Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 403 402, Belmod: Make a promise/Sano: Ugly reject

Chapter 403 402, Belmode: Make a date, Sano: Ugly rejection


Reasoning, isn't it just speculation step by step and practice to get the truth.

If you make a fuss because your guess is wrong, you are not worthy of being a detective.

Gao Mushe thought of this and calmed down his mood.

...To be honest, Sano shouldn't be embarrassed in the first place.

But Takagi Wataru next to him had a look of sudden realization, which made Sano feel embarrassed.

Of course, Sano didn't want to be embarrassed.

So he pretended that nothing happened.

As the saying goes, as long as you are not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

Of course, this also put Sano in trouble.

Because apart from color blindness, Sano really couldn't think of any other reasons for this old man that would cause him to report the wrong color of his clothes.

Yes, Sano has almost determined the color of the robber's clothes.

Good reasons, but if the holes in the testimony here cannot be closed.

So no matter how sufficient the previous reasons are, they cannot become ironclad evidence.

After thinking for a while, Sano picked up the green bottle of drink again.

"Old sir, was the blue you saw then this color?"


The old man gave an unexpected answer, making Takagi Wataru's eyes widen.

"No, old man, didn't you just say that this is green? You also said that the color of the robber's clothes is blue. This is not just for fun!"

"Blue and green, there's no difference between them..."

The old man muttered, leaving Sano and Sano speechless for a while.

Finally, Sano asked the most crucial question: "Old man, why do you think that the robber who knocked you down is a woman?"

...After a while, Sano and his wife returned to the car.

The three suspects inside were already impatient and kept complaining.

"Okay, roll up your sleeves and let me take a look."

After hearing Takagi Wataru's instructions, although the three of them were a little impatient and confused, they could only follow the instructions and rolled up their sleeves on both sides to the elbows.

The 1.8 meter man wears a watch on his hand, the 1.6 meter woman wears two watches on her hand, and the 1.7 meter man wears one watch on his hand.

The special thing about the last person is that his watch faces inward.

"You are the culprit!"

Takagi Wataru pressed the 1.7 meter man onto the car.

Next to him, Sano watched Takagi Wataru explain the situation. In fact, from the first wave of investigations by the two of them, it was almost certain that the suspect was this person.

The female student misjudged her height. In fact, she should be 1.7 meters. She shouldn't have misjudged the green clothes.

So it can only be this man.

The next two waves of verification were just to eliminate other people's suspicions.

The shop owner once again confirmed his height, but misjudged the color of his clothes. After denying the black sweater, the man's suspicion became much greater.

The last thing to deny is the old man's testimony about "women" and "blue clothes".

In terms of color... although it was not color blindness as Sano thought, something was indeed wrong. The most important thing was that the old man thought the other party was a woman.

Originally, it was difficult to tell the male and female robbers because they were wearing coats and helmets.

Why did the old man think this could be a woman?

The answer is that the old man saw the robber's watch with the dial facing inward.

Generally speaking, only women are used to wearing it this way...and even though Sano thought it was far-fetched.

They're just confusing people.

But this troublemaker has become more ironclad evidence than his height and the color of his clothes.

As for why this guy wears a watch like this, according to Takagi Wataru, it's because he is a teacher and doesn't like students to pay attention to the time, so he puts away his watch during class, and even his own watch faces inward.

This prevents students from seeing it and makes it easier for you to view it.

But this is not important. What is important is to quickly take Takagi Wataru to Sato Miwako.

As Conan said, Sano is very keen on matching couples.

In his previous life, Sano was the typical love counselor in the class. Although he had little practical experience, he had perfect theoretical knowledge. Both men and women often consulted him.

...Now that I think about it, it feels a little sad and a little funny.

At that time, I really dared to teach, and those guys also really dared to learn.

Well, even if you put this aside, the mission also included the requirement for Takagi to attend the appointment when it was involved, so Sano naturally had to give it a try.

To be honest, a mother-in-law like Takagi Wataru has a tougher temper than a mother-in-law.

Sano doesn't like it very much.

Of course, Sano didn't intend to help him correct it.

That is something that Takagi Wataru himself and Sato Miwako should worry about.

At most, Sano can just help out when he's in a good mood.

"Wait a moment!"

Sure enough, unexpected factors arrived.

Just when Takagi Wataru was about to call Miwako Sato to report the situation and inquire about the situation, the prisoner who had been handcuffed ran away.

Seeing this, Takagi Wataru suddenly became anxious, but before he could start chasing, a black shadow shot out of the air and hit the man on the back of the head quickly.


The man fell to the ground and rolled on the ground.

Sano then calmly stepped forward to pick up the hammer... Because this guy just robbed a supermarket, his crime was probably not serious, so at the beginning.

Sano didn't think about using the hammer of justice to eliminate it, but it was still a crime no matter how minor it was.

Not to mention that the flying hammer hit by Sano just now was very powerful, and it hit the back of the head. Even without special bonus, it was quite painful.

