
Twilight Police Department ordered its subordinates to search the library again, this time not only to find inconspicuous places, but also to spare the corners, what if one hand and two feet were found in pieces?

And Conan is still thinking about what Rabbikawa said, do Akira and colleagues refer to the missing Kazuo Tamada and Tsukawa curator?

It was Director Tsukawa who killed Xiaoming in the elevator ... Killed Kazuo Tata? So where are the bodies hidden?

And why did One, Two, Three say that he can't read comic books today, and let him write his homework quickly?

Could it be that the corpse was divided and hidden in these books?

Conan was so stupid by his own thoughts that he laughed twice and laughed at himself: "Haha, how is it possible!" "

But there are a lot of movable hand-cranked bookshelves in the old book library, and the old book library is rarely visited, if it is hidden in the bookshelf over there....


"Conan ——!"


Conan finally heard the call of his friends and turned to see them hiding behind a bookshelf not far away and reaching out to beckon him over.

Conan walked over and asked, "What are you all doing here?"

With tears in the corners of the eyes of the three children, Ayumi said in fear: "Because brother Rabbit Chuan said that there are ghosts in the elevator."

"Please, where in the world are there ghosts?"

Yuan Tai said in a hurry: "But why is it that there are only two people taking the elevator, but there are seven people that weigh so much?"

Mitsuhiko also said, "There must be a ghost in the elevator that we can't see!"

Conan laughed: "Hahaha, maybe they are like Yuantai, a big fat man who is heavier than three people?" Yuan

Tai said dissatisfied: "What you said is excessive, I only weigh 40 kilograms!"

Mitsuhiko also followed: "Yuan Tai is so fat, and he only weighs twice as much as me, who is so exaggerated that three times heavier."

Ayumi continued to cry and said, "So there are still ghosts!" Oh, I'm afraid to take the elevator home!

"How could there be a ghost, maybe someone standing on the ceiling of the elevator... Huh?! Conan

suddenly had an epiphany, and he finally thought of the key to the problem!

The four of them weigh at most two adults, even if the Twilight Police Department is a top two, but after counting Tsukawa Curator and One, Two, Three, there should still be a Takagi Officer in, so why is the elevator overloaded?

That, of course, is because there is an invisible passenger in the elevator, and the body of Kazuo Tamata is on top of the elevator box!

So it seems that one, two, three he found out as early as Officer Takagi got on the elevator?

No, maybe earlier, maybe the body was found while he was standing in front of the elevator door hesitating.

By the way, it's the smell, one, two, three's sense of smell is very sensitive, it must smell the smell of corpses!

But why didn't he tell the Twilight Police Department, was it to create an atmosphere that scared children? Impossible, then it is better to say that it is a social terrorist.

Rabbit Chuan said that the new brother guessed accurately, he was just to scare children!

Originally, Rabbit Chuan also wanted to read a manga in the library, go home for a meal, sleep until midnight and then come to pick up people, but this stink is really, gagging, can't stand it!

Jubao's wanton, for a long time without smelling its smell, this Tsukawa curator is probably used to it.

Rabbit Chuan walked to the children's library, and the police department followed the steps of the old brother, where the old brother was and where he was.

Director Tsukawa's zombie eyes stared at Rabbit-gawa deadly, what did this little ghost just say in the elevator mean, did he find something?

No, it can't be, how could anyone think that he threw Yutian's body in the elevator, but he was just a little ghost reading picture books in the children's library, how could he be so smart.

According to the current law, anyone under the age of 16 is a child, and Rabbit Chuan is of course one of the children, and there is no problem at all when you go to the children's library.

He remembers that the imported books with personal goods were placed here, and the shelves here were specially custom-made and very wide, so that three columns of books could be placed side by side.

Those imported books that do not have a back and both sides are placed in the middle column, so that when you take the books from both sides, you can only see the mouth of the book, thinking that the book is opposite, and the middle row of books is hidden.

However, this Tsukawa curator is also too small to look at the combat power of the bear children, it is better to let him gain insight.

When Conan finds Rabbit River, he sees a playful smile on the little brother's face.

Rabbit Chuan took a book from one side of the shelf, then another book, another book, three books to Conan, rolled up his sleeves, moved his wrists, and then pushed all the books on the opposite side down with a sharp palm.

Rabbit Chuan was satisfied to hear Director Tsukawa's gasp, and then said to the Twilight Police Department: "Twilight Police Department, you see, the bookshelf here is so wide, my arms can't reach the edge of the opposite side." "

Huh? It's really wide. The police department asked Director Tsukawa, "Are the bookshelves made here?" Why is it wider than bookshelves in other libraries?

"Yes, yes, because this side is full of children, a wider bookshelf chassis will be more stable, haha." Director Tsukawa quickly wiped his sweat.

Whose child is this, how do you not take books according to the rules!!

The police officer was around, and Director Tsukawa did not dare to act rashly, and he did not know if the contents of the books that fell fell out.

Conan's eyes were good, and he keenly observed from the gap that Rabbit Chuan shot out with his bare hands that there were three columns of books side by side on the bookshelf here, and there must be a problem.

"Ah, brother Rabbitchuan, look, what kind of book is that row of books in the middle?"

Rabbit Chuan ignored Conan's betrayal, but encouraged Conan and said, "The bookshelf is so wide, it should be no problem to lie a corpse on it... Conan, would you like to climb on the bookshelf and see if Kazuo's body is on it? "

Huh?" Conan is a little confused, isn't Tamada Kazuo's body on the elevator, why let him climb the bookshelf to find the body?

Wait, do you say... What's wrong with this shelf?

Conan whizzed up to the top of the bookshelf, and at a glance, there was nothing!

When Conan looked down and saw the imported books that had been pushed off on the ground on the other side of the bookshelf by Rabbit Chuan, and thought of the three columns of books on the shelf, he had a wit.

Then Director Tsukawa, who was still explaining the width of the bookshelf to the Twilight Police Department, heard it

, and when Director Tsukawa turned around, he saw that his bookshelf had fallen like dominoes, and a child in blue was sitting on the shelf scratching his head.

"Haha, I accidentally kicked it, but..." Conan took out a pressed imported book from under his ass, "What is the white powder in this?"

Twilight's eyes widened.

Director Tsukawa kneels on the ground, it's over!

Rabbit Chuan sighed on the side, silently clapping, worthy of being a 10,000-year-old elementary school student, that is, more bears than ordinary bear children!

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