Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1022 1022 [Hui Yuan Ai died tragically]

Mao Lilan took a deep breath and kicked the door hard.

The entire corridor seemed to tremble, and the door made a dying "creep" sound, but surprisingly, it did not fall down. However, its door shaft was a little loose, exposing a gap.

Jiang Xia: "..." Produced by Noah, the quality seems to be pretty good.

Mao Lilan was bounced back.

She quickly stood up, her bright eyes seemed to be ignited with fighting spirit. Using the strength just now, he turned around and kicked, and with a clear shout, he kicked the door hard again.

The gate finally failed to push through and fell to the ground, throwing up a cloud of desolate dust.

Several people stepped on the door and rushed in, intending to knock down the nagging masked man and capture him on the spot. Put Hui Yuan Ai down again to see if he can still be saved.

However, the next second, they looked at the empty biology classroom and stayed on the spot.

——There was no one in the room, and there was nothing unusual about it.

The hanging corpse, the candles on the ground, the wax oil that should have remained, and even the six-pointed star painted on the ground... were all gone. There wasn't even a hint of burning smell in the air, as if what they just saw was just an illusion.

Jiang Xia was the first to recover. He first stopped briefly at the place where he remembered "Ms. Miyano" being hanged.

Then he glanced at the windows in a manner consistent with detective habits, and said solemnly: "They are all locked from the inside."

"How could it suddenly disappear..." Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko stood at the door of the room, trembling and afraid to go in, "Is it haunted?"

Hattori Heiji frowned for a moment, shook his head, and whispered: "There will be no ghosts in the detective copy. That 'Sakura-senpai' emphasized this."

"It must be a prank." The security guard looked around with a flashlight and breathed a sigh of relief.

He glanced at a few high school students: "Some members of your 'Mysterious Phenomenon Research Association' are talking about it. What happened today is probably because someone pretended to hang himself to play with you - okay, stop causing trouble. I have to continue patrolling, you should go home quickly."


Several high school students reluctantly returned to the activity room of the "Mysterious Phenomenon Research Society" to take a look, but Haibara Ai still didn't show up.

I originally wanted to check out a few other “incredible places”.

However, it is probably because they failed to provide any information such as "evidence of Miyano Shiho's disappearance". Just halfway through, the scenery suddenly fluctuated.

——With eyes closed and opened, they returned home.

The night passed quickly.

Its daybreak.

Jiang Xia walked back along the street and came to the door of Huiyuan Ai's house. She raised her hand and patted the door meaningfully.

Of course no one came to open the door - Haibara Ai had been offline by Miyano Akemi and went to catch up on her sleep. All that's left in the game is a full-scale model.

Not long after, other doors around him opened one after another.

In residential areas, the view during the day is much better than at night. The annoying fog is gone.

The remaining four people quickly ran to Jiang Xia and looked at Haiyuan Ai's house: "She's not at home?"

Jiang Xia nodded.

A group of people sighed and didn't ask any more questions: Although Jiang Xia could go out at night, it didn't take long for dawn after he was forced to "go home". Calculating the time, Jiang Xia didn't have time to go to school to find someone.

"Let's go to school first." Jiang Xia looked at the sky at a 45° angle, as if there was worry hidden in his eyes, "I don't know how she is doing now..."

"It's very dangerous. Frankly speaking, I feel that she is dead. It's just that the murderer hid her body in some way - you should feel the same way."

After Hattori Heiji finished speaking seriously, he remembered that Haibara Ai seemed to be very familiar with Jiang Xia, and said with relief:

"Fortunately, the punishment of the game is 'at the end of the game, the person who is eliminated will die'... As long as you successfully pass the level and win that wish, there is still a chance to redeem everything."

Jiang Xia nodded, retracted his divergent gaze, and said seriously: "Let's go."

Today is a normal working day and school is open.

As soon as a few people arrived at the school, they felt that the atmosphere today was very different.

The students of Fudo High School still gathered together in twos and threes.

But unlike the usual happy chats, this time their voices were much lower and there was unconcealable fear on their faces. In addition, people continued to gather next to the old school building, looking at a certain window on the first floor, and soon formed a large circle.

Jiang Xia looked around and was about to find someone to inquire about the situation when a figure had already passed through the crowd and ran over lightly.

The thoughtful messenger is none other than Sakura-senpai.

Sakura Ruriko led a few people to the "Mysterious Phenomenon Research Association" with an extremely ugly face and whispered: "Something happened!"

At the entrance of the "Unopenable Biology Classroom", a cordon had been set up, and a circle of students gathered outside.

Several people separated from the crowd and walked over, looking at the situation in the classroom, their eyes stagnant for a moment.

On the floor in the middle of the classroom, a six-pointed star with a diameter of half a meter was painted, with a candle lit in each corner. By this time the candle had burned out, and the charred wick was stuck in a pool of solidified wax.

In the center surrounded by candles, on the beam directly above, "Miss Miyano" hung there quietly with her head lowered.

——Everything was the same as what they saw in the corridor yesterday.

If it weren't for the door kicked open by Mao Lilan lying on the ground, several people would even suspect that the peaceful scene they saw after breaking in yesterday was just an illusion.

However, it is impossible for five people to see hallucinations at the same time - the corpse actually disappears and reappears, like a bloody and shocking "turning into the dead" magic.

The policeman leading the team was a middle-aged uncle.

He turned back and saw Sakura Liulizi, his eyes quickly turned from her to Jiang Xia and the others, and then waved to a few people.

"Currently, Miyano-san's death time was between nine and ten o'clock last night."

The detective named "Jianzhi" held up the old notebook in his hand, flipping through the key points, and at the same time looked at Jiang Xia and others: "I heard that you guys happened to be in the old teaching building during that time, right?"

Jiang Xia looked up and looked around and found that the people who had appeared last night, including various NPCs, had gathered at the door of the classroom.

He nodded, remembered something, and added rigorously: "There was also a person wearing a mask. He was holding a candle and standing next to the body."

Officer Kenmochi nodded and looked like the common police officers from the First Search Division, giving the detectives a sense of familiarity in this strange world.

He handed over a floor plan: "How did you find the body last night? Also, did you notice anything suspicious?"

Jiang Xia looked at the floor plan and pointed: "We were in the activity room of the Mysterious Phenomena Research Association. After we went out, we were standing in this corridor when we suddenly saw a fire in the building next door."

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