Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 402 401, Takagi Shita: I understand... a loneliness

Hearing Conan's instinctive murmur, Hui Yuan Ai's body froze next to him, turned his head suddenly, and raised his head following the other person's gaze.

Then he turned into a stone statue just like Conan.

...Sano didn't expect that he would meet Conan and the others here.

But in just a second, Sano roughly realized what was going on.

Originally, Sano wanted to switch to his vest and buy his own gloves.

This can be considered "sold", right?

Unexpectedly, Conan actually told Maolilan and others about this matter.

Unexpectedly, the thoughts of these people seemed to be on a collision course with him.

Perhaps considering Sano's feelings, they even chose a time to dispatch when he was not around, probably intending to make a quick decision and do good deeds without leaving their name.

...To be honest, Sano himself is not sure whether this bug can be overcome by switching to the method of buying and selling vests.

If that doesn't work, Sano plans to call in foreign aid.

Although it is not Conan's foreign aid.

But since it's a collision, it's better to just get into this car with a higher success rate.

What's more... fifty thousand yuan is money.

Anyway, Suzuki Sonoko, the rich second generation, was "reimbursed".

Of course, Sano was happy to save some expenses and do charity. Who wouldn't do it?

What Sano should be thinking about now is whether to say hello to Conan.

In order to hide from others, Sano not only changed his waistcoat, but also put on a passerby hat. His original intention was to complete the "transaction" quietly, but after the "crash", the effect of low presence has disappeared... No, even if it is low If the role of presence disappears, wouldn’t there still be a passerby’s face?

Even if his face is not seen, why is Conan still staring at him?

Wait a moment.

Sano's head turned the almost rusty piece of memory.

The passerby hat Sano usually wears with the rye vest. In addition to the low-presence sneak attack effect, it also has the effect of a passerby face.

This was relatively novel at first, but over time it became more common.

Sano almost forgot that this thing existed.

It suddenly occurred to me just now, but I didn't realize that this thing is the symbol of rye.

...So, does Conan think of himself as Rye now?

After being stunned for a moment, Sano chose to turn around and leave.

Seeing this, Conan came back to his senses instantly. He wanted to call out to the other party, but was stopped by Haiyuan Ai next to him: "Are you crazy? Let's not say who this guy is. If he is really an organization Man, you don’t care about these two anymore!?”

Conan was startled and turned to look at the two best friends who were already talking to the little girl.

Damn it.

When he gritted his teeth and looked back, the figure had disappeared into the crowd in the kindergarten.

Why on earth does this guy appear here...

"Are you sure that guy is him?"

Hui Yuan Ai was a little suspicious and said, "Why didn't I detect the aura of the organization in him?"


Conan looked away and sighed thoughtfully.

"Okay, I bought the things, let's go quickly."

Suzuki Sonoko picked up the pair of tattered gloves and walked out, happily saying: "I didn't expect that little girl to be quite sensible and actually gave me a 20% discount."

"Twenty percent off?"

Conan subconsciously asked: "How much price did Sano set?"

"fifty thousand."

Suzuki Sonoko answered truthfully, which made Conan and Haibara Ai couldn't help but hit a row of points.

How the hell is this so embarrassing?

...In the crowd, Sano watched the four Conan people leave, then returned to the toilet, changed horses, took off the passerby's hat, modified his clothes and returned to the stall.

"Ah, Sham, the gloves have been sold, but I gave that sister a 20% discount!"

Seeing Sano coming back, the little girl holding several ten thousand yuan bills grinned and immediately shouted excitedly, while the aunties next to her stared.

It was like seeing a ghost.

Did you really sell it?

And at this price and at this speed?

This is cheating! ?

Sano rubbed the little girl's head: "That's good, go and give the money to Teacher Qi, and I'll go back first. Remember the feast you promised."


Then Sano left the kindergarten and planned to go home.

As a result, they bumped into Conan's foursome who had left first.

Four people gathered in front of a police car, talking to the policewoman inside.

Just when Sano was thinking about whether he should go up and say hello, after all, he had just owed a debt of gratitude invisibly, the task followed.

[Please help Takagi Wataru find out the truth within the mission time limit, and go to the appointment in time. You will get 100 strengthening points when you complete it. The remaining time of the mission is - 04:59:59].

Takagi Wataru?

Sano nodded, turned around and called Takagi Wataru.

"Hey, where are you?"


Takagi Wataru on the other end of the phone was obviously a little surprised when he received Sano's call.

"are you looking for me?"

"Don't talk nonsense. If I ask you where you are, just tell me where you are. You're so annoying."

Thinking of Takagi Wataru's procrastination in the last case, Sano couldn't help but curl his lips.

In this regard, Takagi Wataru could only report his location.

After hanging up the phone, Sano glanced at the four Conan people on the other end, stopped a taxi, and set off to Takagi Wataru's location.

After a while, Sano arrived at the location, but called Takagi Wataru again.

No one answered.

What the hell, where are the people?

Sano looked around and couldn't help pouting again.

"Big black."

