Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 396: Yuan Jiaming's mysterious disappearance

“........” (??д?)

I?, am I so bad in your eyes?

The muscles on Kishida’s face trembled, and he couldn’t speak for a long time.

So sad, I was so good to them, but they could never feel my sincere heart and deep affection.

No, it must be that I was not good enough to them, so they were not moved by me! !

Kishida reflected deeply on himself, and then made up his mind in a second.

Find an opportunity to invite Genta and Mitsuhiko to eat expired eel rice, and then put some seasoning in the eel rice to experiment with the results of my hard work all night last night. The "potion" will be used to influence them and let them understand that they can’t eat or say anything.

As for Ayumi, since she was honest today, let her go!

Kishida nodded in his heart and made up his mind.

"No way!"

When Kishida's mind was full of random thoughts, a childish voice suddenly sounded.

Kishida looked up in surprise, only to see Ayumi pouting and looking at Mitsuhiko angrily.

Hmm? It seems that there are still people who can understand my good intentions!

Kishida was a little satisfied, looking at Ayumi, intending to listen to how she would refute Mitsuhiko.

Then, Ayumi continued to speak seriously in the face of Mitsuhiko's bewildered expression:

"No matter how bad Kishida-san is, he can't poison the food. Besides, Officer Megure is a policeman. How could he murder a policeman!!"

∑( ̄□ ̄*---


While being petrified, Kishida seemed to feel that his heart was stabbed hard. He was directly broken by Ayumi's magic finishing blow.

"But, I just said that Kishida-san was doing an experiment, I didn't say he was going to use poison..."

Mitsuhiko retorted weakly.

"Ah!" Ayumi was stunned, with a silly and cute expression.




The atmosphere froze at first, and then in less than a second, like fireworks being detonated, the office instantly It exploded, and everyone burst into laughter.

Among them, Sonoko, who was wearing the sexiest outfit today, laughed the most exaggeratedly. She held her belly and patted her delicate and slender thighs with her little hands. The white skin of her thighs instantly turned slightly red, which showed that she was patting with great force. She really laughed exaggeratedly.

This little kid Ayumi actually intended to speak for herself! ?

The muscles on Kishida's face and the corners of his mouth were beating wildly, and he felt that his heart was stabbed again.

If she did it on purpose, it would be fine, but she actually did a bad thing with good intentions, and she could hit it quickly and accurately without error, which really made Kishida speechless.

This is simply a god-level finishing blow from a pig teammate!

Kishida silently wrote the name "Yoshida Ayumi" in a big diary in his heart, and turned his head helplessly. He glared at Mingmei.

Because even she was laughing non-stop now.......

"Come on, eat this little cake or not!"

Finally, Kishida complained helplessly.


"Well, haha, I asked everyone to come here this time, haha, actually for no other reason, just yesterday in the hotel suite of Building B of the Twin Towers, a body that was stabbed to death was found."

Until there was a little cream on the corner of his mouth, Officer Megure was still laughing while interrupting with a tissue and explaining the cause.

It was rare to see Brother Kishida being humiliated, and his mood suddenly became much better, as if even the depression accumulated from yesterday to now had dissipated a lot.


"Who is this person?!"

However, Conan and others who were called over followed Officer Chiba to take the dead 's photo was posted on the whiteboard, and he was shocked.

"Nishitama City Councillor Oki Iwamatsu?" Maori Kogoro said in surprise.

"It was him!"

Kishida's eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, and his expression was as exaggerated as it could be.

Bastard, you guys, look at me seriously!

When Officer Megure saw this scene, he glanced at Officer Shiratori with a guilty look in his eyes. After finding that he had no extra expression, he continued to say seriously:

"When he asked Tokiwa Mio for accommodation, I heard that you were all at the scene. So I called you all over, Chiba!"

After speaking, Officer Megure turned his head and took a look, indicating that he should explain the details of the incident.

"Hey! Councillor Oki's death time was probably..."

Chiba flipped through the notebook and read it verbatim according to the content written in it.

Kishida, who had known it in advance, couldn't help but laugh.

The reason is that whenever someone called "Chiba", he couldn't help but show a man's knowing smile.

Well, those who understand understand, and those who don't can only say.....

The Japanese pronunciation of the name "Chiba" really sounds like the homophone of the flower grower's sweet-smelling word "**"... ahem!

Well, the pronunciation of the last two words of "electric shock me!", so every time someone calls Chiba, Kishida finds it particularly interesting and wants to laugh.

"Holding the small wine glass that was split into two, a trace of "one" was drawn on the floor. Even the deceased himself used blood to draw a "one" on his collar, so, so... ....Mr. Kishida, is there something on my face?”

Officer Chiba was reciting, and suddenly stopped, and subconsciously glanced at Officer Megure. After seeing him nodding, he planned to continue reciting, but while he was reciting, he inevitably looked at Kishida, only to find that, The criminal suspect was smiling at the corner of his mouth, looking at himself with a smile, his expression was very strange.

