Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1027 1027 [The murderer does not respect martial ethics] Additional update to League Leader

Chapter 1027 1027 [The murderer has no martial ethics] More updates to the leader [Book Friends 2039]

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the table with a corner missing, her eyes turned red: "Could it be that Jiang Xia..."

Kudo Shinichi shook his head, frowned and looked at the computer screen. After a moment, he suddenly showed an expression of "I understand!"

There was a sound of footsteps in the corridor outside the door.

The two high school students were startled, woke up from their thoughts, and turned around quickly.

I saw Sakura Ruriko and the consultant teacher walking over one after the other.

The two stopped at the door and looked at each other with Kudo Shinichi and Suzuki Sonoko.

After a moