Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 597 600, basic transportation ethics!

Conan below was still very nervous and looking forward to watching the stalemate battle... Mainly because he was really curious about which side would win.

When he saw the black dragon being kicked in the neck, Conan didn't feel anything unusual. After all, it had happened several times since the beginning of the battle.

Each time, little results were achieved.

There is a high probability that it will be the same this time... That's what Conan originally thought.

Until he noticed that there seemed to be a faint electric arc beating on the black mask's feet, Conan's pupils suddenly shrank and the corners of his eyes twitched.

……Could it be that! ?


The black dragon swept through the tiles and smashed them from the roof to the ground, throwing up a cloud of dust.

When the dust cleared, all he could see was that the black dragon's eyes were white and foaming at the mouth.

Upon seeing this, Conan's expression changed immediately as his suspicion was instantly verified.

"Are you OK!?"

Conan quickly approached and checked the black dragon's breathing.

Fortunately, the black dragon did not die on the spot. He still had his last breath and some vague consciousness... To be honest, this kick reminded him of the last time his neck was hit, and he was sent to death for the second time. The kick into the hospital, ah, even the position is almost the same.

But if you really want to talk about seems that this kick is even more terrifying, especially when coupled with the death roll after falling to the ground.

I fell from the roof more than ten meters away...I felt like my whole body was falling apart.

Black Dragon couldn't help but murmured: "Tokyo, so scary..."


Good guy, just give someone a kick and knock him out of his mind?

Conan was speechless and twitched his lips. After looking back at Sano who was motionless, he raised his head and shouted to the roof: "He's fine. He probably won't die. I'll call an ambulance and take him to the hospital right away!"

On the roof, Kyogoku Makoto and Kuroba Kaito breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Although the two people were relieved at different points.

Only Sano, who was wearing a mask, calmly retracted his foot.

Knight kick.

Without considering cheating or killing, this is the strongest attack method that Sano's black mask vest can use.

Even the force of a kick with a hundred explosive attributes is not as strong as this...

In other words, Sano deliberately held back his strength.

Otherwise, it's hard to say whether Black Dragon would have died suddenly on the spot.

As for why Sano chose Black Dragon as the breakthrough point instead of Kyogoku Makoto.

In addition to the different relationships between the two, the main reason is the personality.

Sano's Knight Kick has an attack power that far exceeds its attributes, but its attributes remain unchanged. In other words, its speed is relatively slow. For opponents of the level of Kyogoku Makoto and Black Dragon, it is easy to dodge it. open.

It is equivalent to the so-called empty space.

Therefore, the Black Dragon, who is used to being arrogant, will most likely choose to bear it... Well, this guy has already been admitted to the hospital twice, and he will continue to live in it.

It's not a particularly bad option.

"Hey, withdraw."

Sano directly hit Kuroba Kaito on the back of the head with a spider web.

At the same moment, the people hanging up in the Suzuki Grand Museum finally woke up... This guy, couldn't the hypnotic gas be used better? It didn't even last ten minutes before it expired.

Seeing the group of people rushing out of the Suzuki Grand Museum below, they had already discovered the anomaly on the roof, and planned to spread out their camps to surround and intercept them. Kuroba Kaito could no longer care about that thing that seemed to slap him on the back of the head, and hurriedly rushed to I'm about to jump down from the edge of the roof, but...

It's a bit difficult at this height.

...It's not that if the height is too low, Kuroba Kaito may not be able to fly and fall directly. After all, this is still the height of a three- or four-story residential building. It is definitely impossible to fall, but the problem is that the speed cannot be increased.

Gee, I have been dragged on the roof for too long... If this continues, I feel like I will be overtaken in a few minutes, or even...

He was forced to land, and landed directly in the net.

Just when Kuroba Kaito was feeling a little irritable, he suddenly felt a heavy blow on his back, causing him to almost lose his balance.

He fell headlong to the ground.

What the hell?

Kuroba Kaito looked up and saw the black mask standing on his back...

"I said, my eldest brother came to save you with good intentions, and after working so hard to save you, you ended up running away without taking me with you. Is that interesting?"

Sano stepped on Kuroba Kaito's forehead and twisted his foot.