"No, no, keep talking!"

Kishida shook his head repeatedly, indicating for him to continue.

"Well, so our police initially suspect that the suspect is probably... Mr. Kishida you!"

Officer Chiba scratched his head and looked at Kishida awkwardly.

After all, he had just eaten someone else's cake, and he didn't believe that Kishida could be the murderer from the bottom of his heart. Although he looks neurotic and crazy, and the Metropolitan Police Department calls him "Electric Shock Demon", this is just a joke. Anyone who is familiar with him knows that this guy seems to be quite "kind" of?

"Impossible! ×2"

"Yes, this is impossible! ×2"

Then, just as Officer Chiba finished speaking, Akemi and Haibara shouted coldly at the same time, and then like a chain reaction, Sonoko and Xiaolan also spoke out one after another, speaking out for Kishida.

"But, I remember that Kishida-san seemed to have a fierce quarrel with this uncle yesterday morning. Moreover, Kishida-san just now... ugh!"

Because Officer Chiba accidentally saw Kishida snickering when he was explaining the moment before, Genta, who thought he had discovered something, imitated an adult and touched his chin with his hand, but before he could finish speaking, he was struck by two He was glanced at with a cold and stern look at the same time, and he was so frightened that he quickly shrunk his long neck.

Hiss~ so scary! Forget about Haibara-san, why did even the gentle sister Chinami suddenly become so scary!

Seeing Genta trembling, Mitsuhiko, who originally wanted to speak, was still frightened, so he tactfully closed his mouth and sat upright.

"Junior, there is absolutely no way he is a suspect!"

Mingmei's head slowly turned in a circle, and after scanning the people in the room, she focused on Officer Megure and said every word seriously.

At this moment, everyone was surprised to find that this girl, who had always looked gentle, but was actually really gentle, had such a strong performance, and her attitude and tone of speaking had an undoubted sense of courage.

"Ahem, don't worry, senior, don't forget that I have installed a monitor at home!"

Kishida took Akemi's slender hand on the table and said gently.

"That's right! I almost forgot, you still have the video to prove your alibi!"

Hearing this, Mingmei's eyes lit up, and her heart suddenly relaxed. When Kishida explained to Officer Shiratori and the others, she returned to the look of a calm listener.

"It would be better now that Mr. Kishida has a video. In fact, I don't think you will be the murderer, but this is a procedural matter. I hope you can understand. Here, everyone, please take a look. This is the small wine glass left at the scene. ”

After quietly listening to Kishida's explanation, Officer Shiratori nodded with a faint smile, and then while talking slowly, he took out a transparent bag containing a broken shot glass from a box.

"This small wine glass is a high-priced item. Representative Ogi likes to drink, so he probably brought it here with the island wine! We analyzed that this is also likely to be a criminal suspect who deliberately left a message that hints at his identity!"

Officer Memu looked at the small wine glass and explained to everyone.

"In other words, after excluding Kishida kid, the police still believe that the suspect is probably one of those five people?"

Mouri Kogoro looked at the photos of Mio Tokiwa, Karaki Hara and the other five people posted by Officer Chiba and asked thoughtfully.

He has known Officer Megure for many years, so he knew at a glance that Officer Megure did not regard Kishida boy as a suspect from the beginning.

"Well, because the site is a new building that is not yet in use."

Officer Shiratori nodded.


Mouri Kogoro fell into deep thought, and then he suddenly remembered that when Kishida suddenly took the elevator and ran downstairs, the game engineer named Hara Jiaki seemed to have invited the three brats in front of him to eat chocolate.

Then, I don’t know if Mouri Kogoro’s brain circuit was short-circuited, or how he made the connection. Suddenly he made a fist with one hand, hammered it heavily on his other palm, and said happily:

"I understand, the shot glass refers to chocolate, so the murderer is Mr. Yuan Jiaming, who likes chocolate!"



"It can't be Mr. Yuan!"

"Mr. Yuan even gave us chocolates to eat! He is a good person!"


The three kiddies from the Death-Suicide Detective Team heard this and yelled one after another.

"Hey, hey, I didn't see you three brats just now. Are you talking to me like this? A few chocolates bought you off? I'm 'better' to you! And you fat man, you still want to take the opportunity to hurt me. !”

Kishida's eyes swept over the three of them wordlessly, focusing on Genta.

"Asshole, please don't make any noise, please!"

And Maori Kogoro slammed the table, also angrily looking at the little ghosts and said.

"Mr. Hara Yoshiaki should be innocent, well, he should be, because we have questioned the five of them, and he is the only one who has an alibi. But the strange thing is that when we planned to question him again for details, we couldn't contact him..."

Just when the scene was a little chaotic, Inspector Megure curled his lips, explained, and suddenly said in confusion.

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