The two of them are still together.

Teacher Fujiwara is also still waiting for someone to meet...

Jiro is also looking for someone he has never met...

Maybe it is true.

"Hey, do you know what Shizuka's full name is?" Conan tugged at Saito Jiro's clothes.

"I don't know that, she only told me her name is Shizuka."


Conan took a breath.

That's one of the people at the third and sixth tables.

Conan looked at the people at the two tables and confirmed it in his heart.

Although it's hard to believe, but...

It should be Teacher Fujiwara...

"The sixth table, that's your date." Conan pointed to the sixth table.

Saito Jiro was shocked and said, "You figured it out so quickly?!"

Conan explained, "First, you're dating a woman who's probably in her 20s. Second, even if she has a child, she wouldn't bring it with her. So, only the third and sixth tables are left."

Saito Jiro nodded, "Indeed, how did you figure out the remaining two tables?!"

Conan smiled and said, "It's very simple. Think about it, what would you do if you were on a date?"

"I'd get nervous and have a stomachache, and then go to the bathroom."

Conan's smile froze. Seeing Jiro say this seriously, he was speechless.


"Of course I know how to dress up!! You dress so seriously, so the other party must be the same."

Conan pointed over there and said, "Look, the people at those two tables, the people at the sixth table are obviously dressed up seriously, while the people at the third table are dressed more simply."

Saito Jiro took a look and said in surprise, "Really."

Then he pointed at Conan, "I knew you had an idea, and I found the right person."

"Okay, go quickly."

Saito Jiro gestured OK, "Okay, kid, I'll order you three glasses of juice later."


Saito Jiro approached Mr. Fujiwara, and when he saw the woman's figure clearly, a raging fire ignited in his heart.

This... is simply amazing! !

This is a SSS-level beauty! !

Saito Jiro walked over and slowly said, "Please...Excuse me."

"???" Mr. Fujiwara looked at the fat man in front of him who was a little timid and timid.

"You...are you Shizuka?!" Saito Jiro asked hesitantly.

Mr. Fujiwara was suddenly approached and was a little confused, "Ah? Who are you?!"

Saito Jiro said excitedly: "I am Jiro!!"

After hearing this, Mr. Fujiwara's eyes seemed to twitch, and then he asked in confusion: "Jiro?!"

"Yes!" Saito Jiro nodded expectantly, expecting the beauty in front of him to recognize him soon.

But at this moment, Mr. Fujiwara shook his head and apologized: "Uh... Sorry, I don't know any Jiro."

Saito Jiro was a little surprised.

"You are not Shizuka?!"

"Who is Shizuka??" Mr. Fujiwara asked in confusion.

Saito Jiro began to wonder,

Could it be that the boy guessed wrong? !

That shouldn't be the case. I don't think there's anything wrong with what that kid said just now...

Teacher Fujiwara looked at Jiro standing in front of him in a daze, and was a little impatient, "Sir, if you don't have anything to do, don't stand here."

Jiro Saito didn't respond to this, but asked, "Then what are you doing here? Are you waiting for someone?"

But Teacher Fujiwara said with a serious face, "Sir, this has nothing to do with you."

"Ah this..." Jiro Saito was a little flustered and didn't know what to say.

At this time, Teacher Fujiwara spoke again, "You know Conan, right?"

In fact, when Conan came around from the toilet just now, Teacher Fujiwara found him. In order not to be discovered by Conan, she covered her face with a magazine.

Later, she saw everything when Jiro Saito and Conan were communicating, including when Conan pointed in her direction.

Although Teacher Fujiwara didn't know what they said, she knew that Conan must have led people here.

"Conan? That kid."

Saito Jiro was a little surprised, but he reacted instantly.

The kid he caught before was called Conan.

I didn't expect that kid to know her. It seems that I can get close to him.

He smiled and replied: "Yes, I am his brother."

Teacher Fujiwara said seriously: "I am his teacher, please don't listen to the kid.

The kid's nonsense, he must be playing a prank. "

"Teacher! ! ?"

Saito Jiro was a little surprised and a little scared.

Maybe he was scared by the teacher when he was studying before, and now he seems to have a fear of teachers.

Teacher Fujiwara still looked serious, nodded, and said "hmm".

But for a moment, Saito thought that maybe what the beauty said was true.

The beautiful teacher in front of him looked serious, maybe this kid named Conan was often messed with by the teacher, so in order to retaliate against the teacher, I made this mistake.

Teacher Fujiwara looked at the fat man in front of her who was always stunned in front of her.

I didn't know what to do.

Thinking of this, Teacher Fujiwara stood up and said, "Sir, if you want to sit here, come and sit, I'll leave first. "

Saito Jiro wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.

What is there to say...

She is not Shizuka. If she continues to talk, she will only be regarded as a perverted harasser.

Teacher Fujiwara passed by Saito Jiro, passed by Conan's seat, and then walked out of the store.

When she passed by Conan, Conan secretly glanced at her, but at this moment, Conan felt a chill on his back.

What's wrong with her eyes just now?!

It's like she wants to kill someone.

"Hey, kid, you dare to play tricks on me." Saito Jiro's voice came to Conan's ears.

Conan said helplessly: "No."

They were talking there just now. Although he didn't hear clearly, he could still hear that they were not happy.

Saito Jiro said angrily: "You lied to me, she is not Shizuka at all."

"I told you, but you don't believe it. So, come with me. "

Conan left his seat and came to the counter.

"Waiter sister, what was the lady who just left doing here?"

The waiter said, "She seemed to be waiting for someone. When I asked her if she needed something to drink, she said that she had a friend coming and would wait for her friend to arrive before ordering. But she left without ordering. Maybe her friend couldn't come."

Conan looked at Saito Jiro and said, "Listen, she was waiting for her friend here, but she suddenly left. Why do you think so?"

Saito Jiro seemed a little confused, "Why is that? !"

Conan said helplessly, "She saw the person she wanted to see, that is you, and combined with what I said before, she is the so-called Shizuka you said."

"What? !"

Saito Jiro asked in confusion, "If she is really Shizuka, why didn't she recognize me! ? !"

Conan finally couldn't help it, "Do you want me to make it clearer?"

"She is not satisfied with you! ! !"

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