Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1026 1026 [You know too much] Additional update to Leader Book Friends 2039

Chapter 1026 1026 [You know too much] More updates to the leader [Book Friends 2039]

"The earliest scene must be in the club activity room!" Suzuki Sonoko tried hard to provide the information she knew.

Before I knew it, it got dark.

The remaining three people left the scene before the police recovered and hurried to the activity room.

After going down to the first floor and arriving at the place, Jiang Xia glanced at the computer desk and his eyes stopped on the desktop: "...the first scene is really here."

——There was a little fresh blood spattered on the table.

Suzuki Sonoko stood next to him, looking down at the table. She didn't know why, but she always felt cold all over, as if she was being watched by a pair of invisible eyes.

She shuddered and turned around fearfully, trying to dispel this groundless assumption.

Unexpectedly, when I turned around, I really met a pair of eyes hidden in the gap.

"Ahhhh——!!" Suzuki Sonoko jumped up and raised her hand to point out the window, "There is, there is someone!! There is someone there!"

The eyes at the window suddenly left, and the peeping person turned around and ran away.

However, just after running a few steps, there was a "swipe" sound behind him, and someone jumped out of the window of the activity room.

Within a few seconds, a hand was put on his shoulder, swung him in a circle, and swung him towards the wall next to him.

The peeper hit the wall with a thud, became dizzy, and was forced to stop.

Jiang Xia blocked his way, looked at him for a moment, and recognized him: " guard?"

He lowered his gaze slightly and saw that the security guard who was always hovering next to them was actually holding an unusually thick book in his arms - the "Bound Volume of 30 Years of Journals" that should have been lost.

"This... I picked it up next to the garbage collection point."

The security guard followed Jiang Xia's gaze and looked into his arms.

He was silent for a moment, as if he had made up his mind: "Since you are also members of the 'Mysterious Phenomena Research Society', I leave this to you!"

He suddenly put the thing in his hand into Jiang Xia's hand and ran away quickly.

The force used was too strong and the movement was too sudden. Jiang Xia was jolted by the pile of brick-like books. When he came back to his senses, the security guard had already run away quickly: "..."

"What's going on?" Kudo Shinichi chased after him.

As soon as I stood firm, there was a pile of things in my arms.

Jiang Xia handed the book to him and patted the dirt on his hands: "The lost bound volume was found."

Kudo Shinichi looked at the book in his hand, not paying attention to the dust on his clothes, and his eyes lit up.

He remembered what Sakura Ruriko had said before - the key to unlocking the "Seventh Mystery" lies in this bound volume of conference journals spanning 30 years.

"1987 was a sad year for our Mysterious Phenomena Research Association. The police tried every means, but failed to find out the whereabouts of Chihiro Aoyama. The only thing she left behind was this A manuscript written before disappearing."

In the activity room, Jiang Xia followed the precious marks left by Hui Yuan Ai "before his death" and found information related to the case.

It is difficult for three people to read a book together.

He continued to read the manuscript left by "Chihiro Aoyama": "In order to find out the six mysteries of Fudo High School, I launched an investigation..."

"Six incredible things?" Suzuki Sonoko came to Jiang Xia's side and looked at the "six" written in black and white. She couldn't help but raise her hand and hit her forehead. She suspected that she had been stimulated too much and her memory was confused. "I thought it was Seven incredible things..."

"It is indeed the 'Seven Big' now, but this was a manuscript ten years ago." Jiang Xia reminded her, "Times and legends are advancing."

Suzuki Sonoko crossed her arms and shuddered: "..." It's better not to progress with such a terrible legend...

Next to him, Jiang Xia lowered his head and glanced at his watch, and continued to read Chihiro Aoyama's manuscript:

"During the investigation, I discovered a strange thing - 20 years ago, the location of the old school building was actually the research institute of Takahata Pharmaceutical Company. I heard that six people disappeared nearby. I feel... …”

At this point, the manuscript suddenly stopped.

Jiang Xia pressed his forehead: "..."

...Forget it in life, why are there a bunch of Riddlers in the game?

He was silent for a moment and looked at the page next to him.

——Although Chihiro Aoyama’s “investigation report” only has the beginning. But perhaps to make up the numbers, or perhaps out of respect for the deceased, all the information she collected was copied and stuffed into this issue of the "Mysterious Phenomena Research Society" journal.

The three people glanced at a few pages quickly, and suddenly there were slight ripples in their vision.

Kudo Shinichi was startled and raised his hand to press his eyes.

After a moment, he realized that this was not a problem with his eyesight, but that it was time for school to end - last time, at about this time, they were suddenly teleported back home because "you shouldn't stay in school after school." ".

"..." There is almost no time.

Kudo Shinichi thought of something and turned to look at Jiang Xia: "Don't act alone at night, it's too dangerous!"

After a pause, he felt that this was unrealistic - if it were him, facing the truth so close at hand, he probably wouldn't be willing to stay at home all night and do nothing.

So he cleared his throat and added in a low voice: "Well, remember to call me first when you get to school and ask my 'parents' to let me out..."

Not long after, several people opened their eyes, and sure enough they had returned "home".

Jiang Xia's house is empty, and there is no obstacle to going out.

He walked to the door and looked around. The house that was originally dimly lit was now completely dark - all the light in Mao Lilan and Haiyuan Ai's house disappeared.

When passing by Hattori Heiji's house, Jiang Xia glanced through the window curiously.

I saw Hattori Heiji with a "gensei!" tie wrapped around his head, and he was writing fast at his desk.

Jiang Xia: "..." Osaka-san is really in trouble.

He sighed and continued walking to school.

When they arrived at the activity room, Jiang Xia called two classmates.

Then he remembered something and turned on the computer next to him. This computer was actually connected to the Internet. Jiang Xia entered the keyword "Takahata Pharmaceutical" and hit Enter, and messages quickly popped up on it.

His eyes flew across the information above. After a moment, his eyes suddenly paused and stopped on the screen.

...It's not that I saw more critical information.

Instead, in the night, a figure faintly reflected on the screen. The man held a hammer high and stood quietly behind him.

Jiang Xia: "..." Do I know too much?

A few minutes later.

Suzuki Sonoko and Kudo Shinichi ran to the door of the activity room, looked at the door, and were startled.

——The door of the activity room is actually open.

"...Jiang Xia?"

The two people walked into the house carefully, glanced around, and their breathing suddenly stopped.

——In the house, the computer is on. Beside the computer desk, information was scattered on the ground in a mess, and Sakura-senpai's treasured bound volumes were scattered. It seemed that a fierce battle had just occurred here.

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