Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 994 The Almighty Woman in Black

In addition, there is a black technology fishing line inside the pen belly of the pen.

Normally, the fishing line will automatically connect to the pen tip for easy recycling. However, after Jiang Xia got it, she asked Haihara Ai to modify it - she was indeed a genius academic master who could lead the research on APTX4869 at the age of eighteen. She learned Dr. A Li's messy knowledge and made rapid progress. Although he is still not as good as Dr. Ali in terms of creating black technology, there is no problem in just modifying existing props. And if you really encounter a problem, you can always go to the doctor for advice.

So now, the pen that Gin gave him has a few more buttons that weren't there originally.

Jiang Xia twisted the pen body and rotated the pen to "anesthesia mode."

Then he took off the fishing line connected to the pen tip, removed the original pen tip, took out a smaller tip, and installed it.

This is a disposable, crushable pen tip that will vaporize and disappear on its own after being hit hard. There are currently two styles, one for electric shock and one for anesthesia. Without the fishing line, it is equivalent to anesthesia bullets and electric shock bullets with a short range.

"..." In short, this pen is equal to a gun.

Yuan Shan and Ye hid on the stage with Jiang Xia, hugging their knees and huddled next to him, watching curiously as Jiang Xia played with the props in her hands.

The light here was dim, and she didn't actually see clearly what it was. She only saw a few faint reflections, and then Jiang Xia stopped with satisfaction: "Okay."

Yuan Shan and Ye nodded nervously. She walked through the gap in the curtain and looked out at the packed auditorium. She couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Is this really okay?"

"It's not a big problem." Jiang Xia looked at the stage, looking at the "prince", "minister" and "king" wearing masks. He sighed heavily like a spiritual mentor who loves to drink chicken soup:

"Only when they have seen the horror of death will they give up these ridiculous ideas."... Anyway, with Yuan Shan and Ye Zai, who "know too much", no one will die today. Just scare him and squeeze out a little more murderous energy. And these assassination cycles are quite fun...

Yuan Shan and Ye listened to Jiang Xia's sad voice and nodded, looking at the stage with a heavy expression.

Backstage, two people were squatting in rows for a long time, and their legs were almost numb.

The masquerade finally reached its climax.

The stage was completely dark except for a beam of pale light in the center.

In the beam of light, "Prince" Yabuki Atsushi and "Minister" Robert were looking at each other with their swords drawn, and then they clashed together and started a duel.

The old "King" stood in the distance, acting like a mastermind behind the scenes of "sitting on a mountain and watching a tiger fight", and he was secretly excited in his heart - the scene he was most looking forward to was about to come.

The center of the duel.

Robert was wearing the clothes of a minister, holding a sharp sword in his hand, and was equally nervous and excited.

Originally, he was the actor who played the prince.

However, after discovering that the retractable prop sword had been replaced by the current real sword, Robert immediately made an excuse and switched roles with Yabuki Atsushi, intending to take the opportunity to kill the creditor.

In this way, Robert himself is just a dedicated actor, and the real murderer will be the guy who changed the sword.

——Go to hell, Yabuki!

Robert thrust out his sword with a grin, and a cold light flashed across the tip of the sword, stabbing hard into the heart of "Prince" Yabuki Atsushi.

Off to the side, in the shadows backstage.

Yuan Shan and Ye looked at Robert's terrifying strength, hissed and covered their faces, and peeked out from between their fingers: "Fortunately, we have replaced the real sword with the retractable fake sword..."

While she was talking, she heard the sound of a machine turning next to her.

——Jiang Xia pulled the "trigger".

The electric shock bullet pierced the sky with a swish, and the tip of the sword hit the spot where Yabuki Atsushi was stabbed.

The tip of the bullet pierced through clothing and touched skin.

"Prince" Yabuki Atsushi suddenly screamed. He lost consciousness and fell to the ground with a thud.

Almost at the same time, in the audience in front of the stage.

A high school detective from Osaka showed an alert expression.

Hattori Heiji frowned and looked at the "Prince" who was lying motionless on the ground. He adjusted the headphones in his ears and asked the agent who asked him to come over to investigate: "Isn't this a mime? The scream just now..."

The agent was not as keen as Hattori Heiji. She sighed: "Maybe the actor is too nervous. Robert, who plays the 'Prince', has a lot of experience in the entertainment industry, but this is his first time starring in a stage play. .Probably I forgot accidentally."


Hattori Heiji always felt that something was wrong: he recalled the situation just before the prince fell to the ground, and felt that he seemed to have seen a reflection that should not exist.

——It was as if something shot at Robert from somewhere else at the same time Robert was hit by the sword.

On the other side, "Minister" Robert also felt that things were a bit strange.

However, the other person was in the beam of light, and his vision was blocked by the thick mask on his face, so he could not see Jiang Xia's "electric shock bullet" clearly.

He just wondered why there was no blood coming out.

Robert: "..." Could it be that the armor and costumes were too thick and blocked the blood?

Doubts remain doubts, after all, we are still on stage at this moment. Robert couldn't stop moving in order to play an "innocent actor who was used as a gunman by the mastermind behind the scenes."

According to the script of "Stupid Victory", after killing the prince, the "minister" should stumble to the balcony, strike an elegant pose, and finally fall down from above, "falling to death."

Under the balcony, there will be a lifting frame.

But just now, before he learned that "the sword was changed", Robert put the elevator in a leakage state in order to kill Yabuki Atsushi. After switching roles, he wanted to turn off the current, but found that there were staff resting and chatting next to the lift, and he couldn't find a chance to turn it off.

So at this time, Robert did not fall onto the lift - he was not going to electrocute himself.

After he finished posing, he planned to lie down on the spot, and then sneak back to the backstage where the lights could not reach him: if anyone asked afterward, he would say that he heard a suspicious sound of electric sparks.

The plan was perfect.

But before he lay down, a pitch-black ball, suddenly carrying the wind, struck directly from the high platform diagonally above.

The moment the lights switched, Robert failed to lie down as planned. Instead, he was hit hard on the shoulder by the ball. He lost his balance with an "ouch", climbed over the railing, and fell on the lifting platform.

Electricity passed through his body, and Robert's whole body was numb, and even his speech and tongue became unclear.

However, the staff did not notice the situation here, and the light beam moved away, casting it towards the last remaining king.

Backstage, Jiang Xia looked at Robert who fell down, and then glanced at Yuan Shan and Ye beside him: "...the accuracy is good."

"Of course." Yuan Shan and Ye held another ball in their hands, raised their heads proudly, and their ponytails dangled in the air twice, "I have practiced before!"

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