Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1012 1012 [Targeted] (Updates added with monthly tickets)

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko have long been very concerned about this.

It's just that they had been following the plot before and didn't get the chance to ask questions.

At this time, it was finally time for players to communicate, and the two of them suddenly became curious.

When Haibara Ai heard this, she came back from her thoughts and turned to look at Lingzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan.

The two sides looked at each other, and Suzuki Sonoko said "Huh?" and blurted out: "You and the little girl named 'Ai' look alike!"

Mao Lilan nodded slightly, feeling the same in his heart.

Kudo Shinichi looked at the three girls, and his heart suddenly started to rise: If the incident of "Haihara Ai = Miyano Shiho" was exposed and Xiaolan realized that "children can transform into adults," then he …

Next to him, Hattori Heiji had vaguely guessed the identity of Haibara Ai and was also aware of it.

The image of Mao Lilan kicking down the door appeared in his mind, and when he looked at Kudo Shinichi, his eyes showed a trace of sympathy.

Jiang Xia looked around. He was eating melon quietly, but suddenly found that Mao Lilan and Suzuki Yuanzi's eyes moved away from Haibara Ai and fell on him.

Jiang Xia was startled and immediately understood the reason.

——Haihara Ai stood closest to him. From the perspective of Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, they looked very much like his acquaintances.


After hesitating for a moment, under Kudo Shinichi's frantically praying gaze, Jiang Xia followed Suzuki Sonoko's guess and said:

"This is Xiao Ai."

After a pause, his peripheral vision scanned the wonderful expressions of everyone, and he continued the second half of the sentence in a natural tone: "My cousin—Ms. Miyano."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Just now, although she was wondering why Jiang Xia wanted to expose the matter of "adults can become smaller", she thought that he might have his reasons... So Haihara Ai was thinking about how to take the blame for APTX4869 without involving the organization. Push it to Dr. Ali.

But at this time, hearing Jiang Xia's tone change, she could only swallow her original lines.

Haihara Ai cleared her throat unnaturally, nodded to the two girls, and slightly changed her voice: "Hello, this is our first meeting."

"...Hello." Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko also nodded to her and were successfully fooled.

Even if they are the same person, there are many differences in the appearance of children and adults. In fact, if Haihara Ai and "Ms. Miyano" hadn't had exactly the same hairstyle, they wouldn't have immediately associated the two people together.

But now, with the explanation of "relatives", everything suddenly becomes logical.

In addition, right now, they were still in the middle of the "intense game of risking their lives". Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko's attention was finally diverted smoothly and they began to think about this game.

In a corner where they could not see, Kudo Shinichi breathed a sigh of relief and cast a grateful look at Jiang Xia and Haihara Ai.

He was really afraid that Xiaolan would get excited and punch him out...

"Let's sort out the existing information." Jiang Xia remembered the case that Kudo had generously brought to the table, and thoughtfully helped him change the subject:

"Sakura-senpai's last few words don't sound like he was speaking as a simple 'senpai' or as a 'president of the Mysterious Phenomenon Research Association'. Instead, they sound like a higher level, game administrator. The tone of voice when announcing the rules.”

Hattori Heiji also played a lot of games. He quickly caught up with the idea and nodded:

"Judging from what she said, the way to clear the game, or our final mission, is to gather all the members in the activity room of the 'Mysterious Research Society' and announce the truth after solving the 'Seventh Mysterious' mystery. .

"In addition, the culprit that caused the 'Seventh Mysterious' is not a mysterious phenomenon, but the mastermind behind it with a certain purpose. So after solving the mystery, we have to bring evidence and reasoning, and even criminals, to find The police arrest people.”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door of the activity room.

Several people were startled and turned to look at the door.

I saw Sakurai Ruriko coming back again.

She patted her forehead, took out a book and a disk from her school bag, and placed them on the table with a dunk, causing the ground around the table to tremble.

——The book is extremely thick, almost like a pile of bricks. There is a circle of stitching along the spine, like many magazines bound together.

"I almost forgot, this is the combined annual report of our 'Mysterious Phenomena Research Society'." Sakurai Ruriko tapped the cover with her finger, "It's been here for thirty years. I finally found it from the library, It may contain the key to solving the mystery.”

As she spoke, she pointed to the disk next to her:

"Here are related information about the 'Seven Mysteries on Campus'. Unfortunately, there are only specific descriptions of the first six mysteries at present. However, the legends from the same series may be helpful in deciphering the 'Seven Mysteries' .”

After Sakurai Ruriko finished speaking, she raised her head and smiled at them:

"I may be very busy these days and I won't be able to take care of this for a while. Please leave the information in the activity room for everyone to read together - this is very precious information. Don't take it out of the activity room casually."

The senior sister floated back like a gust of wind, dropped a bunch of "turning heads", and floated away like the wind again.

"..." Jiang Xia touched the huge bound book and looked at the six people present. "There are five books for each person. Can you take the time to read them?"

The others nodded.

Jiang Xia looked around, opened the bookcase, found a paper knife, and planned to pick out the stitches.

The sharp blade slid down, but the suture did not move at all. Instead, there was a "crack" sound - a static electricity suddenly lit up on the blade.


Jiang Xia vaguely understood something and poked again tentatively.

The line was still not turned on, there was another burst of static electricity, and the scene just now repeated itself.

Haiyuan Ai was the closest to him, and saw clearly how the blade was blocked by the sutures, and frowned: "It can't be opened... It seems that Sakura's words of 'precious information' are not just restricting us from using the book. Taking them out of the activity room also restricted our division of labor and browsing.”

"So those static charges are a punishment for destroying data?" Hattori Heiji was startled. He remembered the two tiny mosquito-like static charges just now, and touched his hair, which still smelled a little burnt, and the corners of his eyes twitched, "... Is this game targeting me?"

Kudo Shinichi made a brief comparison and quickly thought of a reasonable reason. He shook his head:

"I remember that you were struck by lightning just now because of 'destroying the world view' - calling the teacher 'NPC' while planning to use your hands and feet to extract information from him does not look like a normal-minded student.

"Although the behavior of 'taking apart the bound book' will dissatisfy the seniors, it is indeed a choice that many people will make - the stitching is not part of the material, and it can be re-binded if it is taken apart. , this should just be a general reminder.”

Thanks to Mr. Sperm Whale for the tip

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