Sano turned his head and glanced at Daikoku on the roof not far away. The opponent immediately spread his wings and flew sensibly. Taking advantage of the height advantage, he searched for Takagi Wataru's figure from the sky... Look, even birds are more reliable than that kid. Spectrum.

After lighting a cigarette, Sano waited patiently.

After another moment, Sano put out his cigarette butts and came to the next street, where he saw Takagi Wataru standing with a fat policeman with a troubled face.

"What are you doing."

Sano kicked Takagi Wataru in the butt: "I didn't even answer my phone calls."


Takagi Wataru rubbed his butt, touched his pocket, and then smiled sheepishly: "Sorry, sorry, I was on the phone with Yumi just now, but I seemed to have thrown my phone in the car... By the way. "

"Is there something urgent you want to see me for?"

Faced with Takagi Wataru's doubts, Sano answered the question inappropriately: "Are you involved in a case?"

"Ah yes."

Takagi Wataru had no intention of hiding anything and immediately explained the situation to Sano.

Not long after receiving Sano's call, Takagi Wataru encountered a robbery case. After a chase, he blocked someone in the toilet in the park next to him.

But there were three people blocked.

Two of them were just innocent passers-by who went in to use the restroom.

But Takagi Wataru couldn't determine which of the two were passers-by, and which one was the hateful robber who robbed the supermarket.

In desperation, Takagi Wataru first took the three suspects back to the car, and then searched for witnesses in an attempt to find effective clues.

And successively, Takagi Wataru had valid testimony from a total of three eyewitnesses.

Although these three testimonies conflict with each other.

"Because the robbers were wearing helmets and coats, and even used written paper to communicate during the robbery, we have no way to determine the specific characteristics of the robbers."

"A female student in a store said that the robber was a tall man about 1.8 meters tall, because he was obviously half a head taller than the passers-by next to him, and the clothes under his coat were green. There was a boss who put a sign in front of the store. It was said that the robber was about 1.7 meters tall and the clothes under his coat were black. An old man who was knocked down by the robber when he was escaping said that the robber was a woman and the clothes under his coat were blue... "

Takagi Wataru explained the situation to Sano one by one according to the testimony in the small book with a headache.

"Otherwise, Sano, would you like to follow me to check on the conditions of the three suspects?"


Sano followed Takagi Wataru to the car, and the three suspects were called out of the car.

Two men and one woman.

The heights of the three of them are about 1.8 meters, 1.7 meters, and 1.6 meters respectively.

The 1.8 meter man was wearing a blue sweater, the 1.7 meter man was wearing a green sweater, and the 1.6 meter woman was wearing a black top.

It is indeed completely confusing with the testimony of the three eyewitnesses.

Sano rubbed his fingers.

In such a situation, generally speaking, there are only two possibilities.

The first one is the three witnesses, each of them saw a different robber.

So it doesn't match.

But this is a bit unrealistic, so let’s start with something more realistic.

If there is no problem with the robber himself, then there can only be a problem with the witnesses.

It's not that Sano suspected that the three witnesses were lying.

It's just that sometimes, people's eyes can deceive themselves.

"Are the three witnesses the robbers they saw at the same time and place?"

Facing Sano's question, Takagi Wataru immediately shook his head.

Just as Takagi Wataru was about to explain the situation, he was interrupted by Sano: "Then take me to see it on the spot."



By chance, Takagi Wataru's cell phone left in the car rang, and he answered the phone.

"Hey Yumi, I'm not... Kudo brother?"

Hearing Takagi Wataru's somewhat surprised voice, Sano raised an eyebrow and looked.

There is nothing surprising about Conan being involved in the case.

But before this person showed up, the call came. It was a bit beyond Sano's expectations. What made him even more confused was that the other party used the identity of Kudo Shinichi... By the way, this kid Takagi was captured by Officer Megure. It's infected.

Why are you starting to talk to one brother at a time?

Of course, in terms of actual age, there is nothing wrong with Takagi Wataru calling Kudo Shinichi his brother.

It just feels a little awkward.

The name Sano didn't include the word "brother".

Otherwise, Sano might act awkwardly.

"...What are you talking about? Officer Sato went on a blind date!?"

And just when Sano was thinking wildly, Takagi Wataru shouted, and his whole body turned gray, and even the voice on the phone could no longer respond.

Seeing this, Sano took the phone and put it to his ear: "It seems quite lively over there?"


Hearing Sano's voice, Conan on the other end of the phone couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Why are you at Officer Takagi's place?"

"I want to ask you first, why did you call Takagi so well? What else happened? Miwako Sato went on a blind date. What happened?"

Sano asked Conan about the situation there.

It turned out that the policewoman who talked to the foursome earlier was Miyamoto Yumi from the Ministry of Transportation. Through her, Conan and the others learned the gossip that Sato Miwako was going on a blind date today, and the blind date was with her toes. A random photo taken from a bunch of photos provided by my mother.

... Sure enough, no matter where you are, urging marriage is a particularly popular project among old mothers.

Sano picked his ears.

After that, the three of Conan went to Miwako Sato's blind date place to watch a movie.

Well, the fake loli slipped away, probably because she was not interested in gossip.

all in all.

