in the face.

Hattori Heiji was obviously a little anxious and questioned: "You just said that this old man is lying. Do you mean that my reasoning just now was wrong?"

"That's right... Hei Ji, your reasoning is completely wrong. "

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