Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 211 210, Mental illness has escaped

Ito Taka took out a piece of... iron wire from his pants, walked to the door, and worked on the chain for a while.

...Can this guy actually know how to pick locks? He seems more and more suitable for the intelligence team.

Sano looked at Ito Taka.

To be honest, Sano originally thought that this guy would suddenly pull out some secret passage to get out of here, such as a weird thing like a cave.

...After all, the other party was originally mentally ill, and coupled with the fact that he was responsible for the smuggling network, it really can't help but arouse people's imagination.

Now it seems like Sano is worrying too much.

Also, the special skills of growing flowers cannot be learned so easily by outsiders.

In just a few seconds while Sano was thinking wildly, Ito Takashi opened the lock with a click, and then guided Sano in the direction like a welcome guest at the door of the restaurant.

"Please, Master."

Sano stared at Ito Taka with strange eyes.

It doesn’t matter if you know how to open a lock, you can open it so fast.

If the other party hadn't lived here earlier than him, Sano would have doubted whether this person was really an intelligence officer of the organization and came here just to keep an eye on him.

"What's wrong, Master?"

Ito Takashi blinked.

"It's okay. You don't need to lock the door. You can go back to sleep. I will lock it myself when I come back later."

Sano opened the door and walked out, giving instructions.


Sano glanced at the alarm clock hanging on the wall in the corridor. It was 11:20. As long as he kept staring at Mitsuo Shirai, he should be able to catch the current situation.

Sano followed the map and avoided the night shift staff at the hospital until he found Mitsuo Shirai.

... What is more surprising is that this guy has actually taken action. In addition to a pair of gloves on his hands, there is also a corpse with a short knife lying at his feet.

The corpse was also wearing a white coat. It must be that person. Eto must have won.

"The time is almost up."

Mitsuo Shirai glanced at his watch, pulled the body on the ground to the window, and then made a gesture of stabbing someone from behind.

...Is this the "hallucination" that Kogoro Mori saw?

Sano squinted his eyes thoughtfully, watching Mitsuo Shirai take out his mobile phone and talk to the other end of the phone while "stabbing someone", seemingly communicating with others.

Is this creating an alibi?

After hanging up the phone, Mitsuo Shirai threw away the body, picked up a wooden stick that looked like a chicken thigh, and hid behind the door.

Who are you squatting on?

Sano turned his eyes and vaguely heard a familiar voice cursing.

It's Kogoro Mori.

Sano also hid, he seemed to understand what Mitsuo Shirai wanted to do.

The reason for pretending to kill people for many days was not to relax everyone's vigilance, but to put the blame on Kogoro Mori so that he could be framed.

Good guy, quite brave.

But my brain is quite small, and there are so many tools in the psychiatry department over there that people don’t know how to use, so they chose Conan, the god of plague, and his future father-in-law.

A few seconds later, Kogoro Mouri limped into the murder scene on crutches, and then Sano only heard one sound... followed by two muffled sounds.

It was probably Mouri Kogoro who was brought down.

In this case, it's time to show up on your own.

Sano came to the door of the room and saw Mitsuo Shirai holding Mouri Kogoro's hand to "hold" the short sword stuck in Eto Shengli's body.

"Bang bang."

Sano knocked on the door with the hammer of justice, like a guest who came to visit someone, knocking on the door politely.

...Since justice is to be exercised, of course one has to get the Hammer of Justice. On the way here, Sano gave it to...well, borrowed it temporarily from the nurse's room.

And such a knocking sound instantly shocked Shirai Mitsuo, and he quickly looked up.

"Doctor, are you treating Detective Maori?"

Sano leaned on the other half of the unopened door and leaned out half of his body to ask.

Mitsuo Shirai looked at Sano's hospital clothes and subconsciously locked his eyes on the yellow bracelet on his left wrist.

... illness bracelet.

This is something that many hospitals like to use. Although there have been clear international plans for this, most hospitals still like to follow their own habits.

Generally speaking, there are only two departments that use disease bracelets.

One is the emergency department, which is used to help doctors distinguish the severity of patients' conditions so that they can be treated in sequence.

The other is the psychiatry department, or more accurately the psychotherapy department, because psychiatric patients who will be hospitalized also need to wear this thing.

Patients in the cardiology department wear disease bracelets for outsiders to see.

Tell others how dangerous these patients are, so that they don't step on the trap and be accidentally injured by a sudden outbreak.

Among them, red is the most dangerous. Generally, people cannot leave the ward or even get out of bed.

Yellow, on the other hand, is second-rate, representing danger, but not particularly dangerous.

Mental patients with yellow bracelets are usually locked up in the hardest-hit areas.

How did this guy escape? ?

Although he was a little confused, Shirai Mitsuo's nerves relaxed a little.

The reason why Shirai Mitsuo directly determined that Sano was not an emergency patient was simple, because if he was an emergency patient, most of them would be those who could not get out of bed at the physical level, especially if they were second only to red. This is especially true for yellow bracelets.

And Sano saw Mitsuo Shirai's expression softening, and noticed that the other person's eyes swept past his bracelet. How could he not understand the other person's thoughts?

"Do you think that even if a mentally ill person witnessed the murder scene, the testimony will not be valid?"

Listening to Sano's ridicule, Shirai Mitsuo frowned. Is this guy still thinking clearly?

Due to Sano's... problems at the beginning, Shirai Mitsuo thought this guy was crazy, confused, and not clear-headed.

However, what the other party just said is indeed not unreasonable.

"Oh, that's right."

Shirai Mitsuo chuckled lightly and stood up: "Even if you stop me and refuse to let me go, I can also let you and this Mouri Kogoro carry the blame for this case. Two mentally ill murderers. Who would think there's a problem?"

"Of course no one will think there's a problem, it's just..."

Sano retracted his body, slowly pushed open the half door, and turned the hammer of justice in his right hand: "Did you also ignore an issue? Mental illness kills, but it is easy to be found not guilty."

Seeing the faint cold light in Sano's eyes, Mitsuo Shirai was stunned for a moment, and then a cold air rose from behind.

Could it be that this guy... wants to kill himself? ?

Shirai Mitsuo never expected that he, who was supposed to be a murderer, would actually become another...preparing to become the murderer's prey.

Facing a mentally ill person, Mitsuo Shirai would certainly not think that the other person was joking, and of course he was also a murderer, so he shouldn't be afraid.

But the problem now is that Mouri Kogoro must have called the police on the way here. Shirai Mitsuo doesn't have much time left. If Sano stops him like this, he may really be useless.

Mitsuo Shirai looked at the wooden stick used to knock out Kogoro Mouri in his hand, and then looked at the hammer in Sano's hand. The comparison was obvious. In desperation, he could only kill the knife stuck in Eto Shengli's body. Pulled it out.

"If you don't want to die, get out of my way!"

Looking at Mitsuo Shirai with a fierce look in his eyes, the corners of Sano's mouth raised slightly.

In fact, according to the process, Sano no longer needs to stop Mitsuo Shirai. He can wait until the police arrive and arrest him to complete the task.

But Sano, who had been doing nothing for two days, also wanted to have some fun.

Can this rare decompression tool be let go?

Sano's smile became brighter, and then he took a step forward and walked towards Mitsuo Shirai.

"Then come on."


There were a few more screams in the hospital at night.

Under the gaze of several patients and nurses who ran out to watch the excitement, Shirai Mitsuo held a knife and ran past while screaming, looking back from time to time.

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