Police today received a report from Kazuo Tata, the librarian of Mika, that her husband had not been home since the night before.

Tamata Kazuo is an honest man who calls his wife every day after work to report his whereabouts, but not only did he not go home the night before, but his wife did not receive a report call, so the police judged that Tamata Kazuo was most likely taken away during work or encountered an accident in the library.

In fact, it is also true that while working overtime to sort out the books the night before, Kazuo Tamada accidentally discovered that the books imported by Director Tsukawa from abroad were not books at all, and the pages were hollowed out, and the contents were filled with suspicious powder.

Before Tamada Kazuo could react to what shocking secret he had discovered, he was brutally murdered by Tsukawa, who happened to be passing by, and dumped his body above the elevator box.

That's right, Director Tsukawa threw a corpse directly above the elevator box, and it has been two days.

It's been two days! Director Tsukawa hasn't disposed of the body yet, he doesn't really plan to be a lifelong man, right?

You must know that after a person dies, if you don't use the frozen coffin, the body will begin to rot and smell within 24 to 48 hours, and it will attract a lot of flies.

The rice flower library has central air conditioning, a constant temperature of 25 degrees, and the corpse emits a clear stench for about 30 hours at this temperature, so now this elevator room is really a little... It's hard to get off your feet.

Seeing Rabbit Chuan's hesitant look in front of the elevator, Conan came over and asked, "I... Brother Rabbit Chuan, why don't you get into the elevator? "

Forget it, anyway, today is also the last time to call Brother Rabbitagawa, and when he changes back to Kudo Shinichi tomorrow, he will be the new brother of the little brother again."

Rabbit Chuan can see at a glance what Conan is thinking, hahaha, the new brother, this flag is very standard!

Rabbit Chuan is going to the newspaper and periodical section on the third floor of the library to check out the old reports of Teiji Moriya, and by the way, read manga magazines or something.

If you don't take the elevator, you can only take the stairs, but it is so tiring to take the stairs!

Rabbit Chuan gritted his teeth and walked into the elevator, Conan followed, and the three little ones also followed Conan into the elevator.

The Twilight Police Department saw that the old brother entered the elevator and followed himself, and Director Tsukawa saw that the Twilight Police Department was going to enter the elevator, thinking of the corpse above the elevator, he panicked in his heart, and followed the Twilight Police Department into the elevator.

When Officer Takagi stepped into the elevator with Officer Twilight...

Buzz -

Officer Takagi was startled by the sudden sound of the siren, he jumped directly out of the elevator and took two steps back, and then the alarm sound also disappeared.

Because the juvenile detective team experienced an overload alarm when going downstairs, knowing that the elevator weight limit was 450 kilograms, that is, 7 people, Yuan Tai began to count people again.

"Uncle Pavilion Chief, Twilight Police Department, Brother Rabbitikawa, Conan, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and me!" This time he did not forget to count himself, "Just 7 people, uncle, you come in the elevator is overloaded!"

Officer Takagi raised his hand and scratched the back of his head and smiled bitterly: "Haha, it turned out to be overloaded, haha... I'm not old enough to be called an uncle. "

Takagi-kun..." The Twilight Police Department was speechless for his subordinates' treasure tricks.

After Officer Takagi went down, the elevator ran smoothly.

At this time, Rabbit Chuan suddenly spoke: "I recently read a story about elevators.

"One day, Bob, a company employee, and his colleagues worked overtime at the company, and they didn't finish their work until midnight."

"Bob and his colleagues packed up their things, and the two were ready to take the elevator downstairs."

"Because it was midnight, there were only two people in the company, Xiaoming and his colleagues, and they walked into the elevator at the same time, but when Xiaoming stepped into the elevator, an alarm sounded in the elevator, and the elevator with only two people showed overload."

Xiao Ming and his colleagues looked at each other, glanced into the elevator together, and then... They...... Ahhhh

"Ah——!" The three little ones also exclaimed.

Ding-dong -

the elevator reached the third floor, the elevator door opened, and the three little ones closed their eyes and screamed and rushed out of the elevator.

"Uh-huh——! Are there ghosts——!

"Hey, you guys, don't make loud noises in the library... Never mind.

Conan looked back and saw Rabbit's proud little expression, and thought speechlessly, is it so happy to just scare a few children?

Rabbit River is of course happy, see if these little ghosts dare to spend the night in the library!

Conan straightened his chest and walked out of the elevator, an adult like him would not be frightened by ghost stories.

But when Conan saw Rabbit River behind him, the Twilight Police Department and the pale Tsukawa curator wiped his sweat.

Hey, is this ghost story that scary?

Feeling Conan's contemptuous eyes, the Twilight Police Department stopped awkwardly and explained: "Hahaha, a little hot haha..."

Director Tsukawa immediately echoed with a weak heart: "Yes, yes, the heating in the library has always been sufficient." "


Conan heard Rabbit Chuan exclaim a little, and quickly asked, "What's wrong?" "

Shouldn't you have scared yourself?

Rabbit Chuan replied in disappointment: "It's nothing, I just thought that I might not be able to read a manga today." "



Because as long as the police find the body, they will find that Director Tsukawa has hidden powder in the books in the library, then the books in the library will be sealed, so won't you see the books?"

Rabbit Chuan looked at Conan and asked, "Conan, are you here to write your homework?"

"Uh... It seems to be so... But it's okay, I've finished my homework.

Rabbit Chuan felt that Conan was talking nonsense with his eyes open, but Conan was not weak at all.

What kind of nonsense is this, the reading notes of elementary school students, he finished writing them 10 years ago, it's a big deal to wait for him to go back, find out the reading notes he wrote in elementary school and hand them in again.

No, he will become a high school student Kudo Shinichi tomorrow, what kind of elementary school homework is he writing!

Officer Takagi came up from the other side of the stairs and reported to the Twilight Police Department: "Report, the Twilight Police Department, warehouses, toilets and other places that no one paid attention to have searched, and no Mr. Tamada was found.

Twilight muttered, "Mr. Tamada is tall and should be easy to find, and if he can't find these places, he should be..."

"It's been divided by someone!" Rabbit Chuan suddenly interjected, the kind that chopped off legs.

"Huh?!" Officer Twilight and Officer Takagi were taken aback by Rabbitakawa words, but if you think about it, he has a point!

The Twilight Police Department thought, "It is true that Yutian Kazuo is very tall, and the body is not easy to hide, but if the body is divided, it is possible to hide anywhere." "

In fact, according to the thinking of normal people, after killing people, they will find a way to dispose of the corpse, generally throw the corpse into the wilderness, sink to the bottom of the sea, and the worst thing is to find a piece of land to bury, the unusual trick that can go to the sea, rarely regardless of the whole to their own territory."

This library incident does not choose one of the three, you don't need to reason to know that the murderer is the curator, and the curator himself has a strange style, look at this zombie face, and the eerie library, this episode is purely a horror movie.

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