Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 996 Whose physique do you praise?

This is a development that Hattori Heiji never imagined.

Before he had time to think, there was a sudden weight on his wrist - Toyama Kazuha grabbed his forearm and followed his momentum and twisted it. Hattori Heiji suddenly lost his balance, rolled out, and smashed him on the ground.

The sudden attack, especially the source of the attack, left Hattori Heiji stunned for several seconds.

What made him even more confused was that the other "mastermind" did not take the opportunity to attack him. Instead, when he was thrown to the ground, he grabbed a tattered mat from somewhere and quickly stuffed it under his head to protect his head.

dusty. Hattori Heiji was choked by the dust rising from the mat and coughed.

He wiped his face and sat up warily.

Before he could understand the situation, the lights on the stage suddenly clicked on - the play was over.

A second later, as the light brightened, two familiar figures appeared in Hattori Heiji's increasingly clear vision.

Hattori Heiji:"……"

Hattori Heiji:"…………"

Hattori Heiji was furious: "What are you doing!!"

——He thought the "murderer" behind the scenes was some kind of "celebrity harvesting clique."

Unexpectedly, it was these two people who were behind the scenes!

Toyama Kazuye, who was stared at by him: "!"

She felt a little guilty at first, after all, she had just beaten up her teammates.

But then I thought about it, it was Hattori Heiji who made the first move, and this guy just said that she was in the way when solving the case, so he might as well go shopping...

"Humph." Yuan Shan and Ye Gao looked away coldly. There was a little bit of pride hidden in her pride - she and Jiang Xia had just successfully prevented three crimes, three!

Next to him, Jiang Xia was calm.

He picked up the broken mop rod, looked at it, and seriously answered Hattori Heiji's question just now: "We are rescuing people."

"..." Hattori Heiji thought of the three actors who fell to the ground with an "ouch", and repeated with a slight twitch in the corner of his eyes, "Rescue?"

Jiang Xia nodded righteously.

Hattori Heiji stared at him suspiciously for a while.

"..." Gradually I started to believe it.

Thinking of the ending of the play just now, Hattori Heiji stood up, ran to the railing next to him, and looked towards the stage.

There was chaos in the theater - the three actors who were supposed to lift up the coffin and gracefully greet the audience could not get up at this time, and they all fell to the ground motionless.

The audience left in fear.

The agent and the crew members thought of the legend that "the crew involved with 'Stupid Victory' will definitely sacrifice the blood of at least one person!" and their hearts trembled.

——It’s over, people are really dead, and three more of them are dead! The three most important starring roles!

Such a huge accident suddenly happened, everyone stayed on the spot.

Only the agent, who seems to often deal with detectives, has a stronger heart.

She jumped onto the stage, first ran to Komazuka Hiro, who was the most eye-catching and had the largest celebrity position, and cautiously explored him.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at the staff in the audience: "He's still alive! Call an ambulance!"

Diagonally above the background.

Following these words, Hattori Heiji's tense gaze also relaxed.

He was about to ask Jiang Xia what was going on.

But before he could turn his head, he suddenly heard the fallen "Prince" laughing on the stage.

He looked at "King" Komazuka Hiroshi and said arrogantly: "It's too late! The poison has spread. Even if the expert team is parachuted in, it is impossible to save his life - this is the price he pays for relying on his old age and playing tricks on his younger generations!"

"Ahem..." The tone of his words was so exciting that "Prince" choked on himself. After venting his anger, he couldn't help but beat the ground angrily:

"Speaking of which, which bastard replaced the prop sword with a real sword?! It hurts me so much..."

Next to him, the king who had been "poisoned" faintly woke up, and happened to hear the last words of the "prince".

He couldn't help laughing: "It's me! Robert - this is the price you pay for playing with my daughter's feelings!"

Hattori Heiji:"……"

What's going on with these two people...

After all, he was hired by his agent to handle the case, so he couldn't stay in the "behind-the-scenes area" where Jiangxia and the others were.

Hattori Heiji supported the railing, jumped onto the stage, picked up the sword that pierced the "Prince", and lowered his head to check.

He held the tip of the sword and pressed it back. The tip of the sword immediately retracted into the lower half of the blade with his strength - this was a fake sword that was guaranteed to be real. There was no blood on the sword either.

"..." In this way, Hattori Heiji completely understood what Jiang Xia was doing just now.

——The "Prince" was not really stabbed in the heart, it was probably just an illusion caused by the pain. And the source of that "pain" is probably the "bullet" secretly fired by Jiang Xia from the backstage.

In addition, the story of poisoning the king should also be true.

It's just that since Jiang Xia can replace the real sword, he must also replace the poisonous wine.

Thinking of this, Hattori Heiji, who was also familiar with the police's case handling process, immediately understood why Jiangxia and Toyama Kazuha did what they did.

And decided to give the students a little help - while the "King" and "Prince" were still confused, quickly ask them to spit out more evidence. Jiang Xia should have retained corresponding physical evidence. Taken together, it is enough to throw these two people into prison and let them calm down to avoid another double murder case suddenly happening one day.

With this thought in mind, Hattori Heiji walked up to the "Prince", turned him over with some force, and unveiled his mask.

Before he could start speaking, Hattori Heiji was suddenly startled.

——This is not the "Robert" that Komazuka Hiroshi called. Isn't this Yabuki Atsushi who was originally supposed to play the "Minister"!

The agent who just ran over was also stunned.

She looked at Yabuki Atsushi in surprise: "How did you become a 'prince'?! Then the 'minister' is now..."

It was as if he was echoing her words.

On the lifting platform in the corner, there was suddenly a burst of desperate laughter.

Robert lay on the lift covered by electricity, laughing wildly and crying.

He said vaguely: "After I found out that the sword had been replaced, I changed the role to Yabuki, hoping that this bastard would die quickly. I didn't expect that it was successful, but I fell into the trap I set... ...I, I'm probably going to be electrocuted to death, wuwuwu..."

Hattori Heiji: "..." What's going on with these three people! ! There really is something wrong with the style of this theater!

"..." No, if you think about it carefully, it might be Jiang Xia's problem - this guy has always had a strong constitution. Every time he goes next to him, he always encounters some serial murders and the like.

Before, Hattori Heiji secretly thought that this might also be Kudo's problem. But now, Kudo is obviously not here. If you rule it out... the problem really lies with Jiang Xia!

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