After all, the two of them were still in the same place.

"So it's still a mistake o(╥﹏╥)o" Conan scratched his hair awkwardly. On the way back, Conan recalled his confident reasoning in front of the group of men in black, and couldn't help wanting to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

He thought to himself, "What position does Yanqing's parents hold? They can mobilize so many police officers at one time."

Grayhara just stood aside silently, watching Conan thinking seriously after he went crazy. Seeing that he had almost sent her off, Conan said goodbye to her and turned around to go back.

Conan had just walked a few steps when he heard Huihara Ai behind him say, "APTX4869, the name of the medicine you took."

Conan turned around and said with a smile, "What are you talking about? I haven't taken that kind of medicine."

Huihara just smiled slightly, "Really? That was the medicine that the organization ordered me to prepare by myself." After saying that, with a terrifying smile on her face, she turned her head to look at Conan.

"Don't you realize what I said about the address? No. 22, Beika-cho 2-chome." Huihara repeated the address again.

At this time, he suddenly realized that it was Dr. Agasa's house, grabbed Huihara's shoulders and asked, "Why are you living in the doctor's house, what did you do to the doctor."

At this time, an inappropriate voice came over, "Conan, this girl can't be your new girlfriend, she will be angry if you are so rude to your girlfriend, but she looks pretty cute."

Conan turned his head stiffly and saw Xing and a girl walking over hand in hand.

Under the light of the street lamp, the girl's figure gradually became clear. A head of smooth gray hair, shining like the stars in the Milky Way, was cleverly bound by a simple headband and gently fell on her shoulders.

The dress was like a flower blooming in spring, fresh and beautiful. Its main color is pure white, like a blooming lily, exuding a faint fragrance. The lines of turquoise and bright yellow are intertwined, like a brisk melody, jumping between the hems of the skirt. The design of the skirt is simple and generous, yet exquisite, showing her figure perfectly.

The dress is matched with a black shawl, which gently covers her slender shoulders.

This student college style dress makes her look more pure and moving, full of youthful vitality. Her smile is bright and warm, like the rising sun, casting a golden glow. Her eyes are clear and bright, revealing her expectations and visions for the future.

At this moment, Conan admitted that he was stunned...

"Sister Xing, why are you here? It's dark all around, you should go back as soon as possible." Conan tried his best to hint Xing to run quickly, as there might be people from the Black Organization around.

But Xing chose to ignore Conan's hint, put one hand on her waist, held Liuying's hand with the other, and said cheerfully, "How do you know Liuying is my girlfriend?" After saying that, she still looked at Liuying affectionately. (´v`o)♡

( Conan, Huiyuan: ...Isn't it...Is she sick? (¬д¬.)

Liuying: Hehe, so lively. (´v`o)♡

Conan, Huiyuan:??!!Σ( ·Д ·) )

At this time, Xing stared at Huiyuan for a while, then took out a photo, squatted down and put it next to her face to compare, and nodded, "Are you Miyano Shiho?"

Huiyuan paused, looked at the smiling gray-haired girl in front of him in disbelief, and did not answer immediately, but slowly organized the words in his mind.

Seeing that Huibara didn't say anything, Xing took out a small note and read it, "Female, 18 years old, codename Shirley, Japanese-British, likes bears, puppies, kittens, fireflies, etc., likes scarlet, likes peanut butter and blueberry jam sandwiches, likes the movie "The Glory and Sorrow of Einstein", likes the BIG Osaka team, and likes Higo Ryusuke. I also like to read fashion magazines, like to use women's fashion products, and buy brand-name handbags..." Seeing that the words were almost watered, Xing took a breath again and looked at Huibara Ai who was shocked.

Seeing this, Huibara felt that there was no need to pretend, because there was no point in pretending, and looked at the smiling girl opposite with a vigilant face, "Yes, then who are you? Why do you know my information!"

Xing stood up, continued to pull the little hand of Liuying, and beckoned to the two to follow, "Come with me, by the way, Conan, you also follow, I have something to give you."

So the two fake children followed behind Xing and Liuying, without a trace.

She looked at the two people who were in love and hopeless along the way, but they were powerless and helpless.

When she arrived at Xing's house, Huiyuan heard someone calling her "Shiho." Then she was hugged tightly. She was very familiar with the person who hugged her, but that person should not be here, but she still couldn't help shouting, "Sister..."

Huiyuan's eyes were full of shock and confusion. Why was her sister here, and she didn't die like Gin said. What was going on? She felt that her mind was in chaos.

Huiyuan's mind kept echoing Gin's indifferent words: "That woman has been dealt with by me." This sentence was like a devil's curse, deeply imprinted in her heart. However, now, the sister in front of her appeared alive in front of her.

At this moment, Huiyuan felt a warmth coming from her sister's arms. She closed her eyes, threw Gin's words behind her, and enjoyed the rare tranquility and peace of mind at this moment. If this is just a dream, then let it wake up later.

At this time, Xing was rummaging around in the room. After a while, she came out with a small box in her hand and threw it to Conan, saying, "This is the antidote, but it's only a semi-finished product, and the effect is about 24 hours."

Conan happily took it, but when he heard the second half of the sentence, his heart cooled down again. But it's better to have it than not, so he opened the box and took a look. There were about a dozen pills.

"By the way, don't eat too much at a time." Xing kindly reminded.

Conan immediately put away the idea of ​​eating it as a meal to maintain his enlarged appearance, and asked curiously, "What will happen if you eat too much?"

"You will die." The cold two words scared Conan, and then he heard Xing say cheerfully, "It's just a joke, it's not that exaggerated, it just means that you can never change back to your original appearance."

Conan still thinks that you shouldn't eat it unless it's necessary, such as when your identity is about to be exposed, or when you have sex with Xiaolan.

Ai Huihara, who was listening at the side, felt that the information was a bit overwhelming. No... My drug test product was made not long ago, and the temporary antidote here has come out?

Ai Huihara gently patted her sister, indicating that she should let go first, and then looked at her sister and asked with a puzzled face: "Sister, how did you escape from the organization?"

Akemi Miyano let go of her sister, stood up, her eyes full of gratitude, looked at Miss Xing and the others at the side, and said softly: "It was Miss Xing and the others who saved me."

Then Akemi Miyano began to tell Ai Huihara in detail what happened a few days ago...

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