Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1019 1019 [There can also be murderous intent here]

Haibara Ai remembered that the person who guest-starred as "Professor Moriarty" said: If they successfully pass the level, their wish "in line with the laws of nature" will be granted.

In this case, it should be in line with the rules for her to ask the anonymous people about her sister after clearing the level.

As Haihara Ai pressed the button in anticipation.

A residential area more than a thousand meters away. Several landline phones rang at the same time.

The high school students who were trying to go out were startled, hesitated for a moment, temporarily gave up the confrontation with their parents, and ran to answer the phone.

At the same time, in school.

Several people who were playing mahjong suddenly stopped.

Wearing various costumes, they turned their heads and looked at the ringing phone next to them.

Jiang Xia glanced at the phone, then looked down at the very ordinary set of cards in front of him, decisively pushed it down, and said calmly: "Okay, it's time to work."

Matsuda Jinpei, who was sitting next to him, glanced down and found that the card Jiang Xia was about to play happened to be the one he was missing: "..."

Jiang Xia ignored the ghosts' dim gazes, pushed his cards into the deck, gathered up the murderous chips piled in front of him, and put them into the pattern space.

"..." Jiang Xia was quite surprised that murderous aura could also bloom in the consciousness space.

——He felt that the probability of success of his plan to "harvest murderous intent in the 'game'" had once again increased significantly.

The only problem is that drunkards and undercover agents are not as easy to deceive as high school students, let alone like Haibara Ai. You have to think carefully about how to bring people in...

High school students answer the phone at varying speeds.

Maybe it was because when Haihara Ai pressed the button, he chose "all" to save trouble.

——It wasn't until everyone picked up the phone that her voice was successfully transmitted from the receiver.

"It's me, Miyano." Haihara Ai held the receiver, curled the phone cord unconsciously with her fingers, and said quickly, "I probably understand what the 'Seventh Mystery' is. Come to the research room as soon as possible. ."

After saying this news, she thought about it and decided to announce it over the phone first to avoid surprises: "Actually, this matter..."


A pale hand reached out from behind, pressed on the phone, and hung up the phone.

Hui Yuan Ai's voice stopped abruptly.

She glanced at the hand from the corner of her eye, and a chill came up from the soles of her feet, making her whole body feel like she had fallen into an ice cave - she suddenly remembered something:

Not much is known about "The Seventh Mysterious". There is only one rule, which is always repeated back and forth by students and teachers. That rule is...

——The person who cracked the seventh mystery will be killed by the "after school magician".


The sound of electric current sounded, and Haiyuan Ai turned around suddenly, revealing the electric shock device he had been holding in his hand, and slashed it backwards like a knife.

Before he could hit anyone, his wrist went numb, and the electric shock device came out of his hand, hit the ceiling, and then fell into the corner.

Hui Yuan Ai gritted his teeth and looked behind him, and saw a man dressed horribly: that man was wearing a linen robe, a terrifying mask on his face, and holding a piece of rope in his hand.

The two sides looked at each other, and the masked man pulled both ends of the rope and stretched it hard, as if he was planning to strangle someone.

Hui Yuan Ai was startled and hid back suddenly. Just as he took a step forward, he tripped over the protruding corner of the desk.

She staggered back, and before she could regain her balance, she ran into someone's arms. A pair of slender arms hugged her waist from behind, tightened gently, and held her in his arms.

Following this change, the "masked man" on the opposite side stopped attacking. He seemed to have been pressed on the pause button, standing there and not moving again.


At this time, Huihara Ai had no time to care about the masked man.

She subconsciously held the hand around her waist, gradually realized something, and turned around in shock.

At a glance, Miyano Akemi, who had been thinking about her day and night, was standing behind her in a skirt commonly worn by teachers.

The two looked at each other, and Miyano Akemi moved closer to her face, her movements showing a bit of strange skill.

"Sister..." Hui Yuarai murmured in disbelief. After a moment, he suddenly turned around and hugged her, "Sister?! You..."

She wanted to ask Miyano Akemi if she was still alive.

But when the words come to my mouth, I am afraid of getting the opposite answer, for example, the person opposite is just a bunch of data.

Miyano Akemi seemed to know exactly what she was thinking, and smiled mysteriously: "I am dead, but I am still here."

Scientist Huihara Ai: "..."

...Does this sentence mean that after the sister died, the data remained?

Her eyes turned red and she wanted to cry, but in the end she smiled - Haibara Ai could listen to the flat voice recorded on Miyano Akemi's answering machine countless times.

But now that she was face to face with her "sister" who could talk, even if she was fake, she couldn't let go. Moreover, Haiyuan Ai always felt subconsciously that the "person" in front of her did not look like a fake. All her reactions were too real, but now, the amount of information was too large, and Haiyuan Ai had no time to think about it.

When the two sisters hugged each other, Miyano Akemi secretly had little flowers on her head.

Matsuda Jinpei held the rope and turned to look at the door of the activity room. Then from the crack in the door, I saw a pair of familiar eyes:

The master of the psychic medium stood there quietly like an overseer, leaning against the crack in the door, secretly observing with interest.

"..." Matsuda Jinpei looked away and chatted privately with Miyano Akemi, "Although I shouldn't bother you at this time... but if you continue to hug me, I won't have time to commit the crime."

Miyano Akemi was startled, remembering something, and quickly looked towards the door.

Haiyuan Ai had her back to the door at this time, but she was keenly aware of her sister's abnormality. She was slightly startled and wanted to look over.

But as soon as he turned his head, Miyano Akemi held his cheek and turned him back abruptly.

Haibara Ai:"……?"

Opposite her, Miyano Akemi's voice was gentle, but she didn't know why, but she spoke a little faster, like a humble employee struggling to fish under the boss's gaze.

She kissed her sister on the forehead like she did when she was a child, and whispered: "In real life, don't be so impulsive and run away alone - if we meet again next time, we may have a chance to have a cup of tea together. "

As soon as she finished speaking, before Haibara Ai could finish digesting the information in her words, Miyano Akemi knocked her on the forehead with her finger.

Haibara Ai:"……"

Her consciousness instantly broke away from the game and returned to her body.

A Li's house.

In Hui Yuan Ai's bedroom.

The little girl lying on the bed barely opened her eyes.

But her consciousness had just been taken out for a spin, and she couldn't replenish her energy by taking ghost peppermint like a psychic. A wave of exhaustion came over her, and Hui Yuan Ai quickly closed her eyes again and fell into a deep sleep.

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