Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 317 This long night is finally coming to an end! (Part 2)

"If you say so, junior... Well, it's not bad! Now I live closer to the dessert shop, so when I come back from work in the evening, I still have enough time to clean up the housework!"

━━∑( ̄□ ̄*---━━

As Mingmei's words fell, Haiyuan completely collapsed and became petrified.

No more, this person is really hopeless! Is this really still my sister? !

He glanced at Mingmei desperately. If the woman in front of him didn't know many secrets of his boudoir, and the inner body was undoubtedly his sister, Haiyuan would have felt that his sister had been betrayed! !

Could it be that this is the power of love?

ε=(′ο`*))) alas

"Deng Deng stare!!"

With a faint sigh, Haiyuan picked up the change of clothes from the wardrobe, put on his slippers, and walked into the house angrily stepping on the wooden board in the corridor.

Akemi and Kishida looked at her back in surprise, then looked back at each other, and then smiled tacitly.

"You all know how to avoid the little traps at home, right?"

Walking leisurely in the corridor, Kishida asked Akemi in a gentle tone.

"I remembered it all after you said it once this morning!"

"Oh? Is it so awesome? It took me a whole day to write it down!"

"Hey, don't underestimate my memory!"

Akemi held a shopping bag in one hand and waved her pink fist in front of Kishida with the other hand.

“However, if there are so many things in the house, it will be very inconvenient to clean them!”

The body jumped up slightly and crossed the distance of half a meter. Mingmei looked at a vague white line on the wooden board and said with some distress.

"There's no other way, safety comes first! Besides, you really think I'm willing to keep you busy all day long!"

Hearing this, his thumb scratched Akemi's nose lovingly, and Kishida said with a smile.

"Hehe~ Actually, doing these things isn't very tiring, right? Rather, it makes me feel happy and happy! Because I think this is something super meaningful, so I am willing to do it!"

Mingmei laughed playfully, her eyes sparkling, her watery eyes were particularly charming, but her tone was very serious and sincere, and her lightly beating footsteps seemed to show that she was really happy, without any reluctance.

Beautiful smile, beautiful eyes!

Looking at Akemi's blue eyes and brisk smile, these words appeared in Kishida's mind inexplicably. He just felt that saying such words, coupled with this appearance of Akemi, once again stirred up his heart. .

"Huh? What's wrong? Are you touched by me?"

Mingmei tilted her head deliberately and looked at Kishida Xiang pretending to be confused and asked.

"Ahem, you're still far away!" Kishida's face turned slightly red, he rolled his eyes and immediately changed the subject:

"You pick up the clothes and wash them first. You know where the washing machine and dryer are. I'll put the hot water in the bathtub for you!"

After saying that, Kishida was about to run away, but Akemi immediately grabbed him by the corner of his clothes: "Wait a minute!"

"Huh? Is there anything else?"

Kishida was embarrassed by Akemi's smile that couldn't be concealed, so he could only ask helplessly.

"Socks, your socks! Let me wash them too!"

Akemi chuckled and pointed at Kishida's black stockings.

"Well, I usually wash my socks by hand..." Kishida scratched his head and said troubledly.

"...Who told you that I have to use a washing machine to wash my socks? I also wash my socks by hand! Besides, who would put socks with clothes in the washing machine!" Mingmei glared angrily. He glanced.

"Ahem, I used to..."

"Stop blabbering, take off your socks quickly! Then go get us some hot water!" Mingmei curled her lips and interrupted him rudely.

"...OK, OK!" Kishida thought for a moment, and with Mingmei's increasingly impatient expression, he took off his socks and handed them to Mingmei, and then hurriedly ran to the bathroom without looking back.

ε=ε=ε=(~ ̄▽ ̄)~


Seeing Kishida running away in embarrassment, Mingmei couldn't help laughing.

It's rare to see a junior being shy, I feel... so cute! hey-hey! You always tease me, now it’s my turn~~

At this time, Akemi remembered that she was five years older than Kishida, and thought that this should be the scene of a "sibling relationship"!

As for washing socks, what’s wrong with washing your man’s stinky socks? It’s not shabby at all! Anyway, this is the virtuous thing an island woman should do!

But speaking of smelly socks...

Mingmei was thinking happily just a moment ago, but suddenly she remembered something. She turned her head and looked around with a guilty conscience like a thief, then suppressed her shyness, lifted Kishida's black socks and put them up to her nose. I took it together and smelled it cautiously.

Huh~~ It’s okay, it doesn’t stink at all! This way it won’t be difficult to wash my junior’s socks in the future, hehe...

