"And this." Dr. Agasa took out a bento box, "I put all the bomb disposal tools you asked me to prepare here."

"Thank you, Dr. Agasa!"

Rabbit Chuan took the bento box, feeling quite heavy.

"What's in there?"

Dr. Agasa opened the bento box and introduced, "The first layer is a bento for camouflage, and there is a fax machine on the bottom layer. Isn't it very hidden and practical?


Strange and useless additions added.

"But, one, two, three, what's the use of these things?" Dr. Agasa asked.

"I'm going here for this Golden Week." Rabbikawa took out the invitation, "There is a resort in Lake Sorrow in Nagano Prefecture that opens next spring, and I have invited Shinichigo to serve as an inspector to experience the environmental equipment of the resort in advance. "

Lake of Sorrow Resort?" The well-informed Dr. Agasa thought for a while and said, "I haven't heard of it."

"Haha, I haven't heard of it before."

Rabbit Chuan has a black line on his face, but no, this should not be a product of this world at all.

"It is said that the entire resort covers an area the size of Yokohama, and the entire Lake of Sorrow Resort is located in the Highland Nature Reserve, and according to the protection regulations, it is forbidden to open to traffic within 6 kilometers of the nature reserve.

Dr. Agasa echoed, "Oh, a highland resort built in an off-the-beaten-path nature reserve, with its beautiful mountains and fresh air, sounds like a great place to spend a vacation.

"Yes, yes!"

Rabbit Chuan also nodded, it is indeed a treasure land of feng shui for home travel, murder and arson.


"I'll open the door."

Dr. Agasa said to Rabbitikawa and turned to open the door.

Seeing the person outside the door, Dr. Agasa greeted, "It's new... Conan is here. Conan

heard the Doctor call him, saw the shoes in the doorway, and reasoned that Rabbit Chuan was now here.

Conan whispered helplessly to Dr. Agasa: "Doctor, don't leak your mouth every time, in case you are accidentally overheard, my identity will not be exposed."

Dr. Agasa smiled sarcastically, "Hahaha, sorry sorry. Conan

walked in and saw Rabbit Chuan walking around the living room in a wheelchair.

It's been a long time since I saw Oudoudou in a wheelchair, but the tires of this wheelchair are too wide, and the stripes of the tires are also very deep....

Well? Isn't this the tire used for off-road vehicles?

"Brother Rabbitchuan is good!"

"It's Conan's little brother!"

Rabbit Chuan stopped the wheelchair, carefully observed Conan's small braincase, and stopped his gaze on Conan's little butt, where is this love education implemented?

Conan walked up to Rabbit Chuan and asked, "Is Brother Rabbit Chuan going to play in the suburbs?"

"It's not to go to the countryside, it's to go to the highland resort in the mountains, five days and four nights!"

"Going for five days and four nights?!"

Conan was shocked, his family Oudoudou is no longer in the house, and he is going out to play? Did you ask the girls to go on a five-day, four-night tour together?

Rabbit Chuan didn't know what Conan was laughing at there, his expression was strange.

Conan bent his eyes and asked with a gossipy look: "Does Brother Rabbit Chuan go alone?" Or go with girls?

Rabbit Chuan understood what Conan was laughing at, and said with a bad heart: "Yes, yes, I plan to ask Sister Xiaolan to go together."

Conan cried out like a duck suddenly pinched by the neck: "Gah? Xiaolan? "

Little brother, something is wrong with you. What do you want?!

"yes, what's wrong?"

"So what, when are you going to the resort?"

"Next Golden Week."

"Golden Week... Well? When

it comes to Golden Week, Conan reacts.

The Maori family's itinerary for next Golden Week has long been arranged to go to Izu Island, and it is impossible for Xiaoran to go to the resort with one, two, three.

"Brother Rabbitchuan, Uncle Maori will take us to Izu Island to play next Golden Week, and Sister Xiaolan has no time."

"Well, that's a shame, I still want you to accompany me to the resort!"

Which Izu island is so unlucky, death comes.

"It turned out to be an invitation to go with us!" Conan breathed a sigh of relief.

Alas, Oudoudou always gasped when he spoke, and just now almost didn't scare him to death.

"Because it is an invitation letter sent to the new first brother, I think Miss Xiaolan should want to go there to see, maybe you can see the new first brother there!" Rabbit Chuan did not forget to explain to a certain vinegar king.

Conan was speechless, how could he see it, because he himself was here!

Conan opens the invitation sent to Shinichi Kudo.

"Lake of Sorrow Resort?"

Where is this? I haven't heard of it! How could you send him a review form?

"Well, since Sister Xiaolan is not available, then you can only find... Officer Matsuda? "

It's really a pity, the Grim Reaper schedule is too full, I can't go to the Lake of Sorrows Resort with him to shoot an episode."

Conan complained, "Looking for Officer Matsuda? This kind of trip should be accompanied by girls!

Rabbit Chuan raised his eyebrows and laughed: "You little ghost still knows a lot!" "

Don't you want to go with the girls?

It's just that not every girl is a heroine, and if you go, you may not be able to come back.

So, "This kind of trip is best for Officer Matsuda." "

Matsuda Jinpei can fight again, defuse bombs, and drag racing, this trip Matsuda Jinpei is the most suitable person!

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