Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1023 1023 [Just try it]

The corridors of the two buildings are on the same straight line. From outside the Mysterious Phenomena Research Association, looking towards the old school building, you can just see the "unopenable biology classroom" at the end of the corridor.

"When we saw the body through the window, the classroom door was open, the body was hanging in the room, and the man in the mask was standing next to the body. But when we ran to this corridor."

Jiang Xia clicked on the floor plan: "The classroom door was firmly locked. After kicking the door open, all traces were gone."

Kudo Shinichi was pacing back and forth at the table, obviously also concerned about the "body suddenly disappearing and reappearing".

He followed Jiang Xia's words and murmured in a low voice: "In other words, the time when the biology classroom door disappears from our sight is only a few dozen seconds. In this short period of time, we want to dispose of the body and clean up the floor." The wax oil and candles, clearing the magic circle... This is simply impossible - not to mention that the windows were all locked at the time, and it was a secret room."

"No, nothing is impossible."

The consultant teacher's face was pale and his lips were trembling. He took out a handkerchief and wiped his sweat, and said in a dreamy voice: "This kind of magic is not a problem at all for the 'after school magician'."

"The magician after school? The key figure in the 'Seventh Mysterious'?" Hattori Heiji looked at the consultant quickly, "You really know the relevant information about him!"

The consultant teacher was shocked and realized that he had made a mistake. He shook his head, as if he didn't want to talk anymore and just wanted to run away quickly.

Fortunately, the "sword-wielding police officer" next to him finally looked a bit like a police officer.

He grabbed the consultant and said sternly: "A murder has occurred now. A student has died. This is not the time to hide the news! As a police officer, I ask you - what exactly is that 'after school magician'?"

"..." The consultant teacher was restrained and couldn't run away. After hesitating for a long time, he spoke slowly:

"It's not a thing. It's a real person.

"——In the past, when the old school building was not abandoned, there was a strange teacher named 'Initial Gate' in the school. I heard that he would secretly perform various strange rituals at night.

"At that time, there was a bold student who was curious about whether this rumor was true or not, so he secretly went to the old school building at night. He peeked in through the crack in the door and saw a sea of ​​blood in the room, with countless corpses lying upside down. Only the heads The writing teacher was still alive, standing in a pool of blood and laughing crazily.

“The peeping student was so frightened that he ran away crawling and called the police.

"However, when the police arrived, the corpses had disappeared and the room was empty. There were only bloody words on the blackboard - 'I will stay in this school building forever'. Since then, Teacher Initials has never appeared again. Pass."

There was a brief silence in the classroom because of this bloody story.

Jiang Xia looked at Officer Jianchi: "Have there been any mass deaths or disappearances in the school?"

"No." Officer Kenmochi scratched his hat, "There was indeed a teacher with the surname 'Initial' missing. This surname is not that common, I have some impressions... but there are not that many students missing - 80% of them are because of their heads. The writing teacher disappeared, so he spread rumors and made up this terrible legend."

As he said that, Officer Jianchi sighed: "Don't pay attention to this unsubstantiated information. Let's take a look at the current cases."

He glanced at Jiangxia, then at Hattori Heiji and Kudo Shinichi, and became a little more enthusiastic: "I heard that the three of you are detectives and have solved many cases?"


Kudo Shinichi was startled, then regained his composure and quietly communicated with his two friends: "Can the detective identity in reality be brought here and used?"

Jiang Xia also whispered: "If the police did not provide relevant information, it would indeed be very difficult to solve the case. Now it is much more convenient - I can't tell that the designer of the copy is quite conscientious."

He casually changed the topic and returned to the main business: "Remember to ask the police about the disappearance of the 'initial teacher' later - both the consultant teacher and the police know about this matter, this must be an important clue .”


Across the way, Officer Kenmochi looked at the three detectives who were gathering together, muttering in low voices, and interrupted their communication:

"What do you think of this case? - I heard that the three of you were at the scene last night, and you should have more information than me."

The three of them were silent for a moment despite his expectant gaze.

They really don't have anything to say at the moment.


Hattori Heiji remembered what he saw at the window just now and asked Jiang Xia: "There are some fine scratches on the leftmost window bolt, as if it had been entangled with wires - did you see those kinds of marks last night?"

Jiang Xia thought for a moment and said hesitantly: "I didn't pay attention. The light was very dark at the time and I didn't have time to take a closer look."

"That's it." Hattori Heiji touched his chin, a little hesitant - he actually thought of a method. However, this method is not very feasible and has some loopholes.

Hattori Heiji: "..." However, it is just a hypothetical reasoning anyway. It is better to speak out and provide the police with some search ideas, and maybe they can find new clues.

——It’s useless if you don’t try, give it a try!

Thinking this, he looked at the sword-wielding police officer and tentatively said: "This may be a secret room made of ropes - there are some scratches on the leftmost window bolt. The murderer probably tied the string to the window in advance. Tie it on, and extend the other end of the rope from the chimney hole in the upper left corner and hang it outside.

"When we discovered the body and rushed over, the murderer quickly locked the door. Including the time it took us to open the door, we gained about a minute in total. During this time, he threw the body, candles, etc. out of the window. The six-pointed star array on the ground may have been painted on transparent plastic. You can grab it and throw it away without wiping it off. After that, the murderer also climbed out of the window, pulled the reserved thread hard, bolted the window, and the secret room was completed - wait for us to leave Later, the murderer returned to the house and arranged the scene like this."

As soon as he finished speaking, he didn't wait for anyone else to speak.

Hattori Heiji suddenly heard a laugh, an elegant voice mixed with a hint of coldness, and a very soft tone: "Stupid detective."


Rather than dialogue, this is actually more like a pre-set trigger sound effect in the game. It sounds a bit like that "Professor Moriarty" voice.

Hearing these words, Hattori Heiji had a bad premonition.

He turned to look at the others. As expected, the others seemed not to have heard, and were thinking their own thoughts.

Soon, Officer Jianzhi nodded: "So that's it...I'll have people search the lawn outside!"

Then he swooped away.

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