The two of them were in a mess.

Just a few days ago, Hirota Masami robbed 1 billion yen again...

Just as she drove to the warehouse where she had agreed with Gin, she shouted at the warehouse: "Where are you! Come out quickly!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Akemi Miyano." Gin's voice came from behind, and Gin and Vodka had stood behind Akemi Miyano without knowing when.

There was also a Sambo standing aside watching the show, no way, he had to work longer hours.

Akemi Miyano turned around and looked at Gin and Vodka coldly, with a flash of despair in her eyes. She knew that she might not be able to escape this time, but she still hoped to get some answers.

"I have a question, why did you kill the two of them!" Akemi Miyano bit her lip and asked with all her heart.

Vodka seemed to have heard something particularly funny. He bared his teeth and laughed behind Gin. He couldn't help laughing. Gin looked indifferent, with a look of disdain and ridicule in his eyes.

"This is our usual style. Okay, hand over the money quickly." Gin said lightly, as if he was already accustomed to killing people.

She took a deep breath and tried to keep her voice calm: "I have done what you asked. According to the agreement, my sister and I can leave the organization now, right?"

Gin sneered, "Let you go? That's not possible. Your sister is an important researcher in our organization. We can't bear to let her leave."

"So, you have been lying to me from the beginning!" Miyano Akemi bit her lip. Although she was ready to accept the reality, she couldn't help but feel disappointed when she heard Gin say this. "If you kill me, you will never know where the money is hidden!"

"Don't think I don't know that you put the money in the safe." Gin's tone became cold and ruthless. He raised his pistol and aimed at Miyano Akemi's head. "Besides, I said, this is your last chance."

Just as Gin was about to pull the trigger, smoke suddenly rose under his feet, and Gin, Vodka and Miyano Akemi could not see anything.

Fortunately, the smoke dissipated soon, but when the few people saw the situation clearly, they were full of questions.

Both Gin pointed their guns at Akemi Miyano with expressionless faces. There was no difference between them. It was just Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. Even Vodka couldn't tell them apart for a while.

Gin noticed this "self" at a glance. The alarm immediately sounded in his mind. He pulled out his pistol without hesitation and fired several shots at the other party. However, something surprising happened - the "Gin" seemed to have the same mind as him and reacted exactly the same way! Their movements were like looking in the mirror. They raised their pistols and pulled the triggers almost at the same time.

A series of dense gunshots rang out, and bullets flew in the air, but none of them hit the target. Gin and the "self" dodged each other's attacks with amazing speed and agility. The two sides went back and forth, and neither could gain the upper hand.

In the end, both of them found an opportunity and quickly slipped into the nearby bunker to protect themselves. At this time, the situation was temporarily in a stalemate.

Vodka also quickly found a safe place to hide to avoid being accidentally injured. He stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes and a face full of shock. There were two brothers who looked exactly the same in front of him, which made him at a loss for a moment.

At this time, Sambo, who was watching the show, stood up and said, "Stop and calm down, the two Gins, you can't kill people like this!"

Vodka finally remembered that Sambo was there, and shouted to the front, "Brother, calm down first, find the fake together first, and then we will deal with it together after we find the fake."

Unexpectedly, neither side refuted and remained silent.

"If there are no objections, we will ask questions." Sambo and Vodka looked at each other, couldn't help laughing, and said to Vodka, "You ask first."

Vodka was stunned by the pot thrown at him suddenly, and thought of a simple question, "Then... what brand is the big brother's car, and what is the license plate number?"

Gin on the left: "Porsche 356A, Shinjuku 54み43-68."

Vodka: "Then what brand of cigarettes does the big brother smoke."

Gin on the right: "JILOISES."

Seeing that the two questions didn't get any results, Vodka looked at Sambo and said, "I can't ask anything.

. "

Sambo saw that Vodka didn't ask, and smiled happily, "So... Gin... What's your relationship with Shirley?"

Miyano Akemi squatted in the corner with her eyes wide open. Could it be that her sister has a special relationship with Gin?

Vodka next to Sambo couldn't help but widen his eyes. Could this guy know gossip that even I don't know!

Gin on the left: "..."

Gin on the right: "..."

Although Hanabi, who pretended to be Gin, wanted to say it, she had to remain silent in order not to attract other people's attention.

Sambo saw that both of them answered, turned his head and looked at Vodka, "Do you know?"

Vodka shook his head repeatedly, "I don't know anything, don't ask me!"

Sambo scratched his head and thought, "Then Gin... How many undercovers have you killed?"

Gin on the left: "A lot."

Gin on the right: "I can't count them all. "

Sangbo looked at the two people who were still deadlocked, and shook his head helplessly: "How long are you two going to fight?" He turned his head and looked at Miyano Akemi who was squatting beside him, with a playful smile on his lips, "Why don't you ask a question? Maybe you can break this deadlock."

Miyano Akemi looked up and looked around in fear, then quickly lowered her head, "I'd better forget it..." As she spoke, she shrank her body to the corner of the wall, as if she wanted to stay away from this dispute as much as possible.

Sangbo frowned and felt a little impatient: "Really, are we going to keep wasting time like this?" He thought about it, and suddenly clapped his hands, "Then...why don't we just get rid of one person first, anyway, there is a 50% chance of guessing it right. Vodka, you choose."

Hearing this, Vodka's face turned pale in an instant, and he quickly shook his head to refuse: "No, no, what if I guess wrong? "He doesn't want to take such responsibility.

Seeing this, Sambo was immediately furious: "You just know how to shake your head, can you have some independent ideas?" He cursed Vodka and took out two black bombs from his arms, "Then let's solve them together!" As he spoke, he threw the two bombs out, and immediately raised a huge dust.

But as the smoke dissipated, the scene in front of him made Makino's eyes go black...

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