Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Year 332 Kishida: The way they looked at me was full of love (Part 1)

"Yeah, OK, I got it!"

In less than a minute, Secretary Sawaguchi answered a few words and hung up the phone, then looked at Kishida, Maori Kogoro and others and said with a smile:

"Everyone, the chairman has finished receiving customers. Now please follow me to the banquet hall on the 75th floor! Please go to the elevator!"

As soon as the voice fell, Secretary Sawaguchi wanted to lead the way, but when he turned around, he accidentally waved his hand and hit Kishida.

"Ah! What did the dog do!"

Secretary Sawaguchi apologized a little embarrassedly. Well, the tone of apology was very natural, and it was obvious that he was a "habitual offender".

"It's okay, I'm used to it anyway, and this time it's not that I accidentally smashed something!"

Kishida shook his head lightly, teasing her recklessness at the funeral of the original body's father last time.

"Haha, here we go again. In fact, colleagues in the company are used to it. Sawaguchi is a pig, so she always bumps into things!"

Hearing this, Yuan Jiaming couldn't help but laugh and joked.

"So that's how it is, you are born in the Year of the Pig!" Maori Kogoro smiled suddenly.

"So, this is what is called a pig's sudden advance?" Kishida blinked, also looking like he had suddenly realized something.


Suddenly, the exhibition hall was filled with a happy atmosphere., regardless of whether the pigs were offended or not.


Secretary Sawaguchi blushed and stuck out her tongue a little embarrassedly. Not to mention, she was quite cute.

However, if you ask if she will be angry, she will definitely not be angry. On the contrary, she may be a little happy...

You know, "pig" is a positive word in the island country, referring to wild boars. In Japan, the status of wild boars is probably similar to that of tigers in flower-growing countries. Generally speaking, saying someone is a pig is actually praising him for being brave and fearless, and going forward courageously. In Japanese, domestic pigs are "dolphin" instead of "hog".

Therefore, Kishida's "pig's sudden advance" probably means going forward courageously, and it is not a derogatory term!

After all, he and Maori Kogoro were not so boring, nor were they so ungentlemanly that they would say too rude words to an unfamiliar but relatively gentle and lovely woman...

Then, everyone walked towards the elevator under the leadership of Secretary Sawaguchi, while Kishida and Akemi consciously and deliberately chose to fall behind.

"What happened to you just now?"

Kishida played with the photos in his hand, lowered his voice and looked at the backs of the people in front of him, and asked Akemi beside him as if nothing had happened.

"I should have seen that game engineer..."

Akemi's eyes fell on the back of Hara Jiaming, and she also lowered her voice, but her tone was very solemn.

"Huh?" Kishida was a little surprised. Xiao Ai didn't even know him...Oh, that's right. Although Hara Jiaming is a genius engineer, he is just a peripheral staff of the winery. There should be many such people in the winery. It's normal that Xiao Ai doesn't know him. This girl is just doing research in the winery, so how can she care about so many things.

On the contrary, Mingmei, who is also a peripheral staff of the winery, is more likely to know these grassroots staff of the winery...

"I have seen him before." Mingmei thought Kishida could not hear clearly, and explained again.

"Well, he can invent these things, so he must be quite famous. Maybe you have seen him on TV?" Kishida asked stupidly.

"You know I don't mean that. I mean when I was doing the mission before..." Mingmei glanced at Kishida from the corner of her eye and said dissatisfiedly.

"Don't worry! Don't worry! I know what you mean, but it's safe here. Don't worry, I'm here."

When the person in front entered the elevator, Kishida winked at her, and then just about to fold the photo in his hand and put it in his trouser pocket.

"Yeah, I just want to remind you...咻~~" Mingmei saw Kishida's evil deeds before she finished speaking, and immediately snatched the photo away with quick eyes and hands.

Kishida:? ? ?

"Who would fold the photo casually? It's easy to damage the photo."

Mingmei glared at him unhappily.

"What's the matter? It's just a photo!" Kishida looked at her in confusion.

"Well, if you say so, then I'll keep this photo for you!" Akemi replied with a smile.

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

"If you want it, I'll give it to you, but I've already kept it for you, why do you want the photo?"

Kishida understood her thoughts instantly, and said with a bit of amusement and arrogance.

"Because the photo is much better than the real me now~~Hahaha~"~ ( @^_^ @)~

Hearing this, Akemi couldn't help but want to curl her lips to hit him, but she couldn't help laughing just after she finished speaking.


"Do you two want to come in?"

Glancing at the door-opening button that Secretary Sawaguchi was holding down in the elevator, Maori Kogoro impatiently urged the two "dogs and bitches" who were doing their own thing, whispering to each other, and smiling happily outside.

Alas, young people nowadays! When you are in love, you don't even consider the feelings of the people around you. You are so bold and open! Didn't you see that Xiaolan and her rich girl friends blushed! Not to mention these ignorant children...

Huh! ? No! Why are they all indifferent! ?

