Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 372 Chapter 371, Belmode: There is gossip, there is gossip, there is gossip!

But who would have thought that this would actually lead to... No, it is inevitable that handsome people will be liked, and it is also inevitable that there are people like old aunts in the "like" group, but just I looked at the other person twice and was misunderstood as having thoughts about her...

That makes people feel very painful.

Say it from the bottom of your heart.

Although Sano admitted that he did have some control over his appearance, he was definitely not the kind of person who would attack other people's appearance for no reason.

But in this situation, Sano really couldn't control his physical reaction.

……Do not misunderstand.

Sano just wanted to vomit.

After the corner of his mouth twitched, Sano tried his best to put on a calm expression, then shrugged to show that nothing was wrong, then ignored the other person and withdrew his gaze.

Upon seeing this, the old aunt suddenly felt a little disappointed and... she pursed her lips in aggrievedness.

Probably because-

It was obviously the other person who flirted with me first, so why did he just ignore her after flirting with her?

But the old aunt didn't say anything more after all, and then looked away.

This made Sano shiver uncontrollably, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no way, this love is too heavy, Sano really can't afford it!

After the little episode.

Sano quietly took out the Hammer of Justice.

...Anyway, the scope has been reduced to such a small size, no matter what.

Let’s try one first.

Then Sano gently touched the old aunt's arm with the hammer of justice stuffed into her sleeve, and she felt as if she had been punched.

The old aunt whispered, leaning to the other side in surprise, and looking at Sano with a little dissatisfaction in her eyes——

Damn it, this person is mentally ill, he just ran away after flirting with her, why is he suddenly launching a "personal attack" now?


Could it be that he was too shy before and didn't dare to persist, but ended up regretting it and planning to do it all over again, so he wanted to hint secretly to himself, but he was too excited and failed to control the intensity?

In an instant, the old aunt's eyes lit up again.

But she didn't wait... The old aunt who had taken the initiative started to act out of joy. The little noise she made just now attracted the attention of the two robbers in front of her, and they angrily yelled at her not to move, otherwise they would kill her. she.

The old aunt was obedient... Although in Sano's opinion, this was just pretending.

There is no mistake, this old aunt must be the third robber.

Fortunately, the guy sitting next to Sano was not the guy wearing a knitted hat, otherwise he would have been a little unsure of whether the other party would react to the Hammer of Justice. Is this the setting of the "third robber"?

Looking back, Conan was still winking at Sano.

...This guy kept doing this after his failed attempt to peek at the ski bag. Unfortunately, Sano ignored him, and the guy was almost too anxious to speak.

But even though Sano was free now, he still ignored Conan.


Because Sano Rikonan had no clue about the third robber before, and wanted to see the other person's answer sheet. In addition, he could also postpone the handover time. As for now, isn't it possible to hand in the paper in advance?

Looking ahead, the police seemed to have planned to release that so-and-so guy, briefly attracting the attention of the two robbers.

Best chance.

Sano had put the hammer back into his backpack, then suddenly stood up and struck the old aunt with a knife on the back of the neck who was about to respond to his "hint".

...Damn it, it really hurts to chop someone's hand.


The old aunt obviously didn't expect to be attacked by Sano. The little noise she made before fainting finally alerted the two robbers in front of her.

But when the two people turned around, Sano had already kicked on the backrest, used the force to fly two or three meters, ran wildly out of the passage, and rushed towards the two people.

"Damn it!"

The robber outside raised his gun and shot.

However, both bullets were easily dodged by Sano.

Before the third bullet came out of the chamber, Sano had already grabbed his hand, pulled hard, and pulled the other person towards him, while stabbing the other person's throat with a knife.

The robber's eyes immediately bulged, his face turned red, and Sano took away his pistol.

And because of the obstruction of the person in front of him, the robber behind him didn't even dare to fire his gun. Until Sano shook off the robber in front of him, the whip leg was already followed.


After another groan, the robber who was kicked in the chin rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

Sano pointed the muzzle of the pistol in his hand at the head of the robber behind him who briefly lost the ability to react. He was shocked the next second...

This wave is instinctive.

There were too many kills on America's side, and some couldn't be converted.

After narrowly retracting his finger that almost pulled the trigger, Sano lamented that his vest was not dirty, and then threw out his vaginal leg again.

causing the opponent to completely lose its combat capability.

This scene also made the male passengers among the crowd, who were already shocked by Sano's sudden action, unconsciously feel a chill in their crotches.

He subconsciously crossed his legs.

...Sano moved quickly.

From knocking the old lady unconscious to finally lifting her vaginal legs, the whole process only took about two seconds.

Most people didn't even realize what happened. They only knew that when they heard the noise and looked over, the two robbers had already been brought down.

The few who could react were unable to react further because Sano's actions were too sudden... and some were incomprehensible.

What happened to the old aunt who was knocked unconscious?

Except Conan.

Although Conan also couldn't understand how the other party determined the identity of the third robber.

It can be recalled that the other party at least discovered the existence of the third robber in the car no slower than him, and "explained" with great certainty that there was a bomb in the car.

Conan felt that he had reason to believe that in addition to being good at fighting, this girl might also be very strong in reasoning ability... She might even be able to compete with Sano.

There were two people among the people present, because Sano's actions had different thoughts from others.

That is Shuichi Akai and Belmode.

Different from these ordinary melon-eating people, both of them are masters among veterans.

Of course, it can be seen that the two bullets Sano dodged were not dodged in advance after predicting the trajectory of the robber, but were dodged after the bullets came out of the chamber, which is the so-called Strike later.

Both of them had seen this kind of situation before, so the first thing that came to their minds was only one name...or rather a code name.


But both of them knew very well that Rye was not with Neon now.

But in America.

...Of course, Shuichi Akai has received a reply from James, and there are still doubts about whether Rye is still alive.

But even if Rye is still alive and has disguised himself, even disguised himself.

That shouldn't appear in Neon now, unless that guy comes back on a rocket.

Akai Shuichi frowned and his eyes flickered.

But Belmod, who didn't know this yet, was different from Akai Shuichi.

After realizing that the person in front of him could not be Rye, another new name quickly emerged in Belmod's mind - Black Mask!

That's right, the one who once rescued Miyano Shiho at the Cupido Hotel, which made Gin furious, and later even pestered him some time ago, forcing the work machine who never rested for a day since he entered the organization , superheroes who all had to enter a forced "vacation" state.

By the way, this guy seemed to have been called "Kurosawa" just now?

Belmod's eyes flashed.

It might be a coincidence that Kurosawa shares the same surname as Gin.

It might be a coincidence that he can dodge bullets just like Black Mask and Rye.

But putting these two coincidences together makes it impossible for people to think that this is a simple coincidence.

There is no doubt that this guy and the black mask are staring at Gin.

It's the same person!

I just don't know whether the surname of "Kurosawa" is due to a bad taste after knowing Gin's real name, or... this guy's real surname is Kurosawa.

If it’s the latter, that would be so interesting!

Belmod's eyes couldn't help showing a little excitement.

Although he was not 100% sure yet, Belmode still smelled a smell keenly.

What is the taste?

Of course it smells like gossip!

I wonder what Gin's reaction would be if he knew about this?

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