Feeling the inaudible odor coming from the tip of her nose, Mingmei felt relieved and suddenly pursed her lips, feeling ashamed of her behavior just now.

"Sister, what about you..."

However, at this moment, a helpless voice suddenly reached Mingmei's ears, which really startled her.


Haiyuan, who didn't know when, appeared again, looked at Mingmei and subconsciously took a step back, and rolled her eyes.

"Ha, haha~ Have you seen it all, Xiao Ai!?"

Minmei laughed dryly and asked with a blush.

"What do you think?!" Haiyuan glared at her and asked angrily, instantly making Mingmei feel ashamed.

"Ha, haha~~"

"After learning the lesson from the last time, sister, you have become even more serious! I know you like him more than before! But you shouldn't just follow him and spoil him in everything. Just do whatever he says and be so nice to him. Bar!"

Seeing how embarrassed his sister was after being caught, Haiyuan said with hatred.

"Junior, he is different from that person!" After hearing Haiyuan's words, Mingmei subconsciously glanced at her brows and replied.

"I know, and I believe him, but..."

Haiyuan's momentum immediately weakened by three points, and he was so hesitant that he was speechless.

Do you want her to say that she is jealous? !

Well, that’s right! Our little Aijiang finally couldn't help but be jealous! Seeing Akemi clinging to Kishida wholeheartedly, she was really jealous of Kishida! You know, my sister never relied on me for everything before!

Even washing the socks was the result of hard work and hard work. Just like that, when she agreed, she kept saying that it would make her lazy! What's more important is that Haibara is jealous and can't stand Kishida's arrogance even more!

"Don't worry, Xiao Ai, I'm smart. Besides, hasn't my junior been spoiling us all the time? I just need to be good to him wholeheartedly and let him rely on me for everything. In this way, one day in the future , even if the two of us quarrel because of him, he will definitely get used to it if I ignore him for a day! Hehehe will definitely apologize to me~"

Mingmei touched Haiyuan's head and casually found an excuse to comfort her.

No, I think with the way you are now, even if you two quarrel, you will probably be the first to apologize! Of course, given that guy's attitude towards you is completely different from that towards others, he probably won't quarrel with you...

Haiyuan muttered silently in his heart, then helplessly took off his little pink socks, threw them to Mingmei, and then said angrily: "One pair is washed, two pairs are also washed, then help me with my socks too. Wash it!"

"Xiao Ai, you won't tell me so much just to ask me to wash your socks, right?"

Mingmei took Haiyuan's pink socks and was stunned for a while before asking stupidly.

"...What do you think?!" Haiyuan puffed up his face and gave Mingmei a really vicious look.

"Hahaha~~" Mingmei laughed immediately.

"What are you laughing at?" At this time, Kishida, who was walking through the corridor to the bathroom, looked at the two sisters curiously and asked.

"No! Huh!? What are you doing with your clothes?"

Of course, Mingmei and Haibara would not tell him what the two sisters were talking about. They just shook their heads gently, but suddenly found that Kishida was holding clothes in his hand, well, men's pajamas, which were obviously his own.

"It's time to take a shower! It will take a while to fill the hot water in the bathtub anyway, so I decided to take a shower first!"

Kishida explained with a chuckle.

"Taking a bath so soon? Well, junior, why don't you take a bath?" Mingmei asked curiously.

"No more bathing. Just rinse off and then go rest first. Anyway, I don't have much interest in bathing!"

Kishida shook his head. He was not born and raised on the island, and the culture of bathing has not penetrated into his bones. Although bathing is indeed comfortable, he does not need to take a bath every day like the people on the island, right?

That would be too much trouble. Although a bathtub of hot water is enough for a family to take a bath, well, regardless of! ? That being said, if I choose to take a bath behind Mingmei... ahem, forget it!

It's important to sleep, I'm not a pervert, I'm not that horny yet! !

Moreover, it’s not like there won’t be a chance to hang out with Mingmei in the future…ahem!

"Then you go ahead and wash it! Oh, by the way, remember to bring the clothes to me later. I'll wash them together!"

Mingmei smiled and nodded, completely unaware of the turmoil in Kishida's heart at this moment.


Kishida nodded, but suddenly felt something was wrong!

Clothes...let's put it this way, even underwear...ahem, forget it, you'd better wash this yourself first!

PS: This night is too long, hahaha~~ Lazy Fish is really getting better and better at writing daily routines... Also, as usual, please recommend and vote for me!

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