Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 383 Akai Shuichi: That fucking guy!


After blowing out countless cigarette butts and lighting up one cigarette after another, Akai Shuichi, who had already gone downstairs in advance and hid in a hidden corner to observe the situation at the door of Rokugen Apartment, felt the touch on his hand. The silent cell phone vibrated in the palm of his hand.

[Sir, the warmth you just ordered has been delivered to your door~]

As soon as I clicked on the text message with my finger, I saw another inexplicable text.

Hehe, it's that guy right...

Shuichi Akai put down his phone and continued to stare at the apartment door expressionlessly.

It was already around eight o'clock in the evening, but there were still quite a lot of vehicles coming and going on the street. Pedestrians in twos and threes were either passing by or going in and out of the apartment door. Under the bright street lights, I saw two women, walking along the street. Walking slowly along the street.

The weather is good tonight and the moonlight is very beautiful. Even in places where there are no street lights, there is a soft layer of light on the road.

It’s not her, it’s not her, it’s not here yet! ?

After watching several women pass by the entrance to the apartment, Shuichi Akai frowned and his face became slightly gloomy.

Is this guy trying to make fun of himself again? ?

Thinking of this, Akai Shuichi's usual calmness and dark green eyes couldn't help flashing green anger.

Over and over, over and over again, how many times! You thought you could fool me by holding on to your desire for information about Gin’s traces! ?ヽ(`⌒′メ)ノ

Akai Shuichi squinted his eyes slightly and sneered in his heart, but his body was hiding in the darkness. No matter what, he still planned to wait and see. The information about Gin's whereabouts was really tempting to him.


If that guy is really teasing me, then whatever I say must make him understand that not just anyone can provoke FBI investigators again and again!

"Tap tap tap!"

Just as Akai Shuichi was thinking secretly in his mind, a series of hurried footsteps not far away caught his attention.

He looked up and saw a woman wearing a white lace dress, her hair carefully tied up, and light makeup on her face, which made her plain face look a little more pure. The charming, fair-skinned, and downright beautiful woman trotted to the apartment door on high heels.

Then, the woman stopped at the door of the apartment, and then looked around, as if she was looking for someone. However, after looking around for a few seconds to no avail, the woman picked up the phone again and took a look.

Seeing this, the expression on Akai Shuichi's face returned to calmness, and he looked at the woman standing at the door of the apartment, knowing in his heart that this must be the woman Kishida mentioned.

However, he did not go out directly. Instead, he carefully observed the situation around the woman and her own behavior.

"Where is he? Could he really be teasing me?"

Kirishima Eimi glanced at the text message, glanced around with her light green eyes, and muttered.

In order to reduce her waiting time and let the other party feel it in advance, so that he can't wait impatiently for his girlfriend who has been abandoned by her but still loves and hates him, Kirishima Eimi deliberately sent a text message a few minutes in advance. , tell the other party that you have arrived.

Then, she trotted over anxiously, fully expressing the anxiety of a girlfriend who is at a disadvantage in a relationship, but makes her boyfriend wait.

It's just that I added a scene for myself, but now it seems that the other party is not really waiting for me here as he just meant!

Walking back and forth at the door of the apartment, looking up from time to time to glance at the man coming out of the apartment, Kirishima Eimi couldn't help but raise her slender eyebrows after not waiting for anyone for a long time.

You know, in order to take this order, she hasn't eaten yet!

"Uh, or maybe he thought I wasn't coming and went up? Otherwise, make another call..."


Just when Kirishima Eimi was holding her mobile phone and trying to dial Kishida's number just now, she heard a subtle sound of footsteps rubbing against her ears, as if it was deliberately meant for her to hear.

"It's you, come with me."

Then, a low but magnetic voice sounded faintly behind her.


Kirishima Eimi was really frightened by the sudden ghostly voice. After screaming, she quickly turned her head and was about to ask angrily when her eyes suddenly caught sight of a good-looking woman. handsome guy.

Dark green pupils, straight facial features, and sharp face lines, even if there is no extra expression on the face at this time, it still gives people a stunning feeling.

Is this handsome guy...

Kirishima Eimi's eyes lit up, her face was a little stunned, and the little deer was a little confused.

"Follow up!"

Seeing the other person looking at him blankly, Shuichi Akai, who had one hand in the pocket of his windbreaker, gave a cold snort.

