"The so-called secret room murder is just a simple trick, in fact, Kiryu-san was killed in the room."

Rabbit River asked everyone to look at the window next door, and they saw that a ring of steel wire was fixed with tape outside the window on the first floor, and the other end of the wire extended to the room on the second floor.

At this time, Officer Shiratori, who played Kiryu, poked his head out of the window, and the steel wire on the second floor was tightened, and the wire ring outside the window instantly tightened his neck.

Of course, this is just a simple demonstration, Officer Shiratori has protection around his neck, and upstairs is only a simple pulling of the tightrope.

Rabbit Chuan pointed to Officer Shiratori's neck and explained, "The murderer used the inside of the landline to call Kiryu-san and asked her to stick her head out the window, and then killed Kiryu-san just like this.

"Then the murderer followed the tightrope into Kiryu-san's room on the first floor, put on Kiryu-san's shoes, carried her under the tree, hung the body up the tree, put Kiryu-san's shoes back on, and finally left from the grass to return to the hotel."

"The proof is," Rabbitikawa said, pointing to the windowsill on the second floor, "Kiryu-san's upstairs room has very clear wire strangulation marks on the window, and that room is the room of Hidaka, who died before, so it was an empty room that night." "

The police department felt that his neck was a little cold, not long ago a TV producer poked his head out of the window and was shot and died, and now there is another person here who stuck his head out of the window and was strangled by the steel ring, it seems that you must not stick your head out of the window casually in the future!

Because there was no special trick in the third murder, the victim, Mr. Ogata, was shot in the back of the head, and then his body was buried in the bath of his room, except for the blood-colored bathroom that was stained red with blood.

So Rabbit Chuan directly brought a few people to the restaurant, which was the scene of the last murder, and let everyone sit according to the name tag on the long table.

There is nothing to explain in the last murder, the murderer just designed a killing mechanism with an alarm clock and a crossbow.

The seat and meal time of the table are fixed, the murderer finds the correct direction to pull the bow full, then fixes it with a thread, ties a blade to the hour hand of the alarm clock, and when the time is reached, the line is cut, and the arrow on the bow is directly aimed at the deceased.

After the case, Matsuda Jinpei found this organ.

Before this, Matsuda Jinpei always thought that the alarm clock could only be used as a timer on a bomb, and now even the timer is an electronic screen, he really didn't expect that it could be used like this!

Although Matsuda Jinpei brought Saotome in time to avoid fatal injuries, the poison on the arrow still claimed her life.

The four suspects from the private Fudo High School were a little restless, and the boss Kurosawa, who was cleared of suspicion, did not forget to send refreshments to everyone.

Rabbit Chuan sat on the chair, took a sip of tea and rested for a while, a little hungry, ate a cookie... It's actually grilled fish cakes!

Why do grilled fish cakes appear in Western-style restaurants, it's not a good match at all!

The only outsider at the scene, Dr. Yuki, was shocked, he felt that he was really out of place with this group of Yokohama people!

Can the killing method here be played so fancy?

Officer Sato stood behind the Twilight Police Department and reported: "Just now the identification officers conducted a thorough search of Hidaka-san's room on the second floor, but the scene was handled very cleanly, and the murderer did not leave any clues except for the traces of the wire.

Matsuda continued: "And after unlocking the murderer's modus operandi, everyone's alibi is not established, and everyone has the opportunity to commit a crime."

"In other words, even if the secret room murder method is solved, there is still no progress in the case." The Twilight Police Department sat in the seat of the last victim, Saotome Ryoko, and looked at Ryoko Ritugawa with a solemn expression.

Rabbit Chuan put down the teacup and said, "That's because until the second murder, everything is in the murderer's carefully prepared plan.

"This serial murder is a murder compared to "Phantom of the Opera", in which the Phantom committed three murders, the first time was a ceiling lamp falling, the second was a stranglehold, the third was a drowning, and finally the Phantom disappeared and never disappeared."

"Corresponding to the reality of the Hidaka-san who was smashed to death by the light in the first murder, and Kiryu-san who was strangled by a wire in the second murder."

Speaking of which, Rabbit River stopped and let everyone digest it.

"That's not right! That's not right! Matsuda Jinpei suddenly found the problem, "The first and second murders can indeed match the script, but in the third murder, although the deceased was found in the bathtub, she was hit in the back of the head and died, not drowned."

Rabbit Chuan nodded and said, "You're right, that's why I said that until the second murder, everything is in the murderer's plan, because the third murder is an accident!" "


The Twilight Police Department was shocked, followed by excitement, and the accident meant that there was an opportunity!

"The murderer used time trickery to forge alibi in the first murder, used the secret room murder method in the second murder, and the third murder case..." Rabbit Chuan considered the wording, "Too simple and rude?

"But why is that?" If you don't understand, ask this tradition is very good!

Officer Shiratori, who knows opera better, figured it out and said: "Because the Phantom in the opera only killed three people, the murderer's original killing plan was only three people in order to pay tribute to the Phantom, but now there are four dead, so one of them must not be in the murderer's original killing plan."

Rabbit Chuan ate the fish cake and nodded and said, "If Ogata-sensei was the target of the murderer, then after her death, the Phantom of the Opera murder should have ended there, but in fact there was a fourth murder the next day." Several

people in the police thought about it carefully and agreed with Rabbit Chuan's statement, after all, judging from the first two murders, the murderer must have planned for a long time to formulate a strict and perfect Phantom of the Opera murder plan, and there was no need to suddenly change the style in the third and fourth murders.

But this begs another question, why did the murderer kill Ogata-sensei?

"It's to kill people." Matsuda Jinpei thought, "That beautiful teacher is a very responsible teacher, she must have found some clues before she was killed by the murderer, that is, her own student!" "

The skeptical students finally broke out.

Busch, the president of the drama club, shouted: "Don't talk nonsense! We are not murderers! "He plays the phantom in the play, as if saying that he is a murderer.

Immortal Dao, who was in charge of Dao Gu and played the supporting role, said in a depressed mood: "That's right, if that's the case, the teacher will die too pitifully!" Shen

Qi, who was in charge of lighting and playing supporting roles, couldn't help but shout: "What's the use of just playing lip service, you guys have come up with evidence!"

Finally, Yumori, who was in charge of the props and played the second male role, stood up and quickly calmed the classmates around him and said: "Everyone, calm down, I believe that the police and detectives will definitely find the real murderer!"

"Ah, I forgot to tell you!" Rabbit Chuan suddenly shouted as if remembering something, "Actually, I already know who the murderer is." "

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