Glancing at the people in the elevator again, Maori Kogoro silently complained, then tilted his head slightly, and was directly confused.

How could he know that these people were used to it.....

Well, they were almost immune to it!

"Here we go~~"


Kishida and Akemi looked at each other, chuckled and trotted into the elevator.

"Excuse me, does this elevator go directly to the 75th floor?" Xiaolan asked curiously in the elevator.

"Yes, this is a VIP-only elevator that can go directly to any floor you want to go to, but the only place that can take this elevator from the outside is the concert hall on the 66th floor!" Secretary Sawaguchi explained.

"Is your 66th floor a concert hall?"

Kishida, who was still sighing at the densely packed floor buttons on the elevator, was moved by the words and asked curiously.


"Are there many musical instruments? Can we go and see them later?"

"Well, the concert hall is basically empty now, so..." Secretary Sawaguchi said with some difficulty.

"Oh, forget it!" Kishida lost interest instantly.

Then, as the elevator slowly rose, the eyes looked through the glass elevator shaft, and the charming scenery in the distance was reflected in front of the eyes.

The sky was still a peaceful blue. There were no paper cranes in the distance, only scattered high-rise buildings and cotton candy-like white clouds walking. The breeze blew, making the lush green trees in the distance sway and dance in the wind. The leaves fluttered and slowly fell into the small artificial lake beside them. The lake reflected the reddish sunlight, and the world looked peaceful and harmonious.

"It's so beautiful!" "The scenery is great!"

Lying on the elevator glass, the young detective team couldn't help but exclaimed, feeling that today was worth it, and it was worth their last night's desperate pleading with their parents.

"It seems to be getting closer to heaven step by step!" Ayumi said excitedly. (p≧w≦q)

"Well, generally speaking, people who have this feeling are not far from death, Ayumi!"

Kishida pouted and couldn't help but say something to spoil the view.

You can praise the beautiful scenery, but don't say that we are getting closer to heaven step by step. Isn't that a curse for everyone to ascend to heaven together!

Can't you just use some lines from the mortal world! ?

Of course, Kishida selectively forgot his lines, which was not much better.........

(* ̄︿ ̄)

Ayumi's face instantly changed from a happy smile to a Sima face, and she pursed her lips and didn't want to talk.

"........." Everyone was speechless.

"You, you!" Mingmei also patted him lightly.

"Ahem, in fact, your feeling must be wrong. Let's not talk about whether you can go to heaven. There are two death gods in our elevator. How can they follow us to heaven? So the gods in heaven will definitely not accept us. Oh, it should be the God of heaven. The gods of the island country live in Takamagahara."

Kishida cleared his throat and felt that it was good and bad to bully a little girl, so he smiled and comforted her.

Then, well, the effect was very good, and the scene became even colder until the elevator safely reached the banquet hall on the 75th floor.

Of course, if it were any other time, Maori Kogoro would definitely refute a few words, but because of his fear of heights, the old man could only close his eyes in the elevator, hug himself with both hands, and tremble like an abandoned child.


The elevator door opened, and several people arrived at the 75th floor safely. This high-end VIP elevator is still very safe and did not really send them to heaven.

"We are currently preparing for the banquet the day after tomorrow, so there will be a little chaos."

Leading everyone to the front of the banquet hall, Secretary Sawaguchi explained with a chuckle while looking at the workers who were setting up the venue around.

Then, a group of people gathered in front of the venue, seemingly discussing something.

"Tap, tap, tap!" With the dense footsteps of Kishida and others, the group inevitably noticed the movement, and then one of the charming and beautiful women in a red dress and a brooch turned around, and then her eyes lit up instantly.

"Xiao Yuichi! Senior Maori!"

Tokiwa Mio came over in black high heels.

"Xiao Yuichi!" The guys on Kishida's side were stunned, and then their faces turned red instantly, as if they wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

"............" Kishida looked at the woman with a dark face.

No matter whether the woman's happiness after seeing him and Uncle Maori was true or false, he decided to stay away from this woman after today and finding out the value of the art goods!

"Tokiwa, long time no see!" Maori Kogoro also looked like he couldn't help laughing, but he still reached out his hand to shake hands with Tokiwa Mio and said hello.

"I'm so sorry that Senior Maori had to come all the way here!"

"No, I should have come alone! But..."

Mouri Kogoro held Tokiwa Mio's hand, reluctant to let go, and laughed dryly to accept the reason why there were so many people behind him.

Seeing her father tightly holding the beautiful woman's hand and refusing to let go, Xiaolan gritted her teeth secretly, thinking that it was definitely the right choice to follow this time, otherwise, she didn't know what her father, who was an LS, would do.

So, Xiaolan smiled, took a big step forward, bumped Maori Kogoro without leaving a trace, and then stood between the two of them, forcing them to let go of their hands, then bowed and introduced herself very quickly:

"Hello, I am his daughter Xiaolan, my mother asked me to say hello to you on her behalf!"

"Hey! Xiaolan!" Maori Kogoro was startled and shouted in dissatisfaction.


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