Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 365: Mingmei’s sour face and her unhesitating rejection.

No matter how beautiful the beauty is, once she gets angry, she will not...well, it is indeed much more pleasing to the eye than normal people!

However, seeing that his sister was obviously in an extremely bad mood, Haibara coughed slightly, and after attracting Mingmei's attention, he slowly explained for Kishida:

"Ahem... don't pay too much attention to sister. It's not like you don't know that that guy can understand a person's past through inexplicable means. Just like us sisters, this time it may be the same."

Although this is the explanation, Haiyuan is actually not sure...


However, it was okay that she didn't explain. After explaining, Mingmei's expressionless face really lost all warmth, her lips trembled slightly, and she glanced back at her sister.

Hiss~~( ̄▽ ̄“)

I seem to have said something that I shouldn't have said? Let me think about it, uh, could it be...ahem!

Sorry, I really didn't mean it!

Haiyuan, who had not seen his sister so angry for many years, took a breath of cold air in his heart, and then made a pull-a-shut-up expression with his little hand on his mouth. It was very cute. She rarely did such cute actions.

However, Mingmei was no longer in the mood to appreciate her sister's rare cute expression.

She was thinking about a question now, whether she should get out of the car directly so that she could show her presence in front of this beautiful female traffic policeman.

Because what Haiyuan just said made her aware of several problems, the alarm bell in her heart kept ringing.

Junior brother, in addition to getting to know himself and Xiao Ai, he also went out of his way to pay attention to other women! ?

After excluding Xiao Ai, he is not the only one! ! (ノへ ̄、)o

Through the car window, Akemi glanced at Miyamoto Yumi coldly, and a strong sour smell filled the car.

For the first time, she no longer had any affection for a good-looking woman with an obviously cheerful and talkative personality, but instead had a clear dislike for her.

You know, not even Hitomi Hirokawa has ever given Akemi such a feeling.

Well, this is because after Akemi completely fell in love with Kishida, she never saw the two of them talking. Moreover, due to Hitomi Hirokawa's past excessive and bad behavior, she understood that her boyfriend was completely insensitive to Hitomi Hirokawa, and she posed no threat to herself.

Therefore, her feelings for Hirokawa Hitomi were neither warm nor indifferent. Except when she thought of that woman who wanted to cut off Kishida's head, she would have a momentary impulse to kill her... Ahem, after Akemi calmed down, she He completely regarded her as a passerby.

And just like that, when Hitomi Hirokawa came to the store, Akemi specially sent her away. And every time Hitomi Hirokawa sent a text message, she couldn't find out Kishida's whereabouts.

However, the beautiful female traffic policeman in front of him seemed to be a woman with a very good personality and appearance, and the junior was even interested in "deliberately" learning about her past.

The most important thing is that even if Mingmei doesn't understand certain aspects, she has heard certain rumors.

That is, most men like women wearing specific uniforms. Among them, female police officers in police uniforms and nurses in nurse uniforms are the most popular and loved by men.

Although I don’t quite understand the twists and turns here, it does not hinder Akemi’s aesthetics. Miyamoto Yumi wearing a traffic police uniform really adds a lot of points! While he looks heroic, he also has a sweet and cute feeling.

Of course, she doesn't understand that the so-called plus points of uniforms that make men popular and loved are not actually here, but in the bedroom, well, it's a fight! ━((*′д`)绻(′д`*))━!!!!

"I seem to understand why my junior hates Shuichi Akai..."

When Haibara didn't dare to speak but suppressed a smile, Mingmei muttered, then no longer hesitated, stretched her little hand to the car door handle, and was about to get out of the car to brush her presence in front of Miyamoto Yumi.

However, just as her hand touched the door handle, her ears moved slightly. The beautiful female traffic policeman hesitated for a long time, and then suddenly spoke.

This made her stop opening the door again, intending to listen to what she wanted to say and how her junior responded!

And this is likely to be related to whether Kishida will have a big meal tonight, a bento or instant noodles...

It’s true that Miwako didn’t reveal any information to me!

Miyamoto Yumi, who didn't know that she was on Akemi's blacklist, muttered in her head, then looked at Kishida with a smile and said:

"You're right. Actually, I'm not too worried about Miwako. Although all the male colleagues in the Metropolitan Police Department are looking for Miwako anxiously, I found that idiot Takagi is not nervous at all. So, he definitely knows. Nothing happened to Miwako, she just disappeared suddenly for some reason, otherwise, that guy Takagi must be... Haha~.

"I guess this is because Takagi and Sato lost the prisoner. Because they felt embarrassed, they were afraid of facing their colleagues in the Metropolitan Police Department and were afraid of being scolded, so they thought of making amends and catching the prisoner again!"

"So that's it..."

Kishida nodded and looked at Miyamoto Yumi strangely.

This woman seems to be quite smart. Although she is a little biased, she is at least much smarter than her colleagues who are still looking for Officer Sato. Well, maybe it’s because he’s very familiar with Takagi and Officer Sato.

However, Officer Sato is indeed the favorite of the Metropolitan Police Department! When one person "gets into trouble", the whole department is mobilized!

So the sirens just now were them looking for Officer Sato?

No wonder Officer Megure's phone couldn't be reached, and he didn't have time to reply to his text message. Two of his capable men had such a thing, so I think he must be in a very bad mood now!

"Is there something strange on my face?"

Miyamoto Yumi was keenly aware of Kishida's strange eyes, and found that she was looking at herself in a trance. She felt a little complacent and happy in her heart, but on the surface she couldn't help but tilt her head and asked a little cutely and curiously.

I've told you, sister, you are almost 30 years old, so don't do this kind of girlish action.

Kishida complained inwardly, and then said with great effort:

"No, I'm trying to sort out my thoughts. But, do you want me to help Officer Takagi catch the criminal?"

"Yeah, that's right! But now even I can't contact that idiot Takagi!"

Miyamoto Yumi nodded repeatedly.

"Sorry, there's too little information. Besides, I'm not free tonight."

Kishida shook his head decisively and refused in a serious tone.


Miyamoto Yumi was stunned, as if she didn't expect Kishida to refuse so straightforwardly.

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