Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1000 1000 [Good boy]

"That's right, we should go together." Suzuki Sonoko also wanted to go out with Jiang Xia to make up for the handsome boy energy that she couldn't capture in the game.

She showed a little evil smile and looked at Mouri Kogoro: "Mio Tokiwa is the daughter of the Tokiwa Foundation, a strong woman who makes a lot of money, she is also very beautiful, and she is single at the moment - uncle, are you not afraid? We disturb your solitude, so you won't take us there."

Mao Lilan listened to the extremely threatening messages and looked at Mao Li Kogoro's eyes, which gradually became gloomy. She clenched her delicate fists, and there was a series of "click" sounds that made people feel numb.

Maori Kogoro:"……"

Jiang Xia seemed to be neutral and came to the rescue: "Then let's go and have a look together. Today is not the opening ceremony of the building, so it may be deserted there. We just happened to go over to help warm up the scene."

"Huh, okay, there are a few young people running around, it's really lively." Mouri Kogoro rolled down the steps, and then said stubbornly, "I have a clear conscience!"

More than half an hour later.

The four of them got out of the car and arrived in front of the Nishitama City Twin Buildings.

Standing at the foot of the building and looking up, you can realize for yourself how tall the building is - even if you raise your head hard, you can barely see the top of the building.

It is different from the excuse Jiang Xia made before: although the building has not officially opened yet, it is already under preparation. Relevant personnel are coming to visit or discuss one after another. The entrance is not deserted, but it looks like a building that has been put into use. There are even people in the hall. The front desk is manned.

Mouri Kogoro looked at the gleaming building and felt that the school girl was really rich.

However, considering that there were several juniors around, Mouri Kogoro silently suppressed what he wanted to say, with a calm expression of "It's just a building, what's so big about it?", straightened his collar, and planned to invite Jiang Xia and the others to come in. .

However, as soon as he turned around, before he could say anything, he saw a familiar car.

Mouri Kogoro was startled: "Those brats are here too?"

Jiang Xia was startled and turned to look expectantly.

On the other side of the road, I saw a familiar little Beetle car slowly approaching and parked there.

As the vehicle came to a stop and the door clicked open, several children ran out happily, letting out a cheer and trying to rush into the famous twin buildings in front of them.

But just as they took one step, Genta, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko looked ahead and suddenly stopped. They stopped too quickly, and the soles of their feet seemed to be rubbing on the ground for a distance.


The three real children from the Youth Detective Team stopped suddenly beside the car, looked at Jiang Xia, stood there for a moment, and then secretly moved to the side of the driver's seat.

Haihara Ai got out of the car from the other side.

At first she was a little confused: why did the children suddenly stop screaming with excitement.

When he looked up and saw Jiang Xia on the other side of the road, he immediately understood.

"..." Haiyuan Ai raised his hand and touched Yoshida Ayumi's wilted head, and sighed: How many times have I said that Jiang Xia doesn't spank children... Well, probably...

After Dr. Ali got off the bus, the three real children followed the adults obediently and lined up to cross the road.

Dr. Ali found no abnormalities in the cubs.

He looked at the acquaintance across the road in surprise, laughed and walked over: "You guys should come and visit the building too."

"Well, the owner of this building, Tokiwa Mio, happens to be my school girl." Mouri Kogoro adjusted his collar in a reserved manner.

Conan stood next to Dr. Agasa, raised his head and looked at the small group of high school students beside Mouri Kogoro, and then looked at the group of elementary school students next to him: "..."

After a moment of sadness, he secretly moved to the opposite side - he was also a high school student, so of course he should be here.

After standing firm, Conan calmly cleared his throat and started talking, trying to integrate into the adult group.

He looked at Kogoro Mouri: "We went camping and happened to pass by here when we came back, so we stopped by - I originally thought we could only visit outside, but since Uncle Mouri has an acquaintance... can you take us in to have a look."

Mouri Kogoro punched him on the head and muttered angrily: "Then I brought too many people! She only invited me one person, but now there are nine more people..."

Having said that, when Mio Tokiwa's secretary, a young woman with a low ponytail, ran to greet them.

Mouri Kogoro still sighed and shamelessly brought the person in.

——Fortunately, I don’t know why, but those naughty children looked particularly well-behaved today. Maybe they were shocked by the momentum of the building... If they don’t cause trouble like this, and add a few more little guests, they probably won’t offend Chang. Ban Mio was bored.

Sawada Qianami, who came to pick up people, looked at the excessive number of people and blinked in surprise.

But anyway, she is not the owner of the building, just a diligent worker. She will receive everyone who comes, so the young secretary's smile is still warm: "The chairman is still receiving customers. Let me show you the building first."

She raised her hand to motion to the door, walked in with a group of "distinguished guests", and introduced in a sweet voice:

"This is Building A. The entire building is an office area. The 31st floor and above will be the office area of ​​the Tokiwa Foundation. In addition, the second and third floors are showrooms for some of the company's products."

While they were talking, they had already taken the elevator and arrived at the second floor.

Different from the old-fashioned and orderly showroom as imagined, one side of this "showroom" is full of high-end game consoles, and the other side displays many other interesting machines that have not yet been released.

When Suzuki Sonoko saw Jiang Xia's eyes resting on those machines, she consciously added a tour guide function to herself. She whispered: "The Tokiwa Foundation specializes in computer software and designs related products. So there are also many game consoles here."

Halfway through the words, Suzuki Sonoko suddenly fell into deep thought: Huh? Speaking of this, I wonder if I can find the Tokiwa Foundation to order a copy of Moriarty's data and put it into the incomplete game console at her home...

Suzuki Sonoko was distracted.

Where Jiang Xia was looking just now, a figure stood up from his seat.

——It was a burly middle-aged man wearing a pair of round glasses.

He was originally testing the machine in front of him, when he heard something strange and turned around.

Realizing that he had not heard wrongly, but that a group of strangers had actually arrived, the man took off his headphones and put them aside casually. He stood up and walked over, saying hello to his secretary Sawada Chienami: "New guests?"

Sawada Qianami smiled at him: "These are all distinguished guests personally invited by the chairman."

As she spoke, she gestured to the middle-aged man again: "This is the director and chief engineer of the Tokiwa Foundation, Mr. Hara Yoshiaki."

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