Rabbit Chuan sat on the edge of the stage and watched everyone in the audience, his eyes were dim, and he was like a phantom flickering in the dim light.

"So, let's relive the last and first time I saw Hidaka-san's death!" Rabbit Chuan came down from the stage, "Now please follow me out of this opera house." "

Everyone here felt cold, what kind of detective is this, this listening reasoning feels like listening to a ghost story.

Rabbit Chuan led everyone out of the gate of the opera house, then stopped and stood where he was.

Matsuda Jinpei looked back at Rabbit River and asked, "Why didn't you leave?"

Rabbit Chuan asked rhetorically, "Where are you going?" "

Restaurant!" Matsuda Jinpei suddenly thought, "Shouldn't you be too far away to leave?"

"Wasn't the plot of the restaurant just narrated in the form of a narrator?" Rabbit Chuan said seriously, "This is not a horror novel, but a mystery novel, so the next step is the decryption session, and we will see here how the murderer killed Hidaka-san, as the audience of this mystery drama." The

crowd stood uneasily in front of the opera house, waiting for the next tragedy to repeat itself.

At this time, Rabbit Chuan suddenly said: "The time is up!"


There was a scream from the opera house.

The crowd was startled, and this terrifying cry reminded them of that tragic event, as if they rushed into the opera house at this time and they could see the white body of Hidaka-san's blood loss.

At this time, someone suddenly spoke, "Isn't this Takagi's voice?" "

But Officer Takagi is in front of them at this time?"

Officer Takagi quickly shook his head and said, "I, I don't know anything!" "

It's a recording." Matsuda Jinpei looked at Rabbitikawa and said, "That's why you let Takagi perform on stage in order to record the screams in the characters' lines."

Rabbit Chuan took out his Walkman and said, "Yes, the murderer used recording techniques to forge an alibi for himself."

"The murderer recorded Hidaka's screams during rehearsal in advance, and then put the recording magnetic film in the equipment of the theater's sound room to set the time, that is, everyone played it when everyone was eating in the restaurant."

In this way, it is natural for everyone to think that it was the screams of the victim when he died and thus mistook the time of the crime, and the murderer had a perfect alibi, but in fact Hidaka-san was still alive at that time.

"Still alive?!"

Everyone was shocked, and then someone reacted and asked, "But after Hidaka-san herself heard her own call, wouldn't she suspect anything?"

"She won't hear it, because she's in..." Rabbit Chuan paused, looked at Officer Takagi and asked, "Takagi-san, where should you be at this time?"

"Me?" Officer Takagi said embarrassedly, "Haha, just now Officer Sato wrote a note asking me to go to the stage to discuss things.

Officer Shiratori stared at the bastard Takagi with unkind eyes, and said, "Officer Takagi, please pay attention to your role positioning, it is not Officer Sato who asks you, it is the murderer who asks the deceased."

"You mean that the deceased was asked out by the murderer at that time, and she was standing on the stage." Matsuda Jinpei understood what Rabbit River meant, "But when the theater horn sounded, didn't she hear it more clearly?"

"Officer Matsuda, you must not have visited the stage of the opera house, have you?" Rabbit Chuan originally wanted to say that a straight man like him who has no girlfriend must have never seen the opera.

"I visited their opera stage on Broadway last year, and 30 minutes before the show, the stage was in full swing, the audience was talking to each other, and a curtain separated the stage and the offstage into two worlds."

Rabbit River asks everyone to return to the theater with Officer Takagi, and they are greeted by a scarlet stage curtain.

"Because the murderer lowered the sound-absorbing curtain beforehand, Hidaka-san who was standing on the stage at that time could not hear the sound of the horn."

Officer Takagi walked behind the curtain, and sure enough, he couldn't hear the sound under the stage.

Rabbit Chuan continued: "After hearing the screams, the murderer left the restaurant with everyone and pretended to look for the missing Hidaka-san, but in fact he immediately ran to the theater, cut the steel wire of the lighting, and at the same time pressed the opening bell to eliminate the real screams and impacts of Hidaka-san, which is the real time of Hidaka-san's death.

"Then, the murderer raised the curtain and pretended to appear in the theater with everyone, which is how the murderer creates an alibi."

"And the evidence is that the fragments of the lamp and the blood splattered by the dead disappeared neatly from the edge of the stage, which coincided with the curtain."

Rabbit Chuan lifted the curtain, pointed to the black spots on the inside of the curtain and said, "This curtain still has blood stains on the deceased when he died tragically.

"As a result, the alibi of everyone in the first case is gone." The Twilight Police Department had even more headaches, "Brother Rabbitchuan, what other evidence have you found pointing to the murderer?"

Rabbit Chuan gave the curtain to the forensic officer of the identification class, came down from the stage, and said: "The most direct evidence is the recording of the magnetic disk, but it has been so long since the incident, the murderer must have disposed of the magnetic disk." "

The police department was a little disappointed after hearing this, if only Matsuda Jinpei brought the Rabbit River brother to travel with him.

"But it's not without other clues, at least the first incident allowed us to narrow down the suspects." Rabbitaka's words gave Twilight a little hope, "Because the only people who could get the recording of Hidaka-san's screams were the members of the drama club who were rehearsing in the opera house at that time, which means that the prisoners were among the remaining four members!" "

So, now turn into the luxury version of the murderer choose one of the four!

The Rabbikawa people returned to the Opera House Hotel and came to the location of the second murder, which was outside the window of the guest room of the victim Harumi Kiryu.

The morning after Hidaka's death, people in the hotel found Kiryu, still wearing pajamas, hanging herself from a tree outside her window with a wire while her body was already cold.

Kiryu's room is on the first floor, the door is hung with a hotlink to prevent entry and exit, the only exit is the window, but the mud under the window is only her footprints, and the shoes on her feet still have mud, and there are no traces of struggle at the scene.

As if bewitched by the Phantom, she walked out of the room quietly and obediently hanged by the Phantom from a tree.

So, the second murder was an open-room homicide.

Rabbit Chuan looked up at this two-story hotel, tightrope... He is really familiar with the trickery of this secret room!

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