Judging from the results of the observation, this woman should be just an ordinary person, and there were no other strange guys in the darkness around her. So this woman was probably just driven by that guy, an ordinary sender.

However, there were people coming and going around here, and out of caution, Shuichi Akai could not directly contact her here.

Moreover, he also wanted to use this woman to find out the evil guy behind her.

Even if Akai Shuichi is 100% sure, if there is more evidence to prove it, he will not let it go if he is proud.

Well, this is just a "boring" contest between two arrogant and unhappy men who are bored and petty...

It's really him! ? This, this... is really great! !

The familiar voice and tone made Kirishima Eimi unable to stop trembling with excitement. Her straight legs seemed to be unable to close for a moment.

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a really handsome guy. Although he looked cold, he was full of desire to conquer. Did he just want to feed himself? Sure enough, taking this order is really a huge profit! !

"Huh!? What are you still doing?"

Just when Kirishima Eimi's face felt a little hot, Akai Shuichi, who had been seeing her motionless, said in a cold tone.

However, his chill did not cool down Kirishima Eimi's hot heart, but instead added fuel to the fire, making her even more excited.

He was urging me to kiss him, and then slap him hard! ?

Directly ignoring the other person's previous words urging her to leave, Kirishima Eimi nodded with "make money" in her mind.

Seeing this, Akai Shuichi wanted to turn around and lead the way. However, just when he was about to turn around, his peripheral vision caught a glimpse of a beautiful face that was caught off guard and quickly zoomed in in front of him.

Moreover, along with this enlarged and beautiful face, a pair of slender arms also spread out in an instant, as if they wanted to trap Akai Shuichi firmly.

Well, I was careless! ? This woman is relatively hands-on! ?

He was indeed teasing himself again! !

That fucking guy! (That damn bastard!)

In the flash of lightning, Akai Shuichi's expressionless face twitched, and his eyes burst out with anger. Then, using his left leg as a fulcrum, his right leg moved under the leg of the woman who quickly approached, and without hesitation, he drew a semicircle under the woman's legs. Without warning, he lightly kicked her calf.


Kirishima Eimi, who tripped, let out a scream and fell straight down facing the ground.

"call out!"

Akai Shuichi grabbed her skirt collar in time and stopped her from being disfigured.

"Hoo, hoo~~"

Kirishima Eimi, who was grabbed by the collar of her skirt, remained in a very awkward posture, breathing heavily with lingering fear.

Did this bastard change his mind and plan to play other tricks with him?

Biting her delicate lips, which were covered with pink lipstick, Kirishima Eimi stood up after coming back to her senses. While still being held by the collar, she turned around and gave Akai Shuichi a fierce look. , asked in a very dissatisfied tone:

"Sir, this is completely different from what we agreed in advance!! If I had known you were so rude, I wouldn't have taken this order!" s(`ヘ′;)ゞ

Kirishima Eimi was really angry. It was not that she had never been in contact with older customers, but they had already been negotiated with her in advance, and the price was definitely a bit more expensive.

But now, this bastard attacked him without saying a word, and his face, which almost made him eat, was ruined in one day!

So what about the handsome guy! ? Can a handsome guy be a meal for himself? !

When she thought about how she was almost "disfigured" just now, Kirishima Eimi's face was full of anger and she looked at Akai Shuichi angrily.

Akai Shuichi:? ? ?

Seeing this, Akai Shuichi's doubts flashed away, and then he seemed to understand something. His dark green pupils shrank instantly, and an ice-like tone came out of his mouth:

"What order are you taking? Why did that guy ask you to come here!?"

"...No, no, didn't you ask me to come here?"

Staring at Kirishima Eimi with intimidating eyes, coupled with a cold and emotionless tone, Kirishima Eimi looked at him with some fear and answered tremblingly.

As for the question of taking orders, it was naturally impossible for her to answer it directly because she was very rational.

Kirishima Eimi looked around in horror from the corner of her eye, and saw people gradually gathering around them, including some pedestrians who stopped to eat melon.

Obviously, what happened here has attracted their attention.

She really wanted to ask them for help, hoping that they could rescue her, because the collar of her skirt was still being pulled by Akai Shuichi, but considering the special nature of her profession, she could not expose it openly.

Therefore, she could only look at Akai Shuichi pitifully, and whispered softly:

"I really don't know what misunderstanding we have, just let me go..."


Akai Hide looked at her expressionlessly, without saying anything. However, out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the passers-by who were watching the excitement, and some even took out their mobile phones.

"Come with me!"

Without any further silence, Akai Shuichi gently let go of Kirishima Eimi's collar, glanced at her coldly, and signaled her to follow him honestly.

"...oh oh!"

Kirishima Eimi, whose collar was released, obviously hesitated. She didn't want to follow him, but when Shuichi Akai glanced at her again, she swallowed quietly and didn't dare to resist at all. She followed him obediently, like a frustrated little daughter-in-law.


Several passersby who wanted to continue eating melons took steps, but the person concerned looked back at them coldly. They stopped involuntarily with their throats rolling.

If they followed him, they would die! ! o((⊙﹏⊙))o.

The anger of Akai Shuichi and the implicated passersby could not help but look at each other, thinking with some fear.


A dark alley was very abrupt on the road full of lights. The alley was narrow and deep, with lime brick walls on both sides. The street lamps at the entrance of the alley emitted a turbid glimmer, but the light could not be dispersed at all, as if they were sucked into the darkness, and as if they were swallowed by a greedy and terrifying beast.

"Hu, hu~~"

A few minutes later, Kirishima Eimi in the alley was panting. She felt that she was about to be swallowed.

This guy walked so fast, just as anxious as the one on the phone, and he brought me to this place... for what! ?

Uh, is he going to do this to me here...

A terrifying thought flashed through Kirishima Eimi's mind, and she quickly raised her head, looking at Akai Shuichi with some fear, and found that he was looking at her coldly, as if waiting for her to speak.

"Well, sir, my business scope and work place here cannot include these, and it is impossible to do it here, so no matter whether you plan to play any tricks or do deeper role-playing, please find another job! I really don't want to take this order!"

It seems that she found that Akai Shuichi did not choose to take action directly except to treat her coldly. Kirishima Eimi suppressed her inner fear, thinking that he had been playing this kind of trick to "tease" her before doing things, so as to achieve his perverted "flirting" effect, so she was embarrassed for a long time, and still bit her lip and shook her head.

"Heh, just tell me what he asked you to come to me for!"

Akai Shuichi suppressed his anger. He still didn't know what the woman in front of him was doing. He really didn't have to deal with Gin. Even if he knew Gin's whereabouts, he would just be sending his head to the ground!


Kirishima Eimi was stunned. Seeing that Akai Shuichi's expression didn't seem to be fake, she was a little confused and couldn't help but mutter and complain.

This guy doesn't remember! ? Uh, he can't have a mental illness.....

"That's not me, you've been fooled."

Seemingly seeing the obvious doubt in her eyes, Akai Shuichi replied coldly.

"Ah!? But the person who called me obviously has the same voice as you!"

Kirishima Eimi was shocked and blurted out in astonishment.

That guy, he even knows how to change his voice....

Akai Shuichi frowned.

"Madam, my patience is limited. Tell me what happened and you can leave..."

Resisting all the negative emotions in his heart, Shuichi Akai raised his head again, and said in a helpless tone.

"...Well, I know. Actually, just now you, oh, there is a person who sounds very similar to you, he..."

Eimi Kirishima seemed to understand that the man in front of her was teased by a bad guy, so she calmed down, looked at Shuichi Akai, and explained softly.

Damn it, don't let me know who did it! !

While explaining, she silently cursed the man who called her just now...


A few minutes later, a gritting sound came from the alley, and judging from the rhythm, this gritting sound was obviously impossible for just one person to perform!

That fucking guy! !

After listening to everything quietly, Shuichi Akai's face seemed to be so black that ink could drip out.

"Do you know who did it?"

Seeing this, Kirishima Eimi looked at Akai Shuichi with a gloomy face and asked with gritted teeth.

".........A nasty and damnable guy!"

Akai Shuichi glanced at her, said something softly, turned around and left.

That guy, he will definitely teach him a lesson...




At the same time, Kishida sneezed violently at the table...

PS: I have a stomachache again, um, my stomach is not good, my stomach is very upset tonight, and I am in a bad state. There is only this chapter tonight, and I won't break it down for 4,000 words. Because now whether you are fully present or not is linked to the average number of subscriptions!

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