Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 318 Huiyuan's Special Gift

Even if you are an old couple, some people will find it objectionable to wash underwear, let alone that you and Mingmei have only been together for a few days!

Although Kishida knew that even if he handed Akemi his underwear and clothes together, she would definitely not say anything about her feelings for him. At most, she would be a little embarrassed and shy, but the one who was even more embarrassed was Kishida himself!

For example, it's like Mingmei's underwear. If she feels uncomfortable and inconvenient to wash it, Kishida will definitely be willing to wash it, but Mingmei will be embarrassed and shy and refuse!

As for why Kishida is willing to wash a woman's underwear...well, it's not because he has that special fetish for women's underwear...ahem! Simply because he does not have the evil customs that have been passed down from ancient times in his bones, he is completely dismissive of the idea that a man who is willing to wash a woman's underwear is a bitch.

You must know that most of the things that virtuous women do for their men do not exceed their own bottom line. In the final analysis, this is just a manifestation of the deep relationship between the two and they constantly lower their bottom line for the sake of their love for each other.

However, do Kishida and Akemi have a deep relationship?

The answer is yes, even if the two of them still lack time to settle down, their understanding of each other has already surpassed those of lovers who have been together for many years.

It's strange. We have only known each other for less than half a year, but it seems like we have known each other for a long time. Even what happened all day today seems to have happened almost a month ago. Could this be Ke Xue? Caused by the discrepancy in world time?

Have I been affected by assimilation? Is this because I began to gradually integrate into this world and enjoy my current life?

In the misty bathroom, Kishida was thinking wildly and humming a cheerful song. He let the thin water splash from the shower and let the water droplets jump happily on his shoulders and chest, matching the rhythm of his humming. , making a wonderful and proud roar between the ribs.

"I don't know where to start; I don't know where to start; I don't know where to start; I don't know where to start; Time passes quietly; the words that flood my heart; I disappear without a trace; your beauty is so touching; let me I can't fall in love with you directly; the rain is about to stop in this dusk that only belongs to the two of us; .........if I had never met you; we would always be strangers; don't be tempted by other people's sweet words anymore ;"

A song "ラブストーリーは Suddenly (Sudden Love)" beat briskly from the bathroom, and along with the beat of running water, slowly reached Akemi's ears in the bathroom next door.

This song, composed in 1991, ranked first in sales and annual singles charts in the island country in the past few years. It has become one of the best-selling singles in the island country. The sales volume of the single record once exceeded 2 million in one fell swoop. So Mingmei not only listened to it, she even sang it.

This made her, who was washing her socks in a basin, blush on her cheeks, and her eyebrows were filled with deep joy. She couldn't help humming along, gently shaking her head, and a crisp and sweet sound suddenly sounded in the bathroom, like a dream. Silver Ringtones:

"Although I feel depressed, I still feel sad; my heart cannot be restrained; I love you more and more every day; I like you more and more day by day; I like you more and more every day; I love you so much today. I love you more than now; I I want to become wings and protect you tightly; I want to become wind and embrace you gently!”

In the bathroom, Kishida, who had sensitive ears, vaguely heard the singing coming from next door. The smile on his face became a little deeper, and he couldn't help but sing louder.

Haibara leaned against the threshold of the bathroom, listening to his sister and Kishida's humming, and gradually narrowed his eyes, with a happy and sweet smile on his face.

It's like when dusk falls, a bright light is lit in Ju Hei's heart. The cheerful and gentle love song, with its unique rhythm and gentle singing, washes away all the dust from the past for Huiyuan and makes her tired. The disguised heart can be peaceful and sound at this moment, thereby supporting the warm sky in the heart.

If you can, let time stop at this moment completely...


"Why do you take a shower so fast?"

However, less than ten minutes later, Haiyuan's inner wish was completely shattered.

"In addition to taking a bath, how long does it take for a man to take a hot bath? You think water and gas bills are free!"

Kishida, who was holding the clothes he had changed into and with wet hair, heard Haibara's question and rolled his eyes at her angrily.

"Haha, you are indeed a stingy person!"

