The old man was sitting on the ground, and the old man was sitting on the ground.

"It's not very clear here..."

Conan tried his best to look at the cafe next to the telephone pole. Although he could see Mr. Fujiwara, he still couldn't see clearly.

After waiting for a long time, Conan was a little impatient when he still didn't see Jiro Saito.

Why didn't Jiro show up yet?


I feel like going to the toilet...

Toilet... Toilet...

Conan looked around, but there was no toilet.

At this time, his eyes stopped at the door of the cafe.

Let's go to the toilet in the cafe.

Thinking of this, Conan entered the cafe...

The waiter bowed and asked, "Hello, welcome, do you need anything to drink?"

Conan twisted his legs, "Um... I need to use the toilet."

"Oh, the toilet is over there." The waiter pointed to one side.

Conan smiled and nodded, and walked in that direction.

By the way, he looked inside the store.

Hey, I didn't see Jiro, and I couldn't see Mr. Fujiwara in this place.

They should be on the other side.

Because the coffee shop is L-shaped, Conan couldn't see Mr. Fujiwara at the entrance.



After flushing the water, Conan came to the sink to wash his hands.

Anyway, he came in, so he might as well order something to drink, just in time to observe Jiro and Mr. Fujiwara.

Conan turned off the faucet and prepared to leave.

"Kid, why did you come in?" A surprised voice came from beside Conan.

It was Saito Jiro.


Hearing Conan call him like that, Saito Jiro looked at Conan with wide eyes, "Huh? Didn't I just say that you should call me brother?"

"Uh...Jiro brother."

Hearing Conan call him brother, Saito Jiro smiled with satisfaction, and then asked in confusion: "So how did you come in? Weren't you playing hide-and-seek outside?"

Conan replied: "Oh, I came to the bathroom."

Saito Jiro looked as if he had suddenly realized something, "Oh, so that's it."

Conan asked again: "What about you? Aren't you here to see your baby Shizuka? I saw you didn't show up just now, why are you hiding in the bathroom???"

Saito Jiro said a little dissatisfiedly: "What do you mean by hiding in the bathroom? I suddenly had a stomachache when I came in just now, so I came to the bathroom to solve it, and I just solved it now."

In fact, he felt a little nervous when he entered the coffee shop, and he actually had a stomachache.

Saito Jiro admired himself in the mirror, combed his hair with his fingers, and smiled confidently.

Then he suddenly remembered something, looked at Conan with a smile, and said with a smile: "Little boy, I forgot to ask just now, what do you think of my appearance today?"


Seeing Saito Jiro's expectant eyes, Conan gave him a thumbs up and smiled: "Hey, pretty handsome..."

Saito Jiro was a little excited and confirmed with Conan again, "Really?"

"Uh...really." Conan nodded.

Saito Jiro washed his face with water again, trying to calm himself down.

Conan reminded: " haven't seen your Shizuka baby yet? You will be late if you don't hurry up."

Saito Jiro looked at the time again, and said a little panicked: "Oh, yes, you are right."

"I'm 5 minutes late, I have to hurry up." He left quickly.

Conan replied: "Oh okay, I wish you success."


It's hard to see him like this.

Conan wiped his hands with a handkerchief and walked out of the bathroom.

Go to the counter and order: "Sister, give me a glass of juice."

"Okay, OK."

Conan walked to the other side of the store and found a seat to sit down.

After he sat down, he looked around.

Jiro... Jiro...

Found it...

Why is he standing there?

At this time, Saito Jiro stood there, looking around in confusion.

Little ghost...

Saito Jiro saw Conan sitting there.

He walked over again.

"Little ghost, can you do me a favor?"

Faced with Saito Jiro's request, Conan was a little confused, "Hmm?"

"Help me find Shizuka baby."

Conan was shocked: "Ah? Haven't you seen your Shizuka baby?!!"

Saito Jiro nodded, "Well, I met her online, and I usually play games on the computer, so I haven't seen her."

Conan was a little confused, "Ah?? ! ! What? So you just met online, she is not your girlfriend at all."

Saito Jiro shook his head and said, "No, she is my girlfriend."

"So, this is... online love!?"

"Yes." Saito Jiro nodded.

Conan touched his head and said helplessly, "So, you need me to help you find her."

"Yes." Saito Jiro nodded again.

"Why don't you ask yourself, won't you know if you ask?" Conan said speechlessly.

"I... I'm shy." Saito Jiro said shyly.

Conan was shocked,

Ah? ! !

He was quite powerful when he shouted at Mitsuhiko, and he also looked like no one was around when he laughed outside...

Why are you so scared now! !

Conan didn't think much and immediately refused. "No."

Conan tilted his head, and Saito Jiro tilted his head again. "No means no."

No matter how Conan refused, Saito Jiro still stared at him with wide eyes, looking pitiful, as if begging him to help him.

"How about ordering you another glass of juice?!"


"Then two cups."

"Still no."

"Three cups."

"Deal. Remember to ask her to pack it up."

"Okay," Saito Jiro made an OK sign.


Conan looked at all the seats in the store.

Except for Conan's, there were 6 tables occupied.

At the first table, there was already a man and a woman sitting, so it was ruled out...

At the second table, there was a man typing on a computer, who seemed to be writing a novel...

At the third table, there was a woman in her 20s wearing a blue short-sleeved shirt...

At the fourth table, there was a woman in her 40s wearing a dress...

At the fifth table, there was a young woman in her 30s and a little boy.

At the sixth table, there was Mr. Fujiwara.

According to this situation, only the third and fourth tables, and the sixth table were possible.

Conan thought so in his heart, and asked: "How old is she?"

"Not sure, but from the sound of her voice, she is probably in her 20s."

Conan murmured in a low voice: "In her 20s... Then there are only the fourth and sixth tables."

Conan's eyes stopped at Mr. Fujiwara,

Mr. Fujiwara is also here for a date...

Hey, hey, hey, it's impossible...

Conan looked at the fifth table again,

He didn't find a married young woman...

"Does that woman have children?"

After hearing this, Saito Jiro said angrily: "No!! Baby Shizuka can't be a person with children."

Ah this...

A bad guess emerged in Conan's mind,

It can't be... It can't be Mr. Fujiwara.

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