"It's all Mr. Kishida's fault. He diverted my attention as soon as he came down!"

After sticking out her tongue in a cute way, Yumi Miyamoto took the blame and threw it directly at Kishida.

"...If you don't get down to business, I'll leave!"╮(~▽~)╭

What else can Kishida say about this? He just pretended to leave.

You act cute in front of me, so I can take the blame? Are you kidding me? In two or three years, you will be 30, sister!

"No, no, no, it's all my fault. It's about Miwako. Miwako is missing! So I want to ask Mr. Kishida, can you help find Miwako!"

Yumi Miyamoto quickly reached out and grabbed the corner of Kishida's shirt, and then explained very quickly.


Sure enough, it's really the case!

Kishida was extremely speechless, but his expression slightly frowned, and he asked knowingly:

"Hmm! What happened? How did Officer Sato disappear?"

"The thing is, when Takagi and Miwako were escorting the suspect through here, a "closed room murder" happened here, so when Officer Sato got off the car to check, Takagi, the idiot, actually let the suspect run away."

Seeing that Kishida seemed to be worried about Officer Sato, Miyamoto Yumi explained seriously this time.


Kishida had been listening well, and was still clapping in his heart for Takagi's inevitable punishment by the leader and the possibility of no hope of promotion... Ahem, ugh, when he was silent for a second, he suddenly realized that Miyamoto Yumi was talking about the "closed room murder" instead of the car accident he remembered.

He couldn't help but feel curious.

Could it be that his invisible wings were flapping again? But how could this place meet the condition of "closed room murder"?

Kishida looked around the intersection, looked at Yumi Miyamoto, and asked curiously:

"You said, there was a murder in a closed room here? Is this a closed space?"

"Yes! We checked the scene, the doors and windows were locked, but the deceased died because his skull exploded! Obviously it was not suicide, so we are sure that this is a typical murder in a closed room!"

Yumi Miyamoto pointed her finger and replied seriously.

"The doors and windows at the scene...wait a minute!"

Kishida looked around again, trying to find the place to agree with the conditions, but suddenly woke up and squinted his eyes suspiciously: "You are a traffic policeman, I have never heard of your traffic execution section of the Ministry of Transportation, do you need to check the murder scene!?"

"Because before such a weird thing happened, the deceased made a final move before he died!"

Yumi Miyamoto half bent over, her delicate face came close to Kishida, and said in a creepy and gloomy tone.

"You're not going to tell me that he's turning on the turn signal, are you?"

Looking at Yumi Miyamoto's beautiful face, feeling the hot breath from her nose on his cheek, Kishida glanced at his Bentley, and then took a step back without leaving a trace.


In the car, Huiyuan chuckled.

Because she saw that her sister in the co-pilot seat had a smile on her face again, well, just a little; and her sister's clenched fist a second ago, quietly loosened a little, well, just a little.

Invite your brother-in-law to a social gathering?

This woman seems to have made her sister unhappy! ()

Looking at Yumi Miyamoto through the car window, Huiyuan sneered inwardly, but felt quite funny.

Although she also met Yumi Miyamoto in the Metropolitan Police Department and had a good impression of her, it is not difficult to guess whose position she is standing on when it comes to this aspect.

(PS: As mentioned in the previous article, the window glass of a Bentley car can see outside, but the outside cannot see inside)

Outside the car window, Yumi Miyamoto, who had no idea that she was being stared at, suddenly opened her blue drooping eyes and looked at Kishida in disbelief and blurted out: "How did you know? The deceased turned on the turn signal at the end."

"Is this hard to guess? You put the answer on your face!"

Kishida glared at her unhappily.

Isn't this still a car accident? It's just that it should have changed from a small car accident in the original work to a large car accident...

"Tsk~~ It seems that you know me well!" \u003c)(ˉ^ˉ)(\u003e

Hearing this, Yumi Miyamoto curled her lips slightly and said with her hands on her hips.

Seems to be very dissatisfied that she can't catch a glimpse of Kishida.

"Not bad... Gulu!"


Huh! Big sister, please don't say these misleading words, okay?

Just as Kishida was about to nod, a light flashed in his head. He was startled, sweating slightly, and swallowed his words in time as his throat rolled.

"Crunch, crunch!"

The slight grinding sound from the passenger seat made Huiyuan hold back a smile, shook her head, and continued to watch the show.

"To get to the point, I found that you don't seem to be really worried about Officer Sato!? Could it be because of Takagi!?"

Kishida stared at Yumi Miyamoto suspiciously, puzzled.

Since this woman stopped herself at the intersection and wanted to ask herself to find Officer Sato, she kept hammering here and there, and it didn't seem that she was worried about Officer Sato at all!

"Ah, you really know me well! Could it be that Miwako told you something?"

However, Yumi Miyamoto was more surprised and suspicious than him.

This is not her being narcissistic. You know, even though she seems to be very familiar with Kishida now, this is the second time they have talked so much, except for the time when Kishida had a car accident!

However, during this conversation, in addition to the obvious change in Kishida's attitude, which became much friendlier, her woman's intuition also told her that the man in front of her seemed to really understand her! ?

Could it be that after the last contact with her, this guy secretly wanted to ask Miwako about herself? (*/ω\*)

As soon as the idea came to her mind, Yumi Miyamoto's face couldn't help but be rosy.

"...... Gurgle!" (,, # Д)

Kishida's mouth twitched, and he swallowed his saliva subconsciously. His expression was a little panic, and his head mechanically looked at the car.

What could he say in response? Could he tell her that he had watched the anime she had starred in, so he knew her well?

However, his expression fell into Yumi Miyamoto's eyes, and she thought that he had exposed the truth. Kishida felt shy, embarrassed, and ashamed.

You see, he was so embarrassed that he didn't dare to look at me?

Sure enough, this beautiful woman is still quite charming~~ Hehe ()

Yumi Miyamoto couldn't help but smile complacently, and the two little wrinkles on her cheeks made her look very charming.


Huiyuan heard the sound of clenching fists again. She adjusted her angle and saw her sister's expressionless face through the rearview mirror in the car. However, on her originally white forehead, a faint blue vein seemed to be beating because of her extreme inner restlessness.

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