Haiyuan curled his lips and imitated the names his sister used to call him. One of them was just teasing, while the other had a very mocking tone.


Really, can't you let me enjoy the rare warmth and tranquility for a while longer?

"Anyway, it's enough to just wash it clean. Being diligent and thrifty is my consistent virtue!"

Kishida muttered angrily, then ignored her and handed the changed clothes to Akemi, who was washing the underwear she just bought with her hands.

"Hmm...where's the ** that I replaced?"

Mingmei stopped what she was doing, turned her head slightly and looked at the clothes in Kishida's hand, only to find that there were only shirts and pants that she had changed into. She couldn't help but pretend to be calm and asked pretending to be curious.


Hearing this, before Kishida could react, Haibara's ice-blue pupils on the side shrank instantly.

This is not my sister! This is not my sister!

Haiyuan was muttering crazily and repeating in his heart, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Surprisingly, ** is really included in it! Unexpectedly, if your ears weren't so red, I would have thought your rank was higher than mine...

Kishida muttered in his heart, then shook his head and said to Mingmei: "There's no need for it, I just washed it when I took a shower."

"That's it, then just put the rest in the basket next to the washing machine!"

Hearing this, Mingmei nodded as if nothing had happened. She didn't know if it was because she breathed a sigh of relief, but the rouge on her ears had quietly dissipated.

Phew~~Okay, okay, this is still my sister!

No, has it been washed? ! That is to say, in less than ten minutes, this guy not only took a shower, but also washed his own vagina! ! Huh~~Σ(°△°---)︴

Haibara's pupils returned to their original state, and he suddenly reacted. His eyes widened instantly, with three black lines on his face, and he looked at Kishida with disgust as if he were looking at dirty garbage.

"OK!" Kishida nodded to Akemi and chuckled, deliberately ignoring Haibara who was twitching at the corner of his mouth next to him. He didn't need to think twice to know that she was complaining about him now. Well, who told her that her only purpose here is to act as a complainer! !

(﹁﹁)~→ Haiyuan, who was ignored, glanced at him dissatisfiedly and watched him turn around and walk out of the bathroom.

"Oh, by the way! The hot water in the bathtub has been put in. The weather is relatively cold tonight. In order to avoid you needing to add more water when you are halfway in the bath, I suggest you go take a shower now!"

Kishida suddenly paused, then turned back to look at Mingmei. Before he finished speaking, he inadvertently glanced at the pink strip of breasts in her basin, and said with a smile: "Hey, if you need, you can Just go take a bath, I don’t mind washing it for you!”

"I don't need your help! Get out of here~~~"

Sure enough, Mingmei blinked her eyes cutely, and watched Kishida's handsome face full of teasing. She was stunned for a long time, and then the embarrassment boiling in her heart surged into her head, and her cheeks and eyes suddenly burst into tears that she could not hide. Two waves of redness almost filled her eyes, and then she clenched her silver teeth and growled in a low voice.


Seeing this, Kishida couldn't help laughing and turned around to leave the bathroom.

Dare you tease me? Is this your position? See if I can't win back the victory easily!



"Sister, you asked for it..." Haiyuan Xu looked at Mingmei who was so shy that she seemed to want to hide her face, and couldn't help but muttered.

"Huh?! What are you talking about, Xiao Ai?" Mingmei half-closed her eyes when she heard this, and asked pretending not to hear.

"No, I didn't say anything. Hurry up and take a bath!"

Haiyuan curled his lips and immediately changed the subject and urged.

Uh-huh~ Don't think that I don't know what you said, dare to make fun of me, sister, because I want you to look good when I take a bath later!

Mingmei muttered in her heart, but she hummed a little tune and slowly washed the clothes in the basin.

What an enviable guy, but who allowed him to seize the opportunity completely, unlike that scumbag who deserved it...

Seeing the "Yamato Nadeshiko temperament" exuding from her sister, Haibara sighed inwardly. He had no idea that he was sincerely happy for his sister's happiness, but Akemi was deliberately trying to tease her while taking a bath. she.


