Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 993 Gift from Gin

Komazuka Hiroshi retracted his hand reaching for the wine bottle and rarely replied: "Okay, I understand."

At the door, a group of footsteps quickly left.

As soon as the lovely female staff left.

Komazuka Hiroshi turned to look at Yabuki Atsushi and snorted coldly:

"Take your wine and get out of here as far as you can! I stopped drinking a long time ago.

"You have time to please me, why not spend more time reading the script - when the performance officially starts, don't embarrass me like you did in the rehearsal!"

"..." Yabuki Atsushi never expected that a good plan would fail, and he would be ridiculed again.

He gritted his teeth, tried hard to control the murderous intention in his heart, bowed, turned around and left with the wine.

Jiang Xia hurriedly walked to the fork in the side road before the murderous group came out.

Yuan Shan and Ye Zheng are waiting there.

When she saw Jiang Xia approaching, she quickly pulled him in and asked anxiously in a low voice: "How's it going?"

Jiang Xia shook his head: "Komazuka Hiro didn't drink. Yabuki Atsushi took away the poisonous wine again."

"Great!" Yuan Shan and Ye Zheng felt that they had done another good thing.

But at this time, she looked at Jiang Xia's expression and slowly realized that something was wrong, and asked doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

"He took the wine away." Jiang Xia repeated what he just said and sighed, "If you plan to destroy it, that's okay. But if you want to reuse it..."

Just as he was talking, the door to the lounge clicked, and Atsushi Yabuki walked out.

Jiang Xia stopped talking.

Toyama Kazuha pricked his ears and listened carefully to the direction Yabuki Atsushi left.

Then he was surprised to find that the footsteps did not go to Yabuki Atsushi's lounge, but instead went all the way to the prop room.

"..."Props room...

Yuan Shan and Ye suddenly understood what Jiang Xia just meant, and couldn't help but whisper: "In the props room, there is a wine pot for the mask show! He wants to pour poisonous wine into that wine pot?!"

——"The Triumph of Foolishness" The last scene of this play is when the king happily poured himself a glass of wine after seeing his two close friends die, and drank it leisurely as the mastermind behind the scenes. Then he fell to the ground poisoned.

Plus the real sword and the lifting platform that Robert had been operating for a while...

Yuan Shan and Ye felt numb when they thought of the murderous plots all over the theater, and silently covered their faces: "Do you detectives usually work so hard?"

"Just get used to it." Jiang Xia didn't look anxious at all, but comforted her, "It's actually a very fulfilling thing to prevent people who are full of murderous intentions from succeeding."

Yuan Shan and Ye looked at him, a little moved.

She took a deep breath and tried to cheer up: "What should we do next?"

...It's a little troublesome to stop this murder, but it's not that difficult.

The hard part is what to do next.

——Even if it is stopped this time, there may be another time, and the next time...

Jiang Xia thought for a moment and suddenly smiled: "In this case, let their respective murder scripts be performed as scheduled."

Yuan Shan and Ye were shocked: "!"

"The script is just a script, it will not come true." Jiang Xia patted her on the shoulder and brought the shocked person back, "But their murderous intention is real - waiting for those thoughts that cannot be hidden, By materializing it on stage, everything can be handed over to the police.”

Yuan Shan and Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

She couldn't help but glance at Jiang Xia: As expected of a detective, Jiang Xia was really skilled in using the police.

Except for Komazuka Hiroshi, everyone else is busy.

Atsushi Yabuki replaced the prop red wine with real poisonous wine and left happily.

Robert went around to the lift platform.

Before learning about the "real and fake sword", he actually thought of another trick to kill Yabuki Atsushi - the "minister" played by Yabuki Atsushi. After killing the prince, he would fall from the balcony to the elevator On stage.

The lifting platform here is made of metal. Robert thus loosened the wire. When the performance starts, if the minister falls down, he will be electrocuted immediately.

But at this time, the "minister" was replaced by himself...

Of course, Robert couldn't just sit back and watch the "leakage" happen.

He was going to turn the wire back.

However, when I got to the lift platform, I took a quick look: on the bench next to the lift platform, there were two more staff members taking a rest. The two were chatting and laughing, and had no intention of leaving for the time being. Robert could not adjust the wires in front of them.

He clicked his tongue inwardly irritably.

Seeing that the play was about to begin, he could only temporarily put aside the lifting platform and turned towards the stage to avoid being too late and arousing suspicion.

As for the lifting platform that can electrocute people...

Robert sighed: It would be good if he didn't fall onto the lifting platform when the time came - he fell secretly on the ground, rolled along the stage where the light was not visible, and rolled to the backstage. It wouldn't be a big problem.

Time flies.

Ten minutes later.

The three leading actors, who were glittering in Jiang Xia's eyes, gathered beside the stage with three glittering murderous auras.

"King" Komazuka Hiroshi stared at the "prince" with a sneer in his heart: The time for revenge has come! Go to hell, Robert, for playing with someone else's daughter!

However, the "prince" under the mask is actually Yabuki Atsushi.

Yabuki Atsushi also looked at the king, laughing continuously in his heart: The death drama is about to begin, arrogant old man, go to hell!

Next to them, "Minister" Robert lowered his head and glanced at the long sword at his waist. Then Yousen's eyes fell on the "prince", and he said with satisfaction: The masked drama of summoning death has finally begun - goodbye, irritable creditor.

Tens of meters away.

On a high platform diagonally above the stage.

Two pairs of shadowed eyes stared at the three leading actors.

It is the busy Jiangxia and Yuanshan Heye.

The moment the three actors faced each other, Jiang Xia seemed to hallucinate the sound of "Boom——", and the already fierce murderous aura swelled again.

Jiang Xia: "..." The murderous energy in Shizuoka County is large in quantity, good in quality, and easy to harvest... When I leave later, I have to remind the Henggou Police Department to tell him not to be polite when encountering this kind of thing, even though Find him.

While thinking about it, Jiang Xia reached into his pocket and took out a dark pen.

This pen has no logo or nameplate.

——It is said that it was produced by the equipment department of the organization, and it was not produced in batches. It was just made by a researcher for fun, and was later stolen by Gin who was passing by.

This was the "weapon" that came with Gin when Jiang Xia took the "Matsuda Jinping Puppet" to find Gin last time.

Although it looks like a slightly rounded pen. But in fact, the pen tip has a certain cavity, which can be used to inject toxins or anesthetics, take samples, and attack. It can barely be regarded as a "multi-purpose gun" with reduced power.

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