Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1013 1013 [Leave me alone! 】

Jiang Xia put away the knife and nodded, agreeing with Kudo Shinichi's statement.

"..." Detective is so useful.

After that, Jiang Xia put the large pile of books back on the desk.

While others were looking at the books, he glanced at the direction of Noah: The judging criteria in the future must be consistent, especially when other people are present... Even if he really doesn't dare to chop, at least the light effect must be the same. It's the same when you hack someone else. Hattori Heiji's Dao Lei is quite handsome...

The bound volume cannot be opened, so naturally there is no way to rely on more people to read it at six times the speed.

And if one looks through these materials... one does not know what this "Mysterious Phenomenon Research Society" is researching. One year's journal is actually one centimeter thick. Thirty years in total, there are thirty centimeter.

In this vast amount of information, looking for the "key" to solve the puzzle is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Even if it is just to filter out "campus", "the seventh incredible thing", "those places and keywords involved in the 'unbelievable'", etc., it will take an extremely long time. One or two keywords in a large text are not so easy to find when the information is old and the font is a bit blurry.

Compared to these collections...

Jiang Xia looked at the small disk next to him, picked it up and looked at it:

"Senpai Sakura seems to say that this contains information related to the 'Seven Mysteries'. Although it only contains the first six, they are probably related to the seventh.

"It would be better to go to the 'Big Six' locations to check the situation first, find out the suspicious places, and then come back to look for clues from the collection of publications in a targeted manner - it would be more efficient if we could confirm the year in which the anomaly occurred."

Hui Yuan Ai nodded, took the disk from his hand, and walked to the corner of the room.

There was a computer there. The casing had been wiped clean, but the model was very old. The screen, keyboard, and entire machine... were all very different from computers commonly used today.

Hui Yuan Ai lowered his head and looked at it for a moment, then turned it on skillfully, inserted the disk and retrieved the data.

...The style remains the same, and she has used this model before. After all, the speed of technological development is really elusive.

Soon, the disk opened and a document appeared on the screen.

It lists information related to one to six of the "Seven Incredible Things on Campus", like short stories, each with only four or five lines of relevant description.

Haiyuan Ai and five other people gathered in front of the computer, scrolled through it from top to bottom, and read it quickly.

She originally wanted to take out her phone and take a photo. However, a glance at the pocket revealed that there was no mobile phone in the pocket at all.

Hui Yuan Ai was startled for a moment, then remembered the historical background of this campus, sighed, and had to change his mind: "Go to the printing room first and print it out?"

"No need, I'll remember it after just one glance." Jiang Xia reminded her, "And Senior Sister Yingshu said that these 'precious information' should not be taken away from the reference room."

Haiyuan Ai thought of something, his eyes flashed slightly, and he said "hmm" thoughtfully.

Kudo Shinichi and Hattori Heiji nodded, agreeing with Jiang Xia's statement - most detectives have very good memories, even if they haven't reached the level of a printer with a photographic memory, but this adds up to less than one page of information, they Can all remember.

"Then let's look around in order." Jiang Xia glanced at the ceiling subconsciously:

"The first one is the 'Unopenable Biology Classroom', the legend we heard at the beginning - the location should be the old school building in the north."

"..." Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko shuddered as they recalled the legend of "seeing a hanging body in the biology classroom late at night, then turning around and disappearing again."

They don't dare to go.

However, Mao Lilan remembered that the detectives had just analyzed that the man behind the scenes was not a mysterious element, but a real person...

She touched her fist and suddenly felt a little more courageous.

Suzuki Sonoko apparently thought the same thing. She looked at Jiang Xia, then at Mao Lilan, and decisively decided to hug these powerful thighs tightly and go to those places to observe - without them, it would be really scary.

When everyone walked to the door, a voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"You guys go look for it first, I'll stay here and take a look at the information."

The five high school students were startled and looked around.

I saw "Ms. Miyano" standing by the table, opening a corner of the pile of "bound volumes of conference journals" on the table that were thicker than bricks.

She ran her fingers over the pages of the book, wondering what she was thinking, and quickly said:

"The efficiency of several people walking together is too low. Division of work can make it faster - and the 'Six Unbelievables' almost all happened late at night after dark, and the location did not include the 'Mysterious Phenomenon Research Society' Activity room, I should be safe here.”

Hattori Heiji rubbed the back of his head and nodded in agreement with the last sentence: "It makes sense..."

Mao Lilan hesitated.

She looked at Kudo Shinichi and then at Haibara Ai.

After struggling for a moment, he finally walked back to the classroom from the door: "I'd better stay here. After all, I'm not very good at solving puzzles. However, if someone comes to attack, I can just deal with it."

——Although Mao Lilan really wanted to ask Kudo Shinichi why he was playing games in a place like this these days when he was missing and "investigating the case"... But this game is extremely important and even related to life. And "Ms. Miyano" looks quite delicate and has the temperament of a scholar. It's really uneasy to leave her here alone.

Suzuki Yuanzi looked at Jiang Xia, then at Mao Lilan, and walked back reluctantly: "Then I too..."

"You come with us - I think you don't look like you're good at fighting, so you must be very weak." Hattori Heiji stopped her and said bluntly:

"Protecting people is more difficult than fighting. It's good that Mao Li can protect one of them. If you are added to the list, you might all be wiped out here.

"And this game happens to have three men and three women. It's very balanced. Maybe it's the data that 'Moriarty' kept specially - in case you girls have some unique uses in the future and the group is wiped out here, we will all They will all fail to pass the level."

The chosen "Moriarty": "..."

… He really didn’t think too much about it, he just brought in a few people he usually saw.

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned on the spot. After a moment, she waved her fist angrily: "You are weak!"

"..." But it is undeniable that what this black man said does make sense.

Suzuki Sonoko sighed and walked back to the door.

She waved her hands to the two girls in the room: "Then let's go explore the six incredible places - if anything happens, just shout. I saw in the CG just now that this school is not that big. Now in the school There aren’t many people there, I have good ears, so I can definitely hear it!”

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