Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 331 Huiyuan: Superficial appearance, wonderful life!

"Excuse me, can I take a look at the photo?"

The soft voice was unfamiliar with a hint of familiarity, and the tone revealed a trace of curiosity and request, making Mingmei turn her head in surprise.

Sure enough, the delicate smiling face of Secretary Sawaguchi, who had been waiting silently for everyone since just now, appeared in his eyes.

"Huh!?" Mingmei was stunned and blinked.

Although she guessed that it was Secretary Sawaguchi who spoke, she didn't know why she asked.

Mingmei could probably guess the reason why Secretary Sawaguchi wanted to see his junior's photo, but she was standing next to her now. If she wanted to see it, she could just turn her head to the side and adjust the angle, so why bother? Woolen cloth!


"Sorry, I seem to have caused trouble to you! If it doesn't work, forget it, I'm just asking casually!"

Seeing that Mingmei didn't respond, Secretary Sawaguchi suddenly explained awkwardly.

To be honest, she didn't know why she spoke out of nowhere. Although she was definitely curious when she heard everyone complimenting her, there was no need to speak. She just had to stick her head forward a little...

"Ah? Sorry, I didn't hear clearly just now! I thought I heard it wrong...hey!"

I don't know what thoughts passed through my mind, but Mingmei, who had returned to her senses, pursed her lips, smiled lightly, and handed the photo in her hand generously, and gently handed it to Secretary Sawaguchi.

"Thank you~~"

Now it was Secretary Sawaguchi's turn to be lost in thought, and it took a while before he hurriedly took the photo. He glanced around several times.

Very handsome! Looks very charming!

This was Secretary Zeguchi's first reaction, but her eyebrows trembled slightly, seeming a little disappointed.


Huh! ? It doesn't seem to be what I thought...

Of course, after Mingmei handed over the photo, she looked at Secretary Sawaguchi carefully with her peripheral vision, but unexpectedly found that there seemed to be some disappointment on her face.

"He is indeed handsome! However, I heard that Kishida was the school idol at Teidan University! Well, you and I are a match made in heaven." Secretary Sawaguchi returned the photo to Akemi and complimented with a chuckle. .

"Thank you!" Seeing that she changed the photo back without hesitation, Mingmei, who thought she might have guessed wrong, thanked her and couldn't help but become more curious.

"By the way, my name is Shimizu Qianami. Ms. Sawaguchi can call me Shimizu or Qianami!"

Mingmei suddenly remembered that she hadn't introduced herself yet.

"Then I'll call you Miss Shimizu. I'll feel weird calling you Qianami!"

Hearing this, Secretary Zeguchi covered his mouth and chuckled.

Akemi:? ? ?

"Isn't Qianami nice?"

A magnetic voice interrupted at this moment, and Kishida, who had succeeded, walked over with a puzzled expression.

"That's not true! Qianami must be a nice name, but... cluck cluck~~ No!"

As if thinking of something happy, Secretary Sawaguchi couldn't help but laugh. However, in the middle of her laughter, she suddenly stopped inexplicably. She seemed to have thought of something again and glared at Kishida, and then turned around silently. Rolled his eyes.

Kishida \u0026 Akemi:? ? ?

Kishida and Akemi glanced at each other, and both saw the confusion on each other's foreheads. Even the "people who were eating melons" who thought there was an overt and covert fight were confused.

"Haha, because Sawaguchi's full name is Sawaguchi Chinami!" (Note ①)

Seeing that Secretary Zeguchi had no intention of explaining, Yuan Jiaming shook his head and explained with a chuckle.

"Hey!! They have the same name?" Everyone was shocked, even Kishida was not surprised.

"So, actually, when I heard that kid call you Sister Qianami just now, I thought he was calling me!"

Secretary Sawaguchi chuckled and teased, then glanced at Kishida angrily and said:

"It's just that I didn't expect that Kishida-senpai would even forget my name!"


"Hahaha~~Maybe I can only hold one Qianami in my mind~~"

Kishida scratched his head, laughed dryly, and replied with a pun.

"Eh~~" Everyone present couldn't help but let out a greasy ridicule, which made Mingmei feel embarrassed and hit him lightly a few times before giving up.

"Here, let me see the photo for myself!" Kishida ignored Mingmei's tickling pink fist and raised his hand to take the photo in her hand and take a look.

"Huh?" When the photo came into view, Kishida's pupils froze for a moment, and he couldn't help but let out a sound of surprise.

Although the man above is handsome, that's not the point! What made him wonder was why, ten years later, in addition to having the outline of Kishida Yuichi, why did his skin color, expression, and eyebrows look more like his previous life? ?

