Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1020 1020 [Run, NPC! 】

consciousness space.

In the activity room of Fudo High School's "Mysterious Phenomena Research Association".

Without the players, Jiang Xia pushed open the door and entered the house.

A few meters away, Miyano Akemi held "Miyano Shiho" in her arms, or in other words, held an empty shell modeled based on Miyano Shiho's data, and reluctantly handed it out.

Matsuda Jinpei took it, looked at his watch, and quickly ran to the other side carrying the shell.

Jiang Xia withdrew her gaze and looked at Miyano Akemi: "If I tell Haibara Ai that you are a ghost, she may not be able to accept it for a while. Let her think of a suitable reason, such as why her body is dead but her brain is affected by mysterious science. The group intercepted it and made it look like an 'artificial human' now."

"..." Miyano Akemi nodded, looking down at her hands in retrospect.

Although my sister was cute as a child, the adult version is more comfortable to hold... It would be great if I could have both.

the other side. In each player's "home".

Suzuki Sonoko hung up the phone.

This time, before she could try to break in, the two parents heard the noise.

They looked up at the sound and asked doubtfully: "Who is looking for you?"

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the "parents" and her eyes flickered slightly. She suddenly thought of something and said confidently: "It's a call from the school!"

"...School?" the parents muttered, "It's so late and you actually let the students go there, you are really dedicated...Forget it, since the teachers said so, then you go and have a look - remember to come back early, don't Running around outside.”

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes lit up, she responded perfunctorily, and ran out quickly.

After going out smoothly, she quickly met three people on the street.

——Mourilan, Kudo Shinichi and Hattori Heiji. They finally slipped out of the house using similar methods.

The four of them came together.

Hattori Heiji looked around doubtfully: "Essential Jiangxia isn't there? Is he also in school? Tsk, my mother beat me back just as I was about to go out. How can they..."

Kudo Shinichi suddenly raised his elbow and nudged him, interrupting him: "Go to school quickly. 'Ms. Miyano''s call seemed to hang up halfway through... I hope nothing happened."

Hattori Heiji was startled. I realized something belatedly and stopped talking about the topic just now.

The four of them hurried to school.

Unlike several other Tokyoites, Hattori Heiji has always lived in Osaka and does not have much interaction with the families of his Tokyo classmates.

At this time, he thought about what happened just now, and vaguely understood the reason why Jiang Xia and Haibara Ai were not here - the "Hattori Heizou" and "Hattori Shizuka" whom Hattori Heiji met just now, although their personalities are different, their appearance Wait, but it is obviously constructed according to the model of his parents.

Hattori Heiji: "..." In this case, the reason why Jiang Xia and Haibara Ai can leave home in the middle of the night is already obvious - their parents are not alive, and no one is guarding the door, so they can leave at will at night.

But this kind of solo exploration is definitely very risky... You have to rush to the school as soon as possible to help them.

The school is not far away.

The four people quickly arrived at the courtyard wall.

Just as he was about to climb over the wall, Mao Lilan suddenly noticed something, stared at the ginkgo tree next to him, and suddenly said: "Corpse... Corpse!!"

——She remembered that this was the "sixth unbelievable thing": a student hanged from a ginkgo tree. If you come here with the intention of "seeing the corpse," you won't see anything. Only by casually passing by can you see the corpse. So according to legend, no one has collected the body of that student so far.


The other three people also immediately understood what Mao Lilan was talking about.

Suzuki Sonoko said "Ouch!" without daring to look at the tree. She turned around and huddled with Mao Lilan.

Kudo Shinichi and Hattori Heiji looked over decisively, and then suddenly got goosebumps all over their bodies - when the tree shadow shook, there was actually a figure on the tree.

The terrifying corpse that had been hanging for who knows how many years seemed to be aware of their presence, and slowly turned around and approached the courtyard wall where they were.

Then Jiang Xia’s voice came out:

"Can you come out?"


"??" The four high school students were startled, "...Why is it you?!"

Jiang Xia jumped from the branch to the wall and looked down at several classmates.

While he stretched out his hand to pull someone towards the wall, he answered the question just now:

“There was no one at home, so I came out to see what was going on, and then I realized you were trapped by your parents.

"Then I met Miss Miyano and came to school with her... Well, if I had known you guys could come out, I would have waited for you to come out together. Seeing things faster in a crowd makes things faster."

"You didn't receive a call from her?" Kudo Shinichi climbed up the wall and was startled when he heard Jiang Xia's words.

Immediately he figured it out: "That's right, we don't have mobile phones, you are not at home, and you don't have a landline..."

Kudo Shinichi quickly thought: It was probably Jiang Xia and Haihara Ai who came to the activity room together, and then Haihara Ai started to check the information.

At the same time, because the bound volume cannot be opened, it can only be read by one person. Jiang Xia couldn't take any time off, and time was precious, so he went to several incredible places to check the situation, and therefore missed Haihara Ai's call.

Kudo Shinichi also quickly added the known information to Jiang Xia:

"We were able to leave home only after we received a call from her from school - Miyano said that she knew the truth about the 'Seven Mysteries' and asked us to gather at school and plan to announce the answer. Later she seemed to want to What can I say, but on the way, the phone call was suddenly cut off."

After a brief exchange of words, Kudo Shinichi and Hattori Heiji had already climbed up the wall.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were still under the wall.

Suzuki Sonoko looked up and saw Jiang Xia's extended hand. She subconsciously raised her hand to hold it and squeezed it. However, she seemed a little shy about the "night school" and had no intention of climbing up - this school was already very... It's old, the atmosphere is eerie, not to mention the scary legends.

Jiang Xia felt Lingmu Yuanzi's entanglement, looked down at her, and said hesitantly:

"If you're scared, why don't you stay outside first? - The scope of this 'game' should be solved only in the school. It's probably safe outside."... If the group is wiped out again, there will still be a trace of fire left. Put a few people back as they were.

Suzuki Sonoko was startled.

She looked back at the foggy street, then looked up at Jiang Xia, and suddenly climbed up the wall on her hands and knees: "I want to come with you!"

Mao Lilan also recovered from the shock of the "corpse" just now.

She took a deep breath and climbed up the wall neatly: "Let's go. That Sakura-senpai also said that it was people, not ghosts, who caused the 'Seven Mysteries'... I'm not afraid!"

This girl, who looked very weak, said this, but she was obviously still a little scared in her heart.

Jiang Xia watched helplessly as Mao Lilan encouraged herself, but failed to control the strength of her hands and accidentally crushed a wall tile with a "click".

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