Conan and others eavesdropped on the blind date between Sato Miwako and Shiratori Rensaburo...

Why did Shiratori Rensaburo pop up again?

The two made a bet, that is, if Takagi Wataru can get there to pick up Miwako Sato before dark, then the blind date will be treated as if it did not exist.

And if Takagi Wataru fails to rush there before dark.

Then Miwako Sato had to marry Shiratori Rensaburo, and to "prove" it.

The two of them have to talk first.

...It’s really outrageous to open the door for outrageous things.

"But since Sano you are there, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Listening to Conan's faintly teasing tone, Sano chuckled and asked: "Why do I have to help Takagi, and you, and why should I help Takagi? Why, isn't Shiratori Rensaburo not worthy?"

"It's shameful to treat them differently, boy."

"Don't be ridiculous, forget it about others. I don't believe you can't figure out which one of the two Officer Sato really wants."

Conan also laughed: "And judging from your efforts in bringing Sonoko and Kyogoku together last time, I don't think you will ignore this matter."

"Anyway, that's it, Shiro."

After hanging up the phone, Sano turned his attention to Takagi Wataru, who had regained some of his energy and was secretly listening to his exchange with Conan.


Takagi Wataru smiled awkwardly and asked tentatively: "Sano, what did you mean by what you told Brother Kudo about me, Officer Shiratori, just now?"

"Hey, guess what."

Sanopi threw the phone back without a smile: "Take me to see the scene."

"Okay, okay."

Takagi Wataru then took Sano to the supermarket where the robbers robbed.

"This is not the scene I want to see."

Sano sighed helplessly: "Forget it, let's talk about the robber's escape route and the testimonial points of the three witnesses on the route."


Takagi Wataru led Sano from the front in an unusually dogged manner.

"This is where the female student saw the robber."

Sano took a look at the store Takagi Wataru pointed to. There was a large floor-to-ceiling window, allowing people to clearly see the situation outside even if they were inside.

The conflicting points in the testimony of the three eyewitnesses are nothing more than color and height.

Let’s not talk about the former, but Sano has experience in the latter.

It was the case where Sano was coaxed into dressing up as a woman in order to trick law enforcement.

In that case, it was because the victim himself wore thick-soled shoes that the suspect's height was reported to be higher in the testimony.

But the female student who provided this testimony did not, and there were still many pedestrians. The conclusion drawn as a reference should not be wrong.

Of course, Sano didn't think that the robber must be 1.8 meters tall.

In the last case, Sano thought about the factors affecting the suspect himself.

Contains the suspect's shoes, and...environmental space.

Sano's eyes searched carefully on the road in front of the store, and finally successfully found a factor that might lead to a conflict.

After taking a few steps onto the bulge at the edge of the sidewalk, Sano looked at Takagi Wataru.

"How tall do you think I am now?"


Gao Mushe was stunned and suddenly realized: "Could it be that..."

"Go to the next one."

Without hesitation, Sano pulled down the progress bar and came to another store. Behind the counter stood a middle-aged man wearing glasses, the boss.

"You were the robber you saw in front of the store, right?"


After receiving the confirmation, Sano immediately turned his attention to the door of the store.

It's spacious and bright, and I ran past it, so my height shouldn't be a problem.


Suddenly, Sano's eyes were fixed on the pair of glasses worn by his boss.

Sano quickly took off his boss's glasses and came outside into the sunshine.

Takagi Wataru, who was following closely despite being baffled, immediately saw that the glasses turned into sunglasses.


"This is……"

"The robber's clothes are not black."

Sano was too lazy to say anything more and threw the sunglasses back to Takagi Wataru. With his eyesight, he wanted to notice the subtle changes in the clarity of his boss's glasses from time to time.

Don't be too simple.

Although after two waves, Zuo Ye almost had the answer.

However, taking into account the rules and procedures of the case, Sano asked Takagi Wataru to call the third and final witness.

This is a hunchbacked old man with gray hair and reading glasses.

Just as Takagi Wataru was full of expectation and curiosity, waiting for Sano to make any new discoveries.

Sano took out two drink bottles, one green and one blue.

"Old sir, can you tell me what color these two bottles are?"

...Is this a color blindness test? ?

Takagi Sheba's eyes widened, and for a moment he just felt that the clouds and mist were parting and he could see the blue sky.

So that’s it, that’s it!

Takagi Wataru was extremely excited. For the third time, he finally caught up with Sano's thinking in advance. He understood, he finally understood!

I just didn't expect that it would be color blindness.

Sano was able to discover all this, he is truly a famous high school detective!

But just when Takagi Wataru's heart was full of emotion and appreciation.

The old man said: "The one on the left is blue, and the one on the right is green... I'm not telling you that. Although I am old and a little presbyopic, I can't even distinguish the colors. Are you kidding me? ?”

Takagi Wataru: "..."

Answer, right?

So it's not color blind?

Takagi Wataru stared again.

...Then do you really know how lonely you are?

After being stunned, Takagi Wataru looked at Sano with inexplicable embarrassment, only to find that the other person put down his drink calmly, as if he didn't feel any surprise.

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