At least ordinary people won't be able to recover even if they don't have a minute.

...Takagi Wataru can understand it very well, because he has also been hammered in this way.

And several times!

Thinking of what happened in the warehouse before, Takagi Wataru felt his head hurt again.

Logically speaking, Takagi Wataru was a little bit resentful after being hammered several times by Sano, especially since the other party knocked him out just to break Miwako Sato's handcuffs.

But Takagi Wataru is not a bad person after all. He naturally knows very well that Sano's purpose is to rescue him faster. Even if the method is a little excessive, but judging from the result, it is... everyone is happy, right?

Therefore, when Takagi Wataru saw Sano today, he didn't even mention that matter.

Even if I mention it, it can only be a thank you.


Sano didn't talk nonsense, just threw the prisoner to the little fat man, and then dragged Takagi Wataru into the car.

"Hey, where are we going?"

"Where did you say you were going?"

Sano started the car, and Takagi Wataru next to him was still nagging: "I have to return the prisoner to the police station with Chiba, how can I leave my post without permission?"

"The case has been solved. What responsibilities do you still have?"

Sano rolled his eyes. He really thought he didn't understand the law. Under the conditions of the scene where the case was properly handled, Takagi Wataru, as a police officer, really couldn't leave his post without authorization.

But if the case has been solved and the prisoner has been brought to justice, it doesn't make much difference whether the final escort is done or not, as long as there is someone to escort him.


"Which is more important, the case or my wife, do you want me to tell you?"


Before Takagi Wataru, who was full of question marks, could ask questions, Sano stepped on the accelerator.


"Holy shit, shit, shit, wait a minute Sano, slow down, I haven't fastened my seat belt yet!!"

...On the other side, Sato Miwako and Shiratori Rensaburo were sitting opposite each other.

The four Conans in the next room were observing through the crack in the door secretly.

"Really, why hasn't Officer Takagi come yet?"

As time went by, Mao Lilan couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Suzuki Sonoko twitched her butt excitedly: "What does it matter? I think Officer Shiratori is much better than Officer Takagi. Of course, I'm not saying that Officer Takagi is bad, but in terms of character, ability and family, Officer Shiratori is indeed much better than him."

"Then according to what you say, if someone better than Brother Kyogoku appears, Sister Sonoko will also choose to give up Brother Kyogoku and choose someone else?"

Conan asked rhetorically.

Suzuki Sonoko pursed her lips: "That's different. Ah Zhen and I are in love, but Officer Sato's feelings seem to be unclear."

"I think Officer Sato likes Officer Takagi."

Mao Lilan said firmly: "If the matter is really urgent, then I have no choice but to... I'm sorry, Officer Shiratori."

...What is this plan for?

I always feel that Officer Shiratori's situation is a bit dangerous.

Conan blinked and comforted Mao Lilan.

"Don't worry, Sister Xiaolan. Brother Sano just sent me a text message, saying that he was with Officer Takagi to help him solve the case. He should arrive soon."


Mao Lilan instantly breathed a sigh of relief, while Suzuki Sonoko was surprised and couldn't help but murmured: "Really, why do even seniors think that Officer Takagi is better than Officer Shiratori... Is my taste really that bad? ?”

On the other hand, Tomoaki Shinde suddenly asked with a smile.

"Do you have a good relationship with that Sano Shinichiro?"


Suzuki Sonoko turned around and smiled confidently: "More than just a good relationship, my senior and we are best friends, almost like family members!"


Tomaki Shinde pushed up his glasses: "But I rarely see you together. Most of the time, it seems that you are involved only when there is a case, right?"

Mao Lilan scratched his head: "Because seniors are more... free and easy, so they are not in school most of the time, wandering around. I don't know exactly what they are busy with."

"I see……"


Suddenly, the movement in the next room interrupted the communication between the four of them, and they turned to look through the crack in the door.

The sliding door had been violently opened and hit the end. Sano casually threw Takagi Wataru in, who was like a puddle of mud, and then sat down on his own and started to clean up the untouched food on the table. ".

Next to her, Miwako Sato looked confused. She supported Wataru Takagi who was staggering towards him and asked subconsciously: "Takagi, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

The pale-faced Takagi Wataru raised his head and wanted to grin when he saw Sato Miwako's face, but the next second his expression changed, and he opened his mouth and said "Wow".

A bunch of things vomited on Miwako Sato's kimono.

... It kills people's appetite.

Sano twitched the corner of his mouth and put down the food in his hand. Even the bite of food that had just entered his mouth was spat out on the table, and then he turned around and left.

Miwako Sato was left in a daze for a while, then screamed loudly.


The four Conan people in the next room quickly evacuated and caught up with Sano.

"I said, you didn't drive Officer Takagi here, right?"

Conan asked curiously and speechlessly... No way, that kind of reaction was so familiar to him. Not only him, but also the two best friends next to him, Maori Ran and Suzuki Sonoko, also had expressions on their faces. eccentric.