"Haha, it's so itchy, stop, stop~~I'm going to make you angry if you keep doing this, sister!"

The warm bathtub seemed to be still bubbling slightly, and the clear and sweet gurgling sound floated back and forth. A thin mist curled around the bathroom. Under the cover of the mist and foam, two girls, one large and one small, were playing in the bathtub. , forming a dream-like picture.

Well, there’s no way! In this era where river crab monsters are crawling around and checking, even those who write novels, like those who make animations, have the damn evil holy light... ahem!

"Hmph~~ I told you to talk nonsense!"

"Ha, haha! It's okay if I'm wrong~"

"That's pretty much it, okay, sister, let you go!"

"Huh~~ let me go? It's my turn..."

After taking a deep breath, Haiyuan's sad voice sounded from the bathroom.

"Huh?! Oh!! No! It's not allowed there... Well, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

The situation was changing, and with a loud cry, Mingmei's clear and delicate squeaking and begging for mercy came out of the bathroom.

Please! Can you consider that there is still a normal man in this family!

On the sofa in the living room, listening to the playfulness of the two sisters coming from the bathroom, his mind could not help but follow the sounds and imagine the scene inside. However, Kishida, who completely collapsed at Akemi's final cry, put down his hand to wipe it. With the towel on her wet hair, she picked up the Feizhai Happy Water that she had just taken out of the refrigerator on the table, and took a fierce sip to suppress the anger in her heart.

Although he is not sexy, he is not Liu Xiahui who is still pregnant, let alone a eunuch who has gone to power. All in all, his body will definitely be the same as that of normal men. At most, his self-control is relatively It's just the best...

Kishida didn't listen carefully to the sounds in the bathroom. He simply stopped wiping his hair and picked up an unfinished book on the table. He drank Feizhai Happy Water, forced himself to calm down and read a novel by himself. , wait for your hair to dry naturally and then go to bed.

Although there is a hair dryer at home, he usually doesn't use it. There is no special reason. It's just that he doesn't like using hair dryers...

"Okay, no more playing!"

In the bathroom, the tired sisters let go of each other's claws, looked at each other with similar blue eyes, chuckled, and leaned against the inner wall of the bathtub comfortably.

"I always feel like just these few days have made up for the happiness we two sisters had never had before!"

Glancing at Haibara, whose cheeks were flushed red by the heat and the fun just now, Akemi, who was not much better, sighed with a chuckle.

"Oh, I just hope there will be more days like this in the future!"

Haiyuan, who was not awkward and arrogant in front of his sister, chuckled and replied straightforwardly.


"That's for sure, after all, he is here~~"

Minmei raised her eyebrows and glanced at the bathroom door, as if she could see Kishida in the living room through the door and wall.

"Hey, hey, stop it!"

Haiyuan glared at her and curled his lips angrily.

o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)

I know you are happy tonight, but you don’t have to show off your affection in front of me all the time! Humph, that’s so annoying~~

"Hey hey hey~~"

Akemi listened to Kishida's tone and smiled at Haibara.


As if an invisible sharp knife had pierced his heart, the severely injured Haiyuan was speechless.


Seeing this, Mingmei smiled even more happily, and her hearty laughter filled the entire bathroom.

"Hmph, I originally planned to give my sister a surprise later. But now that I think about it, I think it's better to forget it!"

Haiyuan rolled his eyes in anger, then snorted and mumbled angrily.

"Ah?! Give me a surprise? What kind of gift is it?" Mingmei was stunned, and then asked curiously. "So be it. But I'm already planning to give up on this decision!"

Haiyuan glanced at Mingmei and said with dissatisfaction.

"No~~ It's rare for you to give me a gift, Xiao Ai!" Mingmei immediately clasped her hands together and said in a gesture of begging.

"Hmph, I'll give it to you later when you go to bed!"

Seeing this, Huiyuan replied with feigned disdain. Anyway, it was already prepared, and there was no way she wouldn't give it to her sister.

"Yeah, but can you tell me what the gift is first?"

Mingmei nodded, her blue eyes full of curiosity, and she couldn't help but ask.

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