Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 995 Hattori: Damn human trafficker!

at the same time.

In the corner where Toyama Kazuha can't see, in the audience seat in front of the stage.

Hattori Heiji's eyes became completely sharp.

"..." It doesn't matter if one person makes a mistake and screams, but now, "Prince" and "Minister" screamed "before death" at the same time, it always feels like too much of a coincidence.

And...and it shouldn't be an illusion! Hattori Heiji thought that when the minister fell from the balcony just now, he did see something hit him.

It was some kind of black sphere. Although it blended in with the scene of the same color and was difficult to distinguish, Hattori Heiji believed in his eyesight: he had been able to accurately distinguish the location of his father in the darkness since he was a child - Hattori Heiji Zang has a very dark complexion and likes to wear a black suit. He often blends into the night at night. Hattori Heiji had already developed his ability to find black moving objects against a dark background.

Hattori Heiji: "..." There is a problem, a big problem!

He ignored the agent on the intercom and rushed to the stage quickly.

——The detective's keen intuition told him that the matter was not over yet.

Hattori Heiji promised her agent to help her prevent the "curse" that might happen.

Although he felt in his heart that this "curse" was just a nonsense to scare himself. But now that everyone has arrived, Hattori Heiji still stayed until the official start of the performance, observing secretly around the auditorium.

Just now, the "Minister" was shot down from the balcony. When Hattori Heiji noticed something unusual, he happened to be in the last row of the auditorium.

He could only walk quickly along the narrow corridor to the backstage.

On the stage, "ministers" and "princes" died one after another.

The king walked out of the heavy curtain and sat on the high throne.

He proudly poured a glass of red wine from the flask inlaid with colorful gems, raised the glass, and sniffed intoxicatedly.

Originally, "Intoxication" was just an act.

But when he raised the glass like this, Komazuka Hiroshi actually smelled a mellow aroma - what was in the glass was not the usual fruit juice, but a glass of red wine.

A glass of high-end red wine full of aroma.

Komazuka Hiroshi: "..." Could it be a surprise specially prepared by the staff? This crew is indeed very attentive in this regard...

He was already addicted to alcohol, and the annoying "Robert" was dead.

Komazuka Hiro didn't hesitate, raised his head and drank.

At the same time, in the shadows in the background.

A pen was raised, its tip silently aimed at him.

The "King" is sitting on the throne. The back of the chair is very high, making it difficult to aim from Jiang Xia's point of view.

Yuan Shan and Ye took a deep breath and looked at Jiang Xia, who raised his gun...and his pen to aim, and supported him mentally: "Come on, come on!"

As soon as he finished speaking, something strange suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs more than ten meters away - someone rushed up the stairs, paused briefly at the top of the stairs, and then ran straight towards them.


Yuan Shan and Ye caught a glimpse of something wrong, and were startled, turning their heads to look.

It was dimly lit backstage and nothing could be seen clearly.

In addition, as the drama reached its climax and passionate music poured out from the speakers, Toyama and Ye could only vaguely feel that the person rushing over seemed to shout something like "Stop!"

Toyama Kazuye: "..." Discovered! !

Her first reaction was "Run away!"

But then he remembered that he still had a teammate, so he turned around and poked Jiang Xia anxiously to remind him that someone was coming.

Jiang Xia turned out to be very calm.

On the stage, the king stood up from his throne and exposed his upper body.

Jiang Xia clicked the button on the pen like a calm sniper. A flash of cold light flashed across, and the "narcotic bomb" cut through the air and hit the king's neck accurately.

Like the first two people, the king covered his neck with an "ouch" and the wine glass fell off his hand. He stumbled off the throne and soon fell to the ground and stopped moving, as if he was really poisoned. Same.

Jiang Xia looked at this scene and originally thought that he should blow lightly on the tip of the pen and then put away the pen leisurely... But unfortunately, this pen does not have the function of emitting gunpowder smoke.

He had no choice but to put the pen back into his arms without any interest.

Turning around, he saw the "black shadow" striding towards them.

On the way, the black shadow picked up the mop next to him, unscrewed the mop head and threw it aside. Then he jumped up lightly holding the wooden pole and slashed at it like a knife.

Jiang Xia took a step back. The wooden stick rubbed in front of him and hit the ground with a heavy thud, splashing a cloud of dust.

Before the dust could fall to the ground, the wooden pole suddenly lifted up again and pierced towards him like a storm.

The mysterious man wielding a mop pole and wielding a knife certainly discovered something was wrong with Hattori Heiji.

Just now, seeing the actor being "attacked" twice in a row, especially the second black ball, Hattori Heiji vaguely locked the position where they were thrown.

He came all the way with clear goals. Sure enough, as soon as they arrived at the target location, they immediately saw two sneaky figures.

The figures squatted side by side, staring eagerly at the stage in front of them. One of the black figures was holding a strange object and aiming at the king on the stage - it must be the murderer who killed the two actors!

Hattori Heiji yelled "Stop!".

But I don’t know if the other party didn’t hear it or didn’t want to pay attention. In short, he had no intention of stopping at all.

Especially the guy he was aiming at - although the surroundings were dark and his vision was blurry, Hattori Heiji still vaguely felt that the "murderer" first turned his head to look at him, and then turned back indifferently. With a click, the king was gone. He fell with a "ouch" sound.

Hattori Heiji's anger tank was immediately full: How dare you do something evil in front of the detective!

Since the "murderer" had shooting weapons, Hattori Heiji did not underestimate the enemy.

He had been practicing swordsmanship. At this time, he found a mop next to him. He immediately grabbed one and used it as a wooden knife. He planned to cut down the two masterminds one by one. The actor who was already in trouble could not be saved, but at least he could not let the murderer have any chance. opportunity to escape.

Unexpectedly, the good plan failed to come true at all.

——The first blow missed.

The senses of the "murderer" seemed to be extremely sharp. In this level of darkness, he seemed to have replaced his vision with intuition. He could accurately avoid the tip of the knife with a slight movement every time. Hattori Heiji's kendo, which he was proud of, could not even touch the corner of that guy's clothes after cutting for a long time.

Hattori Heiji, who missed a few times and typed blindly in the dark, gradually had a bad feeling in his heart.

He secretly guarded the shooting weapon.

But surprisingly, the other party did not shoot at him.

On the contrary, the teammate of the "murderer" next to him slowly came to his senses. He suddenly gave a courageous shout and rushed over.

Hattori Heiji:"?!"

As the "King" fell to the ground just now, the originally exciting music gradually became gentle.

In the lowered background sound, Hattori Heiji heard the voice of his "associate".

...It actually sounded like Kazuya's voice.

"..." Why is she here? ! !

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