Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 999 Gin: Go blow up the building

But now, it may not be time for him to "fake death" yet. Akai Shuichi was not in a hurry to adopt a new identity.

In short, based on Jiang Xia's last contact with "Okiya Subaru", he regretfully discovered that the current "Okiya Subaru" is just the real Okiya Subaru.

However, no matter how you think about it, this person is likely to be related to the real Shuichi Akai.

Therefore, things like "blowing up buildings" still have to be left to Subaru Okiya.

Jiang Xia did not directly send the task to Okiya Subaru. Instead, he planned to find the person at the appropriate time and interview him while driving Matsuda Jinpei's "Uzo" vest.

——It’s not just to see whether it’s “Okiya Subaru” or “Akai Shuichi” who came here, but Gin also said that this mission “needs to be kept secret.”

In this case, it is indeed best to communicate in person.

Shizuoka is not far from Tokyo.

However, due to busy handling two cases in one day, it was already very late by the time Jiang Xia arrived.

Jiang Xia then ran to the "Nishitama City Twin Buildings" overnight to check.

It's not a good idea to rush over there. After all, the organization is also eyeing that building. As a "just detective", Jiang Xia suddenly ran over to watch. If someone saw it, suspicion would undoubtedly increase.

In this case……

After Jiang Xia arrived home, she entered the study.

After rummaging for a while, I quickly found a package of peripherals just sent by Yoko Kinoshita.

He took one piece out of it and prepared to wait until dawn to go to the Maori Detective Agency for a casual "encounter".

the next day.

Carrying the pre-packaged peripherals, Jiang Xia walked through several streets and arrived at Mouri Kogoro's house.

The Maori Detective Agency is a three-story building. The first floor is the rented Poirot Café, the second floor is the detective office, and the third floor is where the Maori family lives.

On the side of the small building, there is an unlocked corridor that leads directly to the second and third floors.

Jiang Xia stepped on the steps and went all the way to the second floor.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he heard Mao Lilan's alert voice coming from inside the house:

"Go to meet the schoolgirl? Schoolgirls are the ones in danger! - You and your mother are just separated, not divorced, so don't flirt outside!"

Suzuki Sonoko also followed Gonghuo happily: "That's right! Even if we don't go shopping today, we can't let you succeed!"

Jiang Xia: "..."

Rather than eavesdropping in the corner, it is better to listen openly.

So he knocked on the door and applied to join.

When Mouri Kogoro heard that someone else was coming, he shouted towards the door with his head pounding: "We are closed today, I have an appointment!"

While speaking, he turned his head and saw that it was Jiang Xia. He was startled: "It's you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mouri Kogoro saw the exquisite package in Jiang Xia's hand.

His eyes immediately lit up and he came over: "Come in, come in. Oh, of all your generation, you are the most worry-free. What gifts do you bring when visiting..."

As he spoke, he took the package reservedly.

While Mouri Kogoro was happily unpacking, he pointed at Mouri Ran and Suzuki Sonoko, and continued what he just said, complaining:

"In comparison, huh, look at what kind of guys these are. I just went to participate in some normal social interactions that adults should have, and they actually said that I was going to have sex!"

Suzuki Sonoko also snorted. She ignored Mouri Kogoro, ran to Jiang Xia, and extended a warm invitation to Jiang Xia:

"Let's go to the newly built Nishitama City Twin Towers! I heard that they are currently the tallest twin towers in Japan. You can clearly see the entire Mount Fuji. It must be a good place to relax."...

Recently, Suzuki Sonoko needs to relax.

A few days ago, after she came out of the "failure or electrocution" holographic game alive, she was gearing up to buy a set of gaming equipment, and then enter the holographic world to compete with "Professor Moriarty". Yong, come to a world of two people without interruption.

However, unfortunately, such a serious accident occurred, and the whereabouts of President Sindora are still unknown, and he is highly suspected of absconding in fear of crime. The release of the holographic game "Cocoon" has naturally been shelved, and may even be shelved permanently.

Suzuki Sonoko didn't buy the game, so she did the next best thing and asked the staff for some screenshots of "Professor Moriarty" and herself in the same frame, but she couldn't get it - it was said that the information about the game at the time had been leaked. Ya smash.

Suzuki Sonoko returned disappointed.

But she didn't give up.

——The Suzuki Foundation is one of the investors in the game "Cocoon".

Suzuki Sonoko couldn't get the game by herself, so she had to quietly go through the back door. She wiped away her shame and asked her elders to play coquettishly. She successfully obtained a game cabin and installed a matching small computer room at home.

However, after entering the game with high expectations, Suzuki Sonoko discovered that everything was completely different from the previous experience.

——Although it is also "holographic". But this time, the body felt quite stuck. There is no longer the wonderful feeling of "being in another world", but I can clearly feel that I am in a game.

Suzuki Sonoko thought that this kind of lag might be due to poor machine performance. Fortunately, she's not really here to review the game.

She reluctantly endured it, and after landing, she drove the stiff character model and headed straight for the "Poker Club".

Then he was shocked to find that in this villain's den, the beautiful "Colonel Moran" disappeared, and "Moran" became a strong man with thick body hair. And "Professor Moriarty" has become a gray-haired old man, and there is no trace of the "Professor Moriarty" she had seen before.

Suzuki Sonoko was hit hard.

She left the game in tears. After ending her short-lived career as an "Internet addicted girl", she became a live-charger again and came to Mao Lilan to go shopping and heal her broken girl's heart.

Unexpectedly, when I came here, I happened to see a scene of a father-daughter battle... Well, there was no battle, it was Mouri Kogoro who was unilaterally being lectured by Maori Lan. In short, it looked very interesting, and Suzuki Sonoko decisively joined the battlefield.

Then, Jiang Xia came over.

Jiang Xia seemed to be a little interested in what she just said: "Twin Buildings in Nishitama City?"

Mouri Kogoro nodded and answered, his expression suddenly became a little more proud:

"The opening ceremony of the building will be next week, and outsiders will not be allowed in after that. But - ahem, to be honest, the owner of this building, Tokiwa Mio, is my schoolgirl in college. At that time, I gave She helped a lot, so she specially invited me to visit in advance.”

After a pause, and remembering what Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko said just now, Maori Kogoro added: "The schedule has already been booked, it would be rude to break the appointment now!"

Mao Lilan silently glanced at her father's stiff suit, sniffed the faint men's perfume in the air, sneered, and did not stop:

"We're going to visit anyway, it's boring to be alone -" She suddenly took Jiang Xia with one hand and Suzuki Sonoko with the other, and said grimly, "We want to go together too!"

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