Since he was in the air, Kuroba Kaito couldn't do much. He could only let the soles of his feet rub against his face, but he said angrily: "Please, can you be like me? I won't tell you now." With that elusive ability, no one can stop you if you want to run away. Even if you can't run away, what can the police do to you, a messenger of justice? I'm a fucking thief. If I get caught, it's over. And what the hell are you doing? I can't fly at all if I stand on it, if I don't get down quickly, it's over!"

"To put it bluntly, you just want to run away alone!?"

Sano snorted coldly, but didn't pay too much attention to it... Just as Kuroba Kaito said, gliding was already difficult, and a person's weight was added to it.

Not only did the gliding speed decrease, but the downward speed also became faster.

Looking back at the group of police officers Nakamori and others who were chasing after him, Sano retracted his foot and shot out two spider threads, grazing Kuroba Kaito's neck from both sides and sticking together in front of him, turning into a thread. rope.

Then pull back slightly.

Kuroba Kaito, who only felt that fate was being strangled by his throat, was instantly frightened and shouted: "No, brother, I'm not really ungrateful. I want to leave you alone to delay time, so as not to strangle me to death." Bar!?"

"Who the hell is going to strangle you?"

Sano curled his lips disdainfully and commanded: "Speed ​​up."

Kuroba Kaito scolded: "Give me some extra speed. This is a hang glider, not a plane. I just want to speed up. The key is that it can't speed up!"

"I said I could!"

Sano pulled the spider thread, forcing Kuroba Kaito to tilt up, changing the direction of the glider, turning the originally top-down gliding route into a slightly upward one... However, due to the original height problem, the speed of the glider was reduced. It is already very slow. Logically speaking, if it flies upward, the gliding distance is likely to decrease significantly, which means that the emergency landing point will become very close...

Kuroba Kaito thought so.

But when he rushed up more than ten meters and his speed did not drop at all, but was even much faster than before, Kuroba Kaito was stunned.

what's the situation? ?

Compared to Kuroba Kaito's confusion, Sano above was much more downplayed. When he reached the end of the street, he even pulled the spider thread and made the guy at his feet stick out his tongue and flick his tail. drift……

It was as if the spider silk Sano was holding in his hand was the reins, and he was stepping on it under his feet.

It's like a horse.

Effect [riding].

The speed used as a vehicle will be doubled.

That's right, Sano used Kuroba Kaito under his feet as a means of transportation.


...Okay, this thing is actually not too outrageous. The Milky Way is also a river at the conceptual level. It's just that the hang glider on Kuroba Kaito's back is indeed a means of transportation. Sano only changed it slightly.

Just the way to drive a vehicle.

Is there a problem?

Anyway, Sano didn't think there was a problem.

"...the guys behind realized something was wrong and started chasing them in their cars. They were ready to make a few more sharp turns and take advantage of the terrain to get rid of them."

Hearing the command from above, Kuroha Kaito, who was desperately grabbing the spider silk around his neck with both hands, immediately became panicked and hurriedly shouted: "Wait a minute! Let me breathe slowly first." But come here..."

Before he finished speaking, the thread was already pulled.

Kuroba Kaito felt out of breath again, and could only passively manipulate his body to drive the glider to turn, becoming a tool man completely.

So, that's it.

in the night sky.

A black figure drives a white figure.

Gradually disappeared from the sight of the pursuers.

That's how things happened with the Emerald Emperor.

Conan did not ask Sano about why the "Black Mask" appeared in the Suzuki Museum and even helped Kaitou Kidd.

Maybe it’s because you know you won’t get the answer, or maybe you think you already know the answer.

In addition, he won the bet between Kyogoku Makoto and Tomoko Suzuki.

It wasn't just the bet that won.

The key is Tomoko Suzuki's change in perception.

Being able to fight and endure hardships - mainly means that he slept a night in the gem showroom beforehand and was honest - after all, the negotiation was all Sano's fault. In the end, he was not too stupid - at least he had prepared some other means.

All in all, maybe not the best option, but at least, not bad.

The last one is the bet between Suzuki Sonoko and Kuroba Kaito...

At that time, Kuroba Kaito went to the Suzuki mansion and approached Suzuki Sonoko.

