The two of them were confused, "What? Black chicken?"

Kudo Shinichi laughed awkwardly, "Sorry, I said the wrong thing, it was Hattori."

Hattori Heiji said angrily, "Since you said my reasoning was totally wrong, then tell me what's wrong with my reasoning?"

"You just used a method on paper, it's impossible to do it in real life."

Inspector Megure walked between the two and interrupted, "Brother Kudo, his reasoning about the closed room method just now was very perfect, and he also used my pants..."

Kudo Shinichi interrupted, "He used your pants to do the experiment, right?"

Inspector Megure was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "Yes."

When he was about to explain the process just now, he was interrupted by Kudo Shinichi again.

"No need to explain the process, did the key really enter your double pocket?"

Hattori Heiji was a little anxious, "Of course!"

Then he ran to Officer Megure and fumbled in his pocket.

Then the key fell out.

The key did not successfully enter the double pocket, but only went in a little bit.

Hattori Heiji panicked and said, "How could it be? I clearly used the fishing line to put the key into his pocket!"

"Because Officer Megure was sitting. This is because as long as he sits, his pocket will have wrinkles, which will hinder the key from entering his pocket."

"Before the key really entered the double-layer pocket inside, the fishing line was pulled out of the tape, and the victim was fatter than Officer Megure, so this situation was even more obvious."

Hattori Heiji stood up and explained anxiously, "This may be a one-in-a-million chance. There will be at least one coincidence in ten times."

Kudo Shinichi said calmly, "It will be the same no matter how many times you do it. Think about it carefully. What direction was the key in when it was in the victim's double-layer pocket?"

Hattori Heiji remembered it at this time and looked surprised.

Kudo Shinichi continued, "Even if it is true, if it ran into the double-layer pocket, there should be only the key ring."

"Because in a narrow double-layer pocket, the key ring and the key can never be folded into a seven-shaped shape, but the key and the key ring are both inside, which means that the murderer put the key in the double-layer pocket of the deceased from the beginning."

Hatsuori Heiji took out the fishing line and said excitedly: "Then tell me, how do you explain this fishing line I found in the Japanese-style room?"

Kudo Shinichi just said calmly: "It was just a trap set by the murderer to frame the crime on this old man."

Very good, I just want to see you anxious.

Then he took out several sets of fishing lines, "I also found five or six sets of the same things, everywhere in this house, the murderer, even in places other than the Japanese-style room, so no matter where the old man was at the time of the crime, he can't be separated from it."

Hattori Heiji was still not happy, "But this old man has admitted that he committed the crime."

Kudo Shinichi replied calmly: "Well... he deliberately jumped into the murderer's trap, as for the reason... it seems to be to atone for his sins."

Old Mr. Qi Guang was a little surprised. He was surprised that the young man in front of him seemed to have mind reading and knew his thoughts a long time ago.

Kudo then casually pointed to Mrs. Tatsumura over there, "The real murderer is Mrs. Tatsumura over there."

Hattori Heiji smiled, "Ah? What are you kidding? Mrs. Tatsumura is with us, how could it be her?!!"

Haha, you're still not convinced, right!

"She killed the victim when she came in with us. The reason why the opera was played in the room was because she was worried that the victim would scream when she was killed."

"The book in front of you is also to cover up the process of the murder."

Hattori Heiji seemed to understand something, and then said: "We have always believed that the victim died before we entered the room. According to what you said, the murderer used a poison needle to pierce the victim's neck and made him fall asleep without resistance."

"That means the murderer deliberately found the detective here, using the blind spot that they thought the murderer would not kill in front of them to carry out psychological murder in the closed room, and none of us would notice it."

"That's what you mean, Kudo."

Kudo replied lightly: "That's right."

Hattori Heiji is indeed quite capable. If I didn't know the plot, I might not be able to do it.

Kogoro was puzzled and said: "But when she

"She didn't even take the poison needle when she entered the study?"

Kudo Shinichi pointed to Mrs. Tatsumura's bag, "The answer is in her key."

Inspector Megure checked Mrs. Tatsumura's key, "There is a small groove inside!!!"

Kudo Shinichi explained, "That is the groove for placing the poison needle. After she entered the study, she quickly exposed the poison needle designed in the key ring."

"So this key ring with a groove inside is the evidence that proves that Mrs. Tatsumura is the murderer."

Inspector Megure was puzzled: "But why is this? Why did she kill her husband?"

Kudo Shinichi said without hesitation: "She was for revenge... Come, look at this photo."

Pick up the photo on the table, everyone looked at it and felt who it looked like.

Ran Mouri reacted first, "Is this Miss Xinzi? ?"

Kogoro was a little surprised, "How is this possible? This is a photo from 20 years ago."

Mrs. Tatsumura began to confess, "Because I am Xinzi's mother! ”


After a while, Mrs. Tatsumura also finished her confession.

Before leaving, Mrs. Tatsumura said: "When that little brother said I was the murderer after my husband died, I was shocked. It was as if he knew in advance that my husband was killed by me... It must be my illusion."

Hattori Heiji then remembered.

Yes! The little boy said before that the victim was killed by Mrs. Tatsumura.

And the murderer was indeed Mrs. Tatsumura.

It was as if he knew in advance...

This can't be a coincidence.

Thinking of this, Hattori asked: "Xiaolan, where is the little ghost with glasses?"

"Are you talking about Conan...? I couldn't find him just now."

At this time, a cough was heard next to him, "cough cough..."

"What's wrong with you, Shinichi." Mao Lilan hurried to check.

"It's okay, I just caught a bad cold. "

"I'll call a doctor..." Ran Mouri hurried out.

Hattori Heiji said slowly: "Okay... you win this time, Kudo Shinichi."

Kudo Shinichi didn't answer, but covered his chest and kept coughing.

Damn, I didn't expect this liquor could only last for a short while...

It's so uncomfortable!

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