Conan: The King of Villains System

Chapter 234: The duel with the depressed teenager, awe! [please customize, ask for full order]

The katana also noticed the killer in front of him.

With the keen sense of smell of the samurai sword killer, he can feel that the person in front of him is not a threat, it seems that he has never seen blood, but he is not afraid of blood at all.

The samurai sword has a feeling, that feeling is like the original self, why did I once set foot on the road of killer.

A whiteboard killer next to the katana suddenly became excited.

"Ah! Slaughter, is it finally here? Let me meet him." After speaking, he pulled out a short knife at a lightning-fast speed and appeared in front of the Dead Servant.

But that Dead Servant was as calm as water, and he used the hidden weapon on his arm to block the knife without hesitation.

Matsuda's white board subordinate seemed to smell something incredible and turned a few somersaults to distance himself from the dead servant.

At this moment, the white board's subordinate grinned excitedly and said, "Okay! Come on, let's duel."

That subordinate may have been living a very dull life since he arrived in this world, so this time he could not bear his temper after encountering a powerful opponent.

But in the eyes of the samurai sword, it was normal, because that subordinate was usually bored to death every day in Matsuda in Matsuda, and sometimes 533 would be called by Shuiyue Yao to sweep the yard.

Sometimes I will be called by Miko to deliver soap or something.

So his life is very boring.

Even if he suddenly ran away, the samurai sword was acceptable, because she knew too much what the killer wanted, not to mention that it was a man, and young men seemed to have a martial arts dream in their hearts.

After that, the two fought fiercely.

Because both sides are killer assassins, the weapons they are good at are cold weapons, so neither of them uses guns.

It's all a fight between blade and blade.

Suddenly, hidden weapons flew in the manor of Nuoda, and there were sparks flying everywhere.

Whiteboard's weapon is a short knife, but that Deadpool seems to have an endless supply of hidden weapons.

However, as the fighting progressed, Deadpool's hidden weapons were gradually lost.

Now it's a counter-servant between a short sword and a long sword.

The short knife is more convenient to use and has high mobility, and it is easy to find the opponent's flaws.

Deadpool's long knife is more difficult to cast, but more aggressive because it is long.

The two fought back and forth like this, and finally stopped when all the knives on both sides were filled with small pits.

Whiteboard's subordinates were panting, and Deadpool felt the pressure but didn't show it, but his hair was wet, and he looked resolutely strong, but he just looked like he couldn't feel it.

Because Shuang Ang's physical strength is very limited, Bai Ban's subordinates immediately stopped.

"Wait a minute, we, can we wait for a while to fight again, we still have business to do, you are tired too!"

Although Baiban's subordinate's words sounded a bit unfair, the young dead servant also let go of his original vigilance after hearing this sentence and fell directly, but he was not injured, but he couldn't keep up with his physical strength, and that Bai Ban's subordinates ate a ration pill, which can temporarily maintain physical strength, a new invention from those two crazy doctors.

"Hey, a powerful opponent is worth your awe, let's get down to business first, beauty, let's go!" Another killer said to the whiteboard subordinate and asked the katana to move on and don't waste time here.

Because the dead servant had no physical strength and needed a rest, he lay on the ground and took a deep breath, and did not stop the katana and the others from moving forward.

Because of the young Deadpool, the depressed teenager knew that just by the strength of that person just now, he would definitely not be able to beat the brothers inside.

So his heart is very calm.

But it's really surprising that the other party didn't kill him.

When the katanamen pushed open the first door, they found that the door here was not locked at all, and the katana opened with a slight push.

And it was really dark there, with no lights at all.

But the ghost still played a role. The ghost looked at the darkness like it was under the sun, and still transmitted the picture to the brain of the katana through something.

It turned out that the people in the hall were all disguised, and when the samurai sword was ready to enter a certain range, it would be wiped out.

But who would have thought that there would be ghosts around them all the time.

The katana has always been carrying a backpack behind her back since the beginning, and inside that backpack was a square box, which was the kindling given to her by the fire man before the katana came.

Although the fire inside is not as good as the flame emitted by the fire man, this fire is also from the hands of the fire man.

It can be wrapped around the katana sword of the katana sword.

In the picture of the katana obtained through ghosts, there are killers in some corners of the picture, and the hidden weapon may be fired at any time, so the katana did not let people in rashly in the future.

Instead, he took off his backpack, opened the box and began to let the blade of the katana fuse with the flame.

The purpose of this is to directly hack the enemies in those corners.

It can also make the flammable and explosive materials in the room and those electrical appliances emit some light.

Because the circuit has been completely closed here. ‘

Although the katana knows the terrain here, the assassins who follow the katana don't know it, and they don't have a signal stick on them, so the katana can only use this method.

After opening the box again, the katana leaves the box for an assassin to hold, and the katana takes out the sword, inserts the sword into the box and begins to fuse.

About ten seconds passed, because the blade and the flame seemed to be acquaintances, so the entanglement was very fast.

In the next first slash, the samurai sword did not completely absorb the flames, but absorbed a little bit. At this time, the katana was covered in flames, so the slashes swung out in this way had a very powerful flame in addition to the weak attack power. .

In this case, although only a few dead servants can be hacked to death, it can set the whole house on fire, allowing other assassins to fight those dead servants.

Next, a slash of the samurai sword slashed the fire directly, and the house was suddenly full of fire.

What followed was a scream.

Because Deadpool is also afraid of pain.

The flame was originally high temperature, and the flame of the fire man was high temperature again, and it was not burning, but directly slashing into the body.

The pain cannot be described in words.

You can only feel those warmth by experiencing it for yourself.

Therefore, if ordinary people are weak and want to try that temperature, they can only take a knife in person.

However, it is not recommended to try here.

After a scream in the room, the other assassins saw the lights in the room, and then the flames continued to burn in the hall.

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