...The painful memory of the last ride in Sano's car seemed to come to mind again.

The key is that apart from this possibility, Conan and the others really can't think of any other possibilities. Otherwise, it's impossible for Takagi Wataru to be so disgusted that he vomited when he saw Sato Miwako's face, right?

"If I don't let him drive the car, I don't know what problems will happen if he is dragging his feet."

Sano could also understand the meaning behind Conan's question.

"By the way, I've practiced driving and now I won't crash again."

Conan: "..."

Mao Lilan: "..."

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

Since there was no chance of a car crash, why did Takagi Wataru vomit?

Without thinking too much, the three of them had already imagined the scene of Takagi Wataru walking on the tip of a knife.

Well, sometimes, the danger that may come at any time is more exciting than the danger that has already arrived.

On the other hand, Tomoaki Shinde raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "It seems that your driving skills are very good. Sano-san, do you have a chance to take me for a ride?"

...These words sounded funny, and it felt as if he was saying it to Sano.

Are you dating, handsome guy?

Sano's answer was naturally very simple.

Sano glanced at Tomoaki Shinde, no, it should be said to be Bermod, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid it's not appropriate for two grown men to go for a ride, although Doctor Shinde's face looks inexplicable. It smells like a sissy, but my sexual orientation is still normal and even if my sexual orientation is distorted, to be are not my type."

Sano answered Belmod in a cryptic manner - sorry, no date, ugly rejection.



Mao Lilan, who was shocked by Sano's words, quickly apologized to Bermod: "I'm sorry, doctor, senior, sometimes he speaks strangely. There is absolutely no malice. He has a good heart. Don't do it." mind……"

Belmode smiled warmly and said nothing happened, but he was already on guard in his heart.

Being called a sissy may seem insulting to outsiders.

But since Belmode is a woman, it doesn't matter.

Secondly, as a cadre member, especially a cadre member who is good at disguise, Belmode will not be easily provoked by one sentence, not to mention that this sentence seems to have other details to be considered.

Sano is so good, why would he call himself a sissy?

Just bad breath?

Belmode felt that what was more likely was that this boy had discovered something.

...Just as Belmod thought, Sano already knew her identity.

He didn't find out through any details, nor was anyone told Sano.

Perhaps both can be counted.

The previous mission that Sano and Gin went to America together was because Bermod suspected that he was involved with the FBI. The evidence was that he was with Shuichi Akai.

Gin told Sano this.

And through this, Sano can know.

Belmod once witnessed the scene where he, Rye, and Shuichi Akai were together.

There are not many moments like this.

Then think of Shuichi Akai and the guy who should be his teammate, the daily stalking of Tomoaki Shinde, and the members of the organization that the fake loli sensed during the bus hijacking case.

The answer is already there.

In particular, Belmode is good at disguise, so it won't be too difficult to replace the new Chi Ming.

As for Belmod's purpose.

Sano glanced at Conan, and it could only be because of this kid.

But other than that, will Belmode pay attention to Sano?

To be honest, Sano doesn't know very well.

Belmode was not an ordinary cadre-level member, but he was not a clear-cut senior cadre like Gin, so Sano didn't know whether this foreign girl had the authority to access his files.

Originally seeing Belmod here suddenly, Sano was so surprised that he didn't bother to pick her up.

But who knew that this guy would actually come forward on his own initiative.

Judging from the previous situation where Bellmode was still able to snitch with Gin, even if she was being watched by the FBI, this foreign girl would not have no room to move around.

Therefore, the "seduction" just now should not be because he wanted to talk to me about something.

What's more, if Belmode really has the qualifications and can access Sano's file information, he can send him a text message or call him.

What kind of secret connections are there?

Most likely it was to test something.

But since Belmode didn't know that Sano had a "problem", why would he want to test it?

It's true that Sano's identity is that of a peripheral member of the organization, but that thing was operated by him at the earliest stage and was not even included in the archives. The only people who knew about it were Toru Gin Amuro and Vodka.

There is no one else.

Could it be that one of these three people leaked this setting to Belmode?

After walking out of the store, Sano and the others got into the car separately and went home.

At the same moment, Dahei, who was arranged by Sano to follow Belmod, reported back and saw the figure of Akai Shuichi, who was also following him from a distance.

Heh, by the way, that fake loli didn't come over to eat melon today.

It should be considered lucky, right?

Belmod is not an ordinary cadre member. Whether it is authority or seniority, it is impossible for him to be low. Naturally, Sano will not think so.

This foreign girl has never seen gray... it should be said that it is the face of Miyano Shiho.

It wouldn't matter if he were an ordinary person, but Huihara Ai was particularly iconic.

It would be easy to recognize him, especially since Belmod seemed to know what happened to Conan, so it was not surprising to associate it with Haibara Ai.

Of course it doesn't matter.

What's important is what exactly Belmod wants to test Sano.

Sano was a little curious.

In fact, logically speaking, I should give Belmode a chance to test it out.

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