Could it be that soul and character can affect a person's appearance? Well, even if this is the case, it is impossible for this computer machine to measure it! This is not scientific at all, uh, well, it’s quite scientific!

"What's wrong? Are you surprised by yourself?" Mingmei teased with a smile.

"It's pretty good-looking, but it's just okay! Just so-so can only rank third in the country!"

Kishida didn't dwell too much on the issue of appearance. Hearing Akemi's words, he took the opportunity and said modestly.

"Ha~~" Haiyuan laughed softly.

She had to admit that her future brother-in-law was very handsome, but unfortunately...he had a mouth!

Of course, because there were too many people present, Haiyuan would definitely not say this.

The brother that I recognize and admire in my heart, well, let’s just give it a try, no matter what, I have to give him some face outside...

Even though he was complaining silently in his heart, Haibara still looked at the arrogant Kishida and shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, now it's finally your turn, you bastard!"

It seemed that after comparing Kishida's photos, he was even more shocked. It seemed that Mouri Kogoro wanted to take all his anger out on Conan, so he grabbed the back of Conan's fate even more roughly.

"Let me go! Uncle, I will do it myself!" Conan was suspended in the air, kicking his short legs desperately.

He had just seen Kishida's little movements, so he wasn't panicking at all, but it was uncomfortable being hung up!

"Hmph! Bang!" Mouri Kogoro didn't hear anything and threw him directly on the chair.

"Xiao Ai~"


Ayumi and the others urged Haiyuan with the same hope.

"Oh, forget it!"

Haibara also sat on the chair at the signal from Kishida's hidden eyes.

There are only two and a half people in this world that she can trust 100% without reservation!

Kishida and Akemi must each count as one, and the other half is undoubtedly Dr. Agasa. As for Conan, apart from standing on the united front, the rest...heh, forget it!

It’s true that Edogawa-san is a famous detective, but that doesn’t stop him from being reckless! Maybe one day I will be implicated again! Thinking about it makes me feel bad. I want to be safe, live with my sister and someone, and live the happy life I have always dreamed of.

Moreover, if possible, when my sister gets married to someone in a few years and gives birth to a lovely child, then I won’t mind helping take care of the child as soon as school is over...

Well, with the genes of the Miyano family and someone else's genes, I guess my nephew will definitely not be too ugly!

Haiyuan squinted his eyes and sat on the chair with his mind wandering, imagining the scene in which he would tease his nephew, who was not yet sure whether he was a boy or a girl. A sweet smile gradually formed on the corner of his mouth, looking very expectant.

"Obviously Haibara-san is also looking forward to it~~"

Seeing Haibara's heartfelt smile for the first time, Mitsuhiko muttered and his whole face turned red inexplicably. It was probably because he was already thinking about eating peaches at this moment!

"Xiao Ai has never been good at expressing herself!" Seeing Haiyuan happy, Ayumi said equally happily.

Haha~ Haiyuan chuckled inwardly.

Yes, she is indeed looking forward to it, but it is not for the superficial appearance in the future, but for a better life!

Oh, because it is worth mentioning that our little Aijiang already knows that she will definitely look beautiful in the future!

~( ̄▽ ̄~)(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

"Click!" Haiyuan chuckled inwardly, and with the sound and flash, the machine scan started.

"Didi!" However, unlike the previous times, this time there was a warning sound coming from the computer.

"Hey, that's weird! There's an operation error! Is the machine malfunctioning?"

Yuan Jiaming glanced at the computer screen, scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment.


"what a pity!"

The others were inevitably a little disappointed when they heard this.

"There's nothing we can do about it!" Conan jumped down from his chair with a smile on his face and quietly cast a grateful look at Kishida.

I'm not doing it for you!

Kishida curled his lips in disdain and turned his gaze to Haiyuan on the other side. His meaning was very obvious.

"..." Conan was speechless.

o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

"Haha~" Seeing this, Haibara's face became even more happy. He turned to look at Conan, and then said leisurely after what he just said: "Perhaps the machine is broken, which means that Edogawa-san ten years later, It’s no longer in this world…”

"Hehe, hehehe~~"

At this moment, Conan went from speechless to shocked, with his face twitching crazily...

"Ling ring ring~"

Fortunately, a cell phone ringtone saved him from the embarrassment. When he looked back, he realized that it was Secretary Sawaguchi's phone that rang...


Note ①: I checked it on Lanyu. The full name of Sawaguchi’s Secretary in the movie version is Chinami Sawaguchi. However, "Chinami" and "Chinami" are both "ちなみ". I checked on Lanyu, so the two names should be the same. , it’s just that the Chinese translation is different! This is really a coincidence...

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