An agreement was made between the two.

Suzuki Sonoko will lend her identity to Kuroba Kaito.

And Kuroba Kaito wants to help Suzuki Sonoko do a test - that is, after he uses the perfect disguise technique to disguise himself as her, Kyogoku will really see it.

From the test results, it seems that Sano was able to tell the difference.

But in fact, afterwards, Kyogoku Makoto said that he had already seen that Suzuki Sonoko was fake... mainly because the length of their fingers was different.

This result made Suzuki Sonoko both happy and sad.

The happy thing is that at least Kyogoku really recognized it, but the sad thing is...

The identification is based on the length of the fingers, not the feeling. It is a very ethereal thing, and does not have the flavor of true love, invincibility, and destiny.

...Women's thoughts are really strange.

"Speaking of which, senior, since you couldn't recognize the difference between high-end dresses at that time, and you also thought that everyone who came close to gems should be embarrassed, then why did you let Kid get close to Kyogoku-senpai?"

Mao Lilan asked with some confusion.

"Then there's no need to ask. Of course, it's because brother Sano has already discovered that sister Sonoko has surrendered to the enemy, so he wants to give face and stay put for the time being. Let's see brother Kyogoku's reaction before taking action."

Conan took it upon himself to give the answer.


Suzuki Sonoko, who was full of surprise after hearing this, immediately grabbed Sano's hand: "Is that so? Wow, I'm really touched, senior, you are actually willing to risk the gems being stolen and your reputation being ruined. Even with the risk, I still have to complete my willful little test first, it’s really..."

After a wave of self-reflection.

Suzuki Sonoko grabbed Conan's ear again with her backhand.

"And you kid, what do you mean by surrendering to the enemy? You actually say it so ugly!"

...Isn’t that just surrendering to the enemy?

Sano curled his lips slightly speechlessly... That is to say, the Suzuki family was very wealthy, which made him feel a little better, but he was not so rich.

Just a few words from Kuroba Kaito caused him to fall into a super love brain state. He was completely led by the nose to help the enemy steal such an important gem, and he didn't care about his boyfriend and mother at all. The bet between them... Of course, it may also be because Suzuki Sonoko really doesn't care about the outcome of the bet at all, but even so.

Sano still felt that he was really stupid.


If Kyogoku hadn't recognized that Sonoko Suzuki was disguised as Kaito Kuroba, and if it wasn't even possible to identify someone by the length of her fingers... how would this girl react now?

Will I be so disappointed that I break up?


Suzuki Sonoko noticed Sano's gaze and turned around: "What's wrong?"


Sano stood up and patted his butt: "I was just wondering how stupid you could be."

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

"Let's get down to business, what are you doing here?"

Sano turned his eyes to the people sitting on the stairs, the duo of best friends, and the duo of fake kids... Yes, even the fake lolita came over.

Sano didn't think that such a combination would come to greet him.

"Let me remind you in advance, if my hometown is raided because of you guys, then I will be very angry... I understand."

Listening to Sano's serious warning.

Several plague gods all tilted their necks for some unknown reason...

"What are you talking about?"

"It's nothing, I just want to say that it doesn't matter if you get a case, but don't give me any demolition...such as bombs or fires."


After receiving the answer, the duo of best friends were still confused, while the duo of fake children reacted and showed speechless fish eyes. Among them, Conan seemed to have been stabbed in a sore spot and couldn't help but reply: "Hey, I said, can you please stop being superstitious like those stupid guys?"

"Why are you so superstitious? Calculating based on probability is not science."

Sano raised his lips: "For example, yesterday's Suzuki Grand Museum was always safe and sound, but last night, the roof was gone."

"Then can you blame me? You have to blame Kaitou Kidd. Besides..."

Conan suddenly lost his voice... The other three were Kyogoku Man.

This is the real culprit.

But considering the identities of those people... Conan still felt that it would be better to put all the blame on Kaitou Kidd, the legitimate thief.

"Besides, aren't you also present?"

Conan plans to drag Sano into trouble again.

However, Sano smiled disdainfully.

"At least your office was almost bombed before...and it almost affected my shop. There has never been a murder in my house."

Conan was choked and speechless.

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