Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 373 372, Sano: There is gossip, there is gossip, there is gossip...

Of course, compared to this, Belmode is also very curious about what the truth behind it is.

Belmod seemed to have transformed into a curious baby.

It's a pity that due to the wrong time and place, Belmode was unable to vent his emotions to his heart's content.

So we can only try our best to suppress it.

At the same time, relief and surprise gradually appeared on the faces of the passengers who realized that the danger had been lifted. Although the cheers were swallowed back by Sano's index finger in front of his lips in the next second. .

what happened?

... Logically speaking, the three robbers have been dealt with, and Sano's work should be considered over, but in fact it is not.

Because the task is not completed.

What the hell is this?

Sano was sure that he had made no mistake. All three robbers had lost their ability to move, and the second mission was forgotten. Why was the first one not completed?

Could it be that he hit the wrong person and the third robber was not the old aunt?


Suddenly, a very small sound came into Sano's ears, like the sound of the hands on a clock moving, just considering the current situation.

Sano even thought this was a countdown to the explosion.

Did you really hit the wrong person?

And the third robber has already activated the bomb?

... No, if the wrong person was really shot, then the third robber should not have directly activated the bomb. The other person was a robber, not a terrorist.

How could he possibly plan to die together while "he" was still in the car and his identity had not yet been exposed? Moreover, there was something wrong with the way the bomb was detonated. Why was there a countdown?

For a moment, Sano's brain ran with several ideas, and he finally came to the conclusion that the bomb was timed, but it had been activated from the beginning, so he did not hit the wrong person, just because of the bomb. The "factor" still exists. The passengers on the car have not yet received a 100% guarantee that they will not be killed, so both tasks have not been completed.

After all, the three robbers were also "people in the car", and if they were killed by the bomb, there would be no question of whether they could go to jail.

But even though he said that, it didn't stop Sano from immediately unzipping the ski bag.

Sano would not bet the outcome on such speculation.

After unzipping, Sano also saw the countdown bomb as expected.

The detonator of this bomb was very subtle.

Sano, who didn't understand anything least had some superficial understanding, could tell almost at a glance that this bomb was a strange bomb that combined three types of detonation and abandonment.

Once the remote control device is pressed, a countdown will begin, and if it is subject to a less violent collision, it may also cause an explosion... Of course, these are not important. What is important is that the countdown is only twenty seconds.

Damn it!

How about playing? ?

"Stop the car quickly. The detonating device of the bomb is this guy's watch and has been activated!"

Shuichi Akai, who discovered that the bomb had been activated by watching the time on the old aunt's watch fixed at one point and motionless, shouted in a deep voice.

This also made the atmosphere in the car instantly become panic.

The driver even braked suddenly and opened the door at the same time, racing against time.

Conan, who was right next to the bomb, also noticed something was wrong with the bomb and quickly shouted to the team members sitting next to him: "Hold the bombs and don't let them be impacted, otherwise everything will be over!"

There was no time to respond, so the three real children quickly divided into two groups.

Two helped Conan hold down the bag inside, and one helped Sano hold down the bag outside.

Although Sano didn't really need help.


After the harsh friction sound, the bus swerved to a stop and lay across the middle of the road.

Screaming, the passengers poured out of the car.

Sano shouted to Shuichi Akai behind him and asked him to carry the old aunt. As for the other two robbers, Judy and "New De Tomaki" took the initiative without being reminded and carried them. .

...Wicked, brain-dead, and insane!

Who the hell taught you to set the bomb's remote detonation device on your watch? ?

If he had been accidentally touched and hadn't discovered it yet, he would have died immediately! ?

Sano, who was still a little bit dissatisfied in his heart, was preparing to evacuate the bus finally, because he had to make sure everyone evacuated safely... Although he found out when he turned around.

Conan dropped a sieve girl.

...What's wrong with this girl? She's so stupid?

Sano didn't quite understand Haibara Ai's current state, but this did not prevent him from coming to the other party and picking up the fake lolita. Then the other party suddenly raised his face with fear written all over it. He felt familiar.

Haibara Ai is not an ordinary child, so naturally he will not be frightened by things that ordinary children are afraid of. When Sano saw the other party with such an expression in the past, it was basically under certain preconditions.

That is "organization".

But everything is fine... Could it be, Kurosawa?

Sano suddenly realized that it was not surprising that Ai Haihara, as Shirley, knew his real name.

Could this guy have mistaken himself for someone from Gin?

It shouldn’t be.

Didn't that Conan guy tell this girl about himself?

Sano couldn't think of an answer, and he didn't have time to think about it.

After kicking the car window to pieces, Sano jumped out of the car with Haibara Ai in his arms. Conan, who happened to find Haihara Ai still in the car and ran back, was stunned for a moment.

Then without any communication, he turned around and ran back again.

Not far away, Miwako Sato, who was following the bus at some unknown time, was frantically shouting to other passers-by on the road to disperse - "Boom!!!"

Flames rushed out of the car windows, and the powerful shock wave knocked many people who had not been able to evacuate too far to the ground.

After the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, Sato Miwako began to ask if anyone was injured. Only then did Conan realize that Kurosawai and Haibara Ai had disappeared.

Where are people? ? ?

Damn it, just forget about that guy disappearing suddenly.

Why did he suddenly disappear with his teammates?

While Conan was depressed, Sano had already brought the fake loli to the alley on the next road.

...It wasn't that Sano wanted to abduct Haibara Ai, but this fake loli asked him to take her away immediately after the climax of the explosion passed.

"Thank you, thank you."

It was only then that Haihara Ai's expression softened a lot. After sitting on the ground against the wall, he thanked Sano.

"I asked, what's your situation? What are you afraid of?"

Sano didn't want to think too much and asked Haihara Ai directly... Looking at the fake lolita, it seemed that she wasn't afraid of her own surname that was borrowed from magic.


Although when she first saw Sano's black suit, Haibara Ai almost mistook him for a member of the organization, but the other party saved her at that time. No matter how she looked at it, he didn't look like a member of the organization. ...Otherwise, she should have been silenced the moment she discovered her identity.

Why waste your energy on rescuing and then killing him?

Especially here, after the radar lost its effect, Haihara Ai became even more certain.

The other party is no longer a member of the organization.

...As for the surname "Kurosawa", Haihara Ai was just trembling when Conan called it. She had no time to pay attention to such trivial matters.

Therefore, Haibara Ai didn't even know that the person in front of him was the person who had solved two... or three robbers, to put it more exaggeratedly.

Haihara Ai didn't even know why the car was hijacked.

Anyway, we just can’t leak the organization’s affairs to innocent passers-by.

However, Sano was certainly not happy to accept this.

Come on, it looks like there is gossip to listen to. How could Sano not be interested?

Sano knelt down. Even so, he still couldn't look directly at Haibara Ai who was sitting, but at least the distance between their eyes was very close.

The feeling of oppression also rose immediately.

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