
"What are you yelling about!"

There was a complaining sound from Maori Kogoro on the other end of the phone, and then Rabbit River heard a bang, and the sound was immediately silenced over there.

Mao Lilan continued to ask on the phone: "One, two, three, what do you mean by what you just said?"

"It is the department store robber group reported in today's news, and the modus operandi of this bandit group is to enter the department store after the department store is closed, and loot the jewelry and electronic products in the store."

"If Conan and they accidentally stay in the department store after closing, and then they encounter this gang of robbers..."

Maori Lan shouted loudly.

"Of course, all this is just my speculation."

Rabbit added symbolically, but he believed that Maori Lan would not let it go and would definitely go to see it himself.

"I know, I'll go to the department store right now, thank you, one, two, three."


other end of the phone was hung up by Mao Lilan, and Rabbit Chuan also dropped the phone.

Rabbit River believes that with Mao Lilan's combat power, he can definitely beat the five robbers in a crowd.

Fighting, courage too. One blow, then decline, three exhaustion.

Rabbit Chuan thought that he had destroyed the team building of the Young Detective Group three times in a row, how could he make this group of little guys stop for a while.

At this time, Maori Lan took Maori Kogoro all the way to the department store, she saw the whole department store was brightly lit, and looked up, and the glass windows on the upper floors of the building were painted with the three letters SOS in white paint.

"Sure enough, something happened! Dad, that must be a distress signal written by Conan! Maori Lan shouted, pointing to the three letters on the building's glass.

Maori Kogoro also discovered at this time that something bad might really happen in this department store.

"Xiaolan, you go to the police first!"

As soon as Maori Lan wanted to nod in agreement, he heard the sound of tinkling things in the department store building, and the panicked screams of children.

"Dad, you go to the police, I'll go save people now!"

"Huh? Wait a minute, don't be impulsive, Xiaolan! Wait for me, Xiaolan! Before

Maori Kogoro's words fell, he saw his girlfriend kick through the aluminum roller shutter door of the department store, and the glass door behind the roller shutter shattered, and then tore the aluminum roller shutter door open from the opening with his bare hands and walked into the department store alone.

By the time the police arrived, the five members of the department store robber group were already unconscious.

Afterwards, because Maori Lan arrested the robber group, the department store not only did not pursue the destruction of things, but also gave Maori Lan a lifetime VIP membership card as a reward.

As for the four children, of course, the department store did not hold them accountable, and even compensated for the mental damage.

But after this, it is natural that the cordial greetings of the police uncles and the loving education of parents are indispensable.

But none of this has anything to do with Rabbit River, who is now preparing for a trip to the Lake of Sorrows Resort.

Although Rabbitikawa has a pain, he wants to know more about what the Kanedaichi case in Conan's world will become.

And if you can stop this tragedy from happening on the way to the Lake of Sorrow Resort, it will naturally be the best result.

But it's hard.

Unlike Conan, the murderer of Kazuri Kaneda, that one is a wolf.

The murderer's sense of crime is firm, and most of the motives for the crime are revenge.

Every crime is planned for many years, and all actions are planned seamlessly before they start to kill, and even kill themselves to the end.

Just like this invitation in Rabbit Chuan's hand.

The invitation letter of the jury of Lake of Sorrow Resort states that two outstanding judges will be selected from the jury this time and give them a lifetime membership of Lake of Sorrow Resort worth 100 million.

For people in the bubble economy era, the murderer firmly believes that no one will refuse this 100 million for nothing.

The prisoner is so preoccupied with murder, once someone reveals the truth in advance and destroys his plan, the result will never be the prisoner's crying, kneeling and repentance, it is definitely a dog jumping off the wall, or even directly choosing to die together.

Agasa House.

Rabbit Chuan sat on the sofa and shouted to Dr. Agasa in the studio, "Doctor, is the thing I want ready?"

"Okay, okay!" Dr. Agasa pushed the wheelchair over, "According to your requirements, replace the tires of the wheelchair with off-road tires, and I also dampened and reinforced all the steel frames on the wheelchair, absolutely ensuring that you can walk on the rough mountain."

"Doctor, that's awesome!"

Rabbit Chuan sat in a wheelchair and tried to move forward and backward and turn, this modified cross-country wheelchair felt a little more laborious than the usual wheelchair.

"I added two more solar panels to the back of the chair, usually three solar panels folded together, and when there is a power outage, as long as they are unfolded and sunbathed, it is a small solar generator."

"Oh! All right!

Rabbit Chuan applauded and cheered, feeling a little useful, but useless.

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