Conan: The King of Villains System

Chapter 233: Behind Deadpool, poor people! [please customize, ask for full order]

And Nohara Yu also knew that today was a disaster for the Nohara family, and no one could save them.

If you report to the police, those people in the police station have always had interests with the Nohara family.

Those officials are also very aware of Nohara Yu's activities, but they have tasted the sweetness, so they will turn a blind eye to Nohara Yu. If he has a disaster and needs help, those officials have to think about it.

It is for this reason that Nohara Yu did not count on those people after thinking twice.

"Raising soldiers for a thousand days, and using them for a while, I, Nohara Yu, give you a lot of money every year. Today is the time for you to repay your kindness."

Nohara Yu said to the bodyguards.

Not so much a bodyguard as a dead servant of Nohara Yuyang.

That's right, those are the dead servants raised by Nohara Yu, who do some different things in his family all the year round, and some things that only these dead servants can do.

And the Deadpools seem to be getting fatter when they are inactive in recent years.

Because everything has been too smooth for the Nohara family in recent years, it is difficult for these dead servants to have a chance to perform.

And now the opportunity has come.

"To live and die with Nohara." A dead servant knelt on one knee and said.

Behind those dead servants is a long knife, and there are various hidden weapons on the thighs and inside the placket. Each person comes standard with two pistols, six magazines, and some throwing items.

They all wear white masks, like white death gods.

These people must have never stopped training, and these dead servants can feel terrifying and terrifying just by standing in the hall.

But Nohara Yu doesn't seem to be afraid, because these dead servants are fed by themselves, so it is normal to be loyal to himself.

At this time, Nohara Yu was sitting on the sofa in the hall, with his back straight, his hands on a cane, and his eyes looking around with bright eyes.

He believed that no matter who it was, unless he had a heavy weapon, Nohara Yu's manor was built with a lot of money, and it seemed that the bazooka could only smash some doors and windows.

So Nohara Yu is still very confident.

"Today, we will let those who don't know what to do will come and go."


Nohara Yu let out a sigh of relief.

But it was all spied on by the ghost of the katana.

And all that the ghost's eyes saw and heard passed into the katana's mind in some form.

And the samurai sword seemed to smile confidently after learning about this.

Soon, the truck where the samurai sword was located arrived near Yu Nohara's manor.

This car isn't a mobile arsenal like the Joker and the Killer Crocodile are.

The car where the samurai sword was located was very ordinary, and everyone got off the car one by one when they arrived at their destination.

The katana walked to the door of the manor and looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help sighing: "This is more luxurious than the master's, and much bigger!"

"That's a pity!" said an assassin next to the katana.

After the katana glanced at him, it slashed like that door.

Because the katana sword had some running-in with the fire man before, and finally the katana sword summed it up, so now the katana sword can cut through the air even without using the power of the flame.

And the assassin saw that the samurai sword was only two meters away from the door, but one slash could sever the door, which was really incredible.

"Oh, how did you manage to have such an attack." Another assassin came over and said.

"It's nothing, it's more powerful in the back."

While the katana was speaking to the assassin, everyone walked forward.

The fallen iron gate smashed to the ground, because the floor was covered with pebbles, and the ground made of rows of small stones directly smashed the ground and formed some dust.

And at this time it was night again, so the picture in the monitoring was a group of people walking in front, and because of the illumination of the headlights of the car and the effect of the intersection of the dust, there was actually a big feeling.

However, Matsuda did not see this scene, but Nohara Yu saw this scene.

In addition to what Nohara Yu saw, it was those Dead Servants.

"Did you see, the enemy is coming, you know what to do." Nohara Yu continued to look at the screen after he finished speaking, while one of the dead servants hesitated for a while before walking to Nohara Yu and put down one knee. After kneeling, he walked out.

The Deadpool who walked outside was waiting for the samurai swords and the others in one place, and behind the Deadpool was a garden. Sitting on the wooden chair in front of the garden, Deadpool also straightened his back and took off his mask.

Is a very young handsome guy.

The dead servant recalled that his parents died when he was young, and he was helpless.

Just when he was about to die, a middle-aged man saved himself.

He was only a few years old then.

And now he is about the same age as Matsuda.

At this time, he recalled that after being rescued by the Nohara family when he was a child, it also made him feel that he had another family.

He has many brothers and sisters like him in this family. They play and study together, and those people are other deadpools.

He recalled playing and playing in the garden when he was a child. After a happy childhood, he was sent to a secret organization and gradually began to strengthen his body, learn some kung fu and some fighting skills, hidden weapons and marksmanship.

It was the first time he came back here after many years.

He didn't kill anyone, he just kept training, always training.

He thinks that only when the body can't move, when those muscles are all torn, only then will he fall asleep early in bed.

Because he will never forget the scene when his parents were killed.

Every time he fell asleep at night, he always thought of those.

But why, such a poor person, came to do such a thing.

Come to be a killer for the Nohara family, but that Deadpool didn't think so.

He felt that it was the best for Nohara to give him a home, so it was only natural for him to serve Nohara, just like Matsuda's subordinates.

When he came to this world, he would directly swear allegiance to Matsuda.

And that boy, it was only after he had some experience in this world that he began to be loyal to Nohara Mai.

He and Matsuda are the same poor people.

They are all born bad people and have to develop their own strength in order to survive.

But he is different from Matsuda in that he has no direction, while Matsuda has his own system.

In contrast, this person is far more pitiful than Matsuda.

But he himself doesn't think so.

He looked at the approaching katana sword.

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