Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 386: A Bad Valentine's Day That Derailed Plans (I)

The next day, the sky was dim, and the sun was hidden behind the clouds. At first, there were only wisps of dim morning light. I don’t know how long it took, but when the cool spring breeze blew gently and blew the curtains, the sun gradually broke through the clouds. And out, the last dark corner around the bedroom was dyed with golden splendor.

"I'm a fool, I'm a fool!"

When the sun completely covered the entire bedroom, a guy who stayed up all night working on "little props" until three or four in the morning by himself last night gradually started to stir under the covers as the alarm clock rang.


With a groan, a strong arm stretched out from the quilt, and less than three seconds later, the alarm clock stopped ringing, and the quilt became silent again.

"I'm a fool, I'm a fool, I'm~~"

The alarm clock rang inappropriately again. It seemed that its owner had predicted his laziness, so he deliberately set a few more alarm clocks.

"Well, it's so noisy... Huh!? No!"

The arm under the quilt was just about to stretch out again, intending to turn off the alarm clock again, but the movement stopped abruptly after an irritated grunt, and then, Kishida's closed eyes suddenly opened.

Then, he stood up and stretched lazily. He glanced at the small tent set up under the quilt from the corner of his eye, only to realize that it was already bright outside. The hazy sleepiness dissipated and his consciousness gradually returned.

It’s already ten o’clock! I almost forgot, today is Valentine's Day....

Kishida scratched his fluffy hair, reached for his phone, and listened to the ringtone of "I'm an idiot" that kept ringing. With a gentle smile on his face, he turned it off helplessly.

This alarm clock ringtone was secretly recorded by him last time when Mingmei confessed that she was an idiot. He originally wanted to use it as a cell phone ringtone, but after her "protest", he set it as an alarm clock ringtone.

"I'm the idiot!"

Kishida muttered and got out of bed helplessly.

Last night, because I got carried away for a moment, I said to Mingmei that I had exposed myself with a bald mouth, which made her criticize me a lot. She thought that she remembered the lady's service number because she wanted to learn a wave of summoning skills, and then use it when necessary. Sometimes he summons a "demon chicken" to suppress himself.

In front of his girlfriend, he said that he kept this kind of summoning number. What else could he be but an idiot?

Even after Kishida explained it several times, she still seemed to be very dissatisfied. The most direct manifestation was that the vegetables she put on the table, as well as the fish with bones picked out, were much less than Haibara's portion!

This is really too much!

At that time, when Haibara showed a happy and victorious smile, Kishida became angry on the spot. After taking a big bite of the pan-fried salmon, he directly slapped the table to express...

"I'll wash the dishes tonight!"

Then, with Mingmei’s funny and annoyed expression, she said a few words to her, such as:

"How can I, who lives here for free, let the host wash the dishes myself! Otherwise, if I really want to be kicked out by then, why don't I have to watch someone and call someone to come over and 'help' do the washing up."

Finally, after Kishida's ears were baptized by the above similar words, his share was restored to its original state. As for washing dishes and chopsticks, after finishing dinner happily, Akemi became "high-spirited" He pulled Haiyuan and drove Kishida away as if he was disgusted. The two sisters went to clean up and wash the dishes. Then Kishida casually took a shower and went to work on his own props...


As the scene from last night flashed through his mind, Kishida chuckled, changed out of his pajamas, and walked out of the living room.

Sure enough, there was no trace of Mingmei in the living room, not even Haiyuan.

"Have you gone to school and the dessert shop?"

Kishida muttered, and just as he was about to wash up, he noticed from the corner of his eye that there was a small cup on the dining table with a white note pressed down on it.

Kishida blinked, walked around in a circle and came to the dining table, picked up the note and took a look:

[Lazy man, when you read this letter, the sun will already be high in the sky! 】


When his eyes came into view of the first line of beautiful handwriting on the note, Mingmei's full of ridicule came to his face. Kishida couldn't help but turned his head speechlessly, watching the sunshine coming in through the window at noon, shining on The warmth of the house is cozy.

This woman sometimes looks like her sister...

Kishida stopped rolling his eyes and lowered his gaze to continue scanning.

[So, due to the consequences of your insistence on staying up late last night, your breakfast today can only be "wronged (cross out)". You heat it yourself and eat it. As for the rice, it is still kept warm in the rice cooker. In this case, I go to work first! See you later~ (*^▽^*)]

At the end of the note, there was a smiley face on purpose.

"Really! You know why I stayed up late last night, but you still come to complain about me..."

Kishida looked at the note in amusement and muttered.

Considering that the upcoming danger tomorrow may be related to terrorist organizations such as Red Siamese Cat, he must seize the time and get some gadgets for self-defense.

Therefore, considering the dangers of staying up late and the threat to life, Akemi naturally had no choice but to indulge Kishida and let him stay up late.

"Tsk, tsk, is this what it feels like to be remembered all the time? Having a girlfriend is indeed a very troublesome thing!"

Kishida shook his head in distress, put down the note, and went to the bathroom.

His schedule for today was already full!

Well, the props research and development is not ready yet, but this can continue to be asked by Dr. Agasa, the tool man. Anyway, he is still an elderly single dog now, and he doesn’t have to do anything today on Valentine’s Day!

So instead of going out and suffering a blow, it is better to stay at home and help yourself. As for Kishida himself, well, of course he has to prepare some things first, then pick up Mingmei from get off work early, and finally hurt the single dogs on the street today!

Hehehe~ (σ, ω,)σ


"Well, it's really a very Japanese traditional breakfast!"

After a few minutes, he heated up the breakfast casually. Kishida put all the small plates filled with miso soup, grilled fish, eggs, tofu, vegetables, cherry tomatoes, rice, and various pickles (pickles, pickles, such as: grated white radish, seaweed, dried bonito, spinach, pickled radish) on the table. Except for the lack of tea, this is basically the most basic family version of Japanese traditional breakfast.

"Is it because we live together now? But it's so complicated, but there's only a little bit of each, and so many small bowls are used. It's a waste of energy and time, and it's troublesome to wash the dishes! No, I'll just ask her to be simpler next time..."

Looking at the small plates on the table, Kishida frowned slightly. As an ordinary flower grower who eats relatively simple breakfasts, he doesn't like it like this. It takes so much effort to have a breakfast.

This is such a waste of time! ? So, how early does the senior sister have to get up? !

Moreover, she is not a housewife yet and has to rush to work....

Well, Kishida certainly wants to eat the tedious breakfast, but he cares more about his woman.


While happily picking up the grilled fish, Kishida thought about his morning plan.


"Ring, ring, ring~"

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