The other three people next to them were speechless... although it was not very accurate.

But Sano is obviously trying to make a fool of himself at fifty steps, right?


It was Haibara Ai who clapped her hands, intending to put an end to such a meaningless farce, and said: "We came here because we heard that you are going to dance tomorrow, but you have been busy with Kaitou Kidd in the past two days, and it seems that you have not practiced at all, right? "

Sano raised his eyebrows and looked at the mobile phones in the hands of the other three people except Mao Lilan. He probably understood what was going on. He couldn't help but laughed angrily and said: "Then it doesn't matter whether I practice or not. What's the matter with you?"

"Hey, are we separated?"

Suzuki Sonoko said with a smile: "Aren't we worried that if you don't practice well, senior, you will be embarrassed on stage tomorrow? How embarrassing would that be... By the way, senior, have you ever danced before, including ballroom dancing?"

Sano was reminded of memories and touched his chin: " should be counted as skipping, such as broadcast gymnastics and square dancing. Maybe social shaking can also be counted?"

Hearing Sano's words, the four of them looked at each other in confusion.

...Although I can’t quite understand it, just look at the beginning of the radio gymnastics.

There was no doubt that Sano had never danced at all.

Even the steps for ballroom dancing given by Suzuki Sonoko were not used.

"...What is social shake?"

Haiyuan Ai's focus was strange, even though she had never heard of the square dance in the middle.

But at least I can still think of a rough concept, which may be similar, but may also be far different, but only this society shakes.

...Haihara Ai has no thoughts at all.


Sano, who was shocked to realize that he said something he shouldn't have said, said something casually.

...That is a past event that is unbearable to look back on, so it’s okay not to mention it.

Sano waved his hand and walked upstairs: "Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. If you want to see me make a fool of myself, there's no need. I'm going home to sleep."

"Hey, senior, we really don't want to see you make a fool of yourself. Rather, we don't want you to make a fool of yourself tomorrow, so we want to give you a special training today."

Suzuki Sonoko shouted hurriedly, but unfortunately Sano didn't pay attention.

"Tch, it really failed."

Looking at Suzuki Sonoko with a face full of regret, Mao Lilan next to her was a little helpless.

"I told you not to do this a long time ago. What if senior gets angry?"

"I really want to see that guy angry..."

Conan muttered, attracting Mao Lilan's attention, and quickly changed his words: "Ah, ah, what I mean is that with Brother Sano's indifferent character, he should definitely not be angry because of such a little joke. That's right... If this can make people angry, then what are the things this guy has done so far, the devil's punishment."

After fooling Mao Lilan, Conan couldn't help but muttered again.

"Forget it, I have to go on stage tomorrow anyway."

Suzuki Sonoko put her hands on her hips and smiled: "Let's go watch the live broadcast then."


Mao Lilan wanted to say something more, but Suzuki Sonoko hugged her shoulders and said with a mean smile: "Hey, Xiaolan, you should know what kind of dance senior will dance when he goes to the kindergarten tomorrow. That's for the two of us. When a high school girl dances, she will feel a little ashamed of her super cute girly style. How do you think your senior will dance? Will he be particularly shy? Have you ever seen your senior be shy? You don’t want to see your senior’s face flushed, but you can’t Aren’t you curious about how you won’t persevere?”

Under the guidance of Suzuki Sonoko, who was breathing rapidly and her eyes were shining.

Mao Lilan's eyes gradually became erratic...

"...I said, if we failed to succeed when we came here today, would it have alarmed the enemy and made Sano wary and not go on stage tomorrow?"

Conan turned to look at Haiyuan Ai, who had some dissatisfaction in his eyes, and smiled: "Just relax, maybe I can't say what the final result will be, but I can be sure that, This guy will definitely come to power, and this is the only thing he can't escape."


Hui Yuarai nodded thoughtfully, then asked again.

"Then are you sure that that guy won't be worried about doing this? You should know that even if we really get a piece of Sano's dark history, compared with what he has in his hands, our things It’s almost a difference between cloud and mud, not to mention that many things are no longer black history, but can be called handles, and they have obviously been getting along normally for so long, but I haven’t seen him really do anything, and they have always been in peace. , there is absolutely no need to worry that it will get to the point where each other’s cards are revealed, right?”

...The most important thing is that if the card is really revealed, then this card will be of no use.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Conan clicked his tongue disdainfully: "What's important is never equality. You're right. Sano does not always use our excuses to talk things out, but it does exist after all. As long as he wants to , even if it's just a whim, you can take it out at any time, it's like a thorn in the flesh... I don't think we can find a way to remove this thorn, or even just stick one back. Thorn, but, as the saying goes, a stick of incense is worth a Buddha, and a person lives for a breath... Otherwise, you followed me without saying a word after receiving the news, why? "

Huihara Ai didn't say anything. It was obvious that Conan had hit the key point.

Looking to the side, Mao Lilan had been fooled by Suzuki Sonoko.

Now everything is ready, all that's left is for Sano to take the stage!

Conan showed an unusually vulgar smile, "Shut up, Sano, I'm going to let you know right away, even an ant will fight back!" !

at the same time.

Sano, who returned to the house, was turning on his cell phone.

...Perhaps, Sano did feel a little awkward about the dance he was going to practice, but it wasn't enough for him to choose to run away, let alone not being able to escape.

After all, Sano has always upheld... in short.

There was a reason why Sano made excuses to leave, and the reason was Gin's call.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"Why are you taking leave today again?"

As soon as the call was connected, Gin asked him coldly.

...That's right, Sano took a day off today, and in fact it wasn't just today.

Sano seems to have been on leave for quite some time.

Sometimes, Sano does have a valid reason.

But sometimes, it's just perfunctory.

For example, it is almost the same as when the homework was not handed in at school, the teacher asked why it was not handed in, and then replied that he forgot to bring it.

Occasionally turning a blind eye and closing one eye will pass.

If you play like this every day, your father, the head teacher, won't care.

"...The reason has already been explained."

Sano picked his ears and said, "I have to practice dancing tonight and go on stage tomorrow morning."

"...It won't be a problem even if you refuse this kind of parent-child game."

"Why, is there some particularly important task that must be done by me?"

"That's not true."

"What else can you say?"


Gin's thoughts on the other end of the phone were already a little confused.

Human habit is a very scary thing.

At the beginning, Sano worked diligently, but later became more and more lazy.

Not to mention perfect attendance, three days of fishing and two days of drying nets can be considered a compliment.

Especially Gin himself tied Sano to his side, actively turning him into a mascot who fishes in the water, and every task is a pendant.

There seems to be nothing wrong with Sano taking time off unless necessary.

...This seems to have become an irrefutable rule.

So when Gin was asked this question by Sano, he didn't think anything was wrong for a moment. He was really speechless and speechless.

For a while, I wanted to speak but stopped, and stopped but wanted to speak again.

"...Please contact me later when you can work again."

Faced with this chaotic situation, Gin could only choose to make a clean break and escape for a short time.

"Okay, I get it now."

Sano hung up the phone directly and asked Gin, who put the phone to his ear, to listen to the "beep" sound inside. He didn't move for a long did it feel.

It seems like something is getting wrong?

"Big, big brother?"

The vodka next to him didn't dare to take a breath. Before suffocating himself, he finally couldn't help but make a weak sound to test the state of Gin.

Gin came back to his senses, put down his phone, and let out a breath.

"Let's work."


The next day.

The intersection at the corner of the road in front of Futaba Kindergarten.

Sano didn't know why parent-child activities in kindergarten were held in such a public place... but considering the nature of the performance.

Maybe it's also a publicity tool.

Anyway, there were quite a lot of passers-by watching the show.

Among them, four guys who had just come to Sano's house yesterday and had evil intentions were the most excited... Especially Suzuki Sonoko, who actually got a very professional-looking camera from nowhere... This kind of thing seems to be called a cannon, right?

This was Sano's first time seeing it. It felt a bit like an astronomical telescope.

"I'd like to invite you..."

I heard that the kindergarten teacher in charge of hosting reported to the program of his two groups.

Sano came to his senses and went on stage with the little girl.

I heard from the little girl that there are three classes in Shuangye Kindergarten, and each class has about forty or fifty students. Counting their parents, there are about three hundred people in this performance, and each performance has an average of twenty or thirty people. degree.

Not too much, not too little.

Logically in Sano's class performance in his previous life, with this number of people, it is basically a very simple thing to reduce their presence.

But the problem is.

Half of these twenty or thirty people are kindergarten children, and the other half are.

Sano really stands out.

Not only because of his excellent looks and temperament, but also because of his age.

Parents of kindergarten children may not be too old, at most in their thirties, excluding second children and having children in old age.

...But that's still a whole round older than Sano.

Maybe it's out of sheer novelty, or maybe it's just for appreciation.

Anyway, Sano is undoubtedly the center of attention.

Even a few mothers who were supposed to be filming their husbands and children's performances involuntarily turned their cameras to Sano's side because their fathers joined the performance... Fortunately, although the clothes during the performance It's unified, but not particularly childish.

Sano, who was wearing colorful sportswear, stood behind the little girl. His usually lazy posture straightened up a little, and his feet beat in time with the music.

“Let’s do whatever we want together~”

"Let's dance together~"

"The old man who likes to lie appears from the pot~"


Sano followed the lyrics with an expressionless face and started jumping, spinning, and jumping. I closed my eyes... Well, I was cooperating with the people next to me to make corresponding movements.

And after Sano started dancing.

The voices in the audience, which were still loud or quiet, suddenly stopped and there was silence.

...It's not that Sano dances well... No, it's indeed because he dances well, but the fundamental reason is not how shocking the dance is.

After all, there is no dance in this song itself.

It's just that other creators have made up various dances for it.

The one designated by the kindergarten is one of them, which is relatively good-looking, but also a very simple version...after all, kindergarten children have to learn it.

all in all.

There’s not much to say about the dance itself.

The problem is that Sano dances too well... To be precise, it's too standard.

Half of the twenty or thirty people on the stage were children, so naturally they couldn't dance very well.

The other half of the parents, either because they don’t have enough time to practice, or because they have a perfunctory attitude, are very lazy, or in order to cooperate with the children, they subconsciously dance very artificially...

Anyway, it just seems that Sano dances better and stands out more.

Finally, it is a question of contrast.

This is a cute song, and the choreography is naturally the same. As mentioned before, it can be danced by kindergarten children... And Sano, a grown man, dances so well and dances so seriously, it is true. …


This is similar to when I was in school and saw some students dancing very standardly during recess exercises... To be honest.

Conan thought.

When Sano comes here, there are only two possible reactions when he takes the stage.

One is mostly awkward and pretends to be calm.

The other one was perfunctory and mostly unhappy.

No matter which one it is, at least for Conan, it can be regarded as a gain.

But Conan just didn't expect that this guy would be so...perfect?

Taking it too seriously is a given.

This can't help but give people a thrilling feeling of numbness or even exploding of the scalp.

Why are you here to vent your anger? You are here to suffer, right?

Next to her, Haiyuan Ai felt the same way.

However, compared to Conan, Haihara Ai's performance was not too obvious.

As for the bestie duo.

Although the purpose of the tomboy duo Conan and Haibara Ai is slightly different, the basics are the same, so in addition to feeling shocked, there is also a very awkward feeling... It feels like It’s the same as what you did and what you shouldn’t have done.

Unusually embarrassing.

"Da da da la lila~"

"Crack, crackle, crackle~"

"Okay, okay, okay~"


The show goes on.

During the music, a few melon-eaters with dull eyes felt that the wind was a bit noisy today, making their hair messy, but they didn't care to take care of it.

But what Conan, who was already confused, didn't notice was this.

At the end of the road in the distance, a black Porsche was approaching.

"...Brother, will Rye come today?"

Hearing the question from Vodka next to him, Gin, who was looking at the operating capital income and expenditure statement in his hand, replied absently: "I don't know, not yet..."


The sudden sudden braking almost caused Gin to hit the front window.

Fortunately, Gin had always abided by the law and fastened his seat belt properly, so he didn't really hit him. But before he could get angry, he heard a horrifying shout from the vodka next to him - "Big Big brother!!”

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