Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 212 211, thirty-six stabs with only minor injuries?

The look on his face was so frightened that he thought he was being chased by some wild beast.

Sano, who was wearing a hospital gown behind him, followed slowly and leisurely, neither getting too close nor falling too far away, just hanging from the back.

From time to time, he would speed up his pace, sprint, and give Mitsuo Shirai a blow at a random part, causing the opponent's screams to sublimate into screams.

Seeing the two people "flying" noisily, a nurse couldn't help but ask: "Should we call the police..."

"Have you not already called the police...although the purpose of the two times was different."

Conan, who had run to the place where he thought something would happen but couldn't find anything wrong, immediately realized what was really wrong, so he rushed back and saw the corpse and the unconscious Mouri Kogoro, and followed him panting.

"No, no, Zuo...that mentally ill person is actually a good person. That doctor killed someone, he was just doing good things out of a sense of justice!"

After shouting at the gossip crowd to explain the situation, Conan continued to catch up.

...I really didn’t expect that Sano would actually interfere and get involved in this matter.

The reason why Conan did not continue to discuss today's matter with Sano was because he knew that Sano's handling of cases... his style was a bit strange, and coupled with the other party's current special status, it would be easy to end things badly if something went wrong.

Besides, Sano is now trapped in the psychiatric ward and can't come out at night... That's right. He shouldn't be able to help, so Conan thinks there's no need to tell him to save him trouble.

...Although that is only "original" and "right".

So how did this guy escape? Could it be that he broke the lock?

No, Conan has seen that lock and it should be impossible to break it.

Does that mean removing the door?

...It seems to be in line with Sano's style of doing things, but isn't this even more troublesome! ?

Conan shook his short legs desperately, please don't cause any trouble...

Ahead, after Sano turned the corner, he happened to find an additional figure in the corridor.

It was Narumi Asai in a white coat.

This guy is also on night shift today?

As soon as the surprise appeared in Sano's eyes, Mitsuo Shirai in front started waving his short sword while shouting: "If you don't want to die, get out of my way!!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Asai Narumi, who happened to come out to use the toilet, frowned unconsciously.

Although Asai Shimizu had just joined the Rice Flower General Hospital not long ago, she still knew Mitsuo Shirai and he seemed to be a good-tempered good old man.

But now why is the opponent being chased by Shinichiro Sano with a hammer? ?

Time was so short that Asai Narimi didn't have time to think too much. She just noticed the gloves on Shirai Mitsuo's hand and the blood-stained short knife.

As a criminal, Asai's first reaction was that the other party was also a criminal.

If that's the case, how can you watch the other party run away?

Asai Narumi took one step forward and actually took the initiative to meet Mitsuo Shirai.


Seeing Asai Narimi's reaction, both Sano and Shirai Mitsuo were stunned for a moment, but the latter didn't have time to think so much.

Since you want to die, then let you die! !

Mitsuo Shirai is going crazy now.

After being tricked like this by Sano, Mitsuo Shirai cannot be said to be 100% sure that he will be caught, but it is definitely impossible to completely eliminate the suspicion as he originally wanted, and he can even be ranked as the first suspect.

Therefore, Shirai Mitsuo's mentality is completely broken.

That is to say, Mitsuo Shirai would choose to escape only if he couldn't defeat Sano. Now that Asai Nari has come to his door, he certainly doesn't mind having another life on his hands.

The short sword was handed out by Mitsuo Shirai, and Narumi Asai passed by the opponent.

Sano vaguely seemed to hear a "clang" sound of the blade colliding with the blade, followed closely by the sound of the blade entering the flesh.


Shirai Mitsuo's footsteps paused, and after his breath froze for a few seconds, several streaks of blood spurted out from the arm holding the knife.


Mitsuo Shirai hugged his arms and screamed.

Sano's eyes turned and focused on the two scalpels held between Asai Shigemi's fingers.

Both scalpels were stained with a layer of bright red. I wonder where the injury on Mitsuo Shirai's arm came from.

"I'm a doctor. How to make you lose your fighting ability as quickly as possible and how to ensure that you don't die are the simplest questions for me."

Asai Narumi turned around and said calmly to Shirai Mitsuo.

When he heard this, Mitsuo Shirai's screams suddenly became more violent.

As a surgeon, Mitsuo Shirai certainly has a good understanding of the structure of the human body, so he can clearly feel that his hand is completely useless. Even if it undergoes perfect treatment in the future, whether it can be used daily is still unclear. Still a problem.

...Although from the current point of view, Mitsuo Shirai is almost certain to be caught, this does not mean that there is not even a little hope in his heart.

I hope this is over and I can continue to be a doctor.

But now, even this little hope has completely disappeared.

Damn, damn! ! !

Mitsuo Shirai gritted his teeth, and driven by hatred, he picked up the short knife on the ground with his other hand, and then ran away.

...To be honest, Sano was a little shocked.

Although he knew that Asai Narumi was not as weak as he seemed on the surface, Sano really didn't expect that the opponent's fighting performance would be so exaggerated.

The main reason is that the visual impact is a bit strong.

Especially the words the other party said after he made a move always reminded Sano of a certain classic joke in his previous life - a female medical student stabbed her cheating boyfriend thirty-six times in a row. Minor injuries.

Well, maybe that’s the beauty of being a medical student?

And just as Sano was sighing, Conan finally caught up behind him, and then he was confused when he saw the scene in front of him.

...When Conan heard Mitsuo Shirai scream so miserably, he thought it was Sano who was starting to be cruel, and his little heart began to tighten, but it turned out that it was not the case.

By the way, isn't this Asai Narumi? Why is she here?

Before the three parties who had gathered could communicate, they saw Mitsuo Shirai in front of him getting up and running away.

Naomi Asai subconsciously threw a scalpel backhand and inserted it directly into Mitsuo Shirai's left the crook of his leg, causing the other party to scream again.

Seeing Mitsuo Shirai dragging one leg and still trying to move forward, Sano stretched out his hand to stop Asai Shigemi who wanted to continue throwing knives: "It's quite tenacious."

"Why haven't you chased me yet?"

Conan shook off the messy thoughts and asked the key question.

"He has worked so hard, of course we have to see what he wants to do, and then ruthlessly crush his last hope."

Sano said so, making the two people next to him couldn't help but remain silent.

...Do you dare to be a little less human?

"Okay, let's go and follow him to have a look."

Following the unhurried Sano, the three of them followed Mitsuo Shirai, and after going around all the way, they came to... the psychiatric inpatient area.

Looking at the large open iron door, Conan and Asai Narumi reacted almost at the same time and looked at Sano subconsciously.


Sano scratched his face: "Who is this? He doesn't know how to close the door when he comes in or out. It's really not... a good habit."

...Sano originally planned to say he was uneducated.

But considering that it was him who was scolding him after all, Sano was a little more merciful.

...This is obviously your fault, can you not be so thick-skinned?

Asai Narumi and Conan looked away and started talking about business.

"Those who are very troublesome in the psychiatric department will be even more troublesome if Mitsuo Shirai is allowed in."

Sano smacked his lips. He was blaming himself. How could he have imagined that the other party would actually come here.

...Unless this guy already has the key in his hand and doesn't worry about not being able to get in.

"It's no big deal, just knock them all unconscious."

After saying a word, Sano took the lead and walked in, followed closely by Conan.


Mitsuo Shirai's scream sounded again.

Asai Narumi quickly turned on the corridor light. At the end of the corridor, Shirai Mitsuo was already stepped on the ground by a man with a short head.

The short-haired man still held the blood-stained short knife in his hand, and was about to stab Mitsuo Shirai in the neck.

Narumi Asai had quick eyes and quick hands, and threw out a scalpel to interrupt the opponent.

"It's a pity. Even if he committed a serious crime, he should be punished by the law."

"Fortunately, only one ran out, so it's not a big problem."

Conan muttered.

Sano glanced at the opened door at the end, then raised his hand and rubbed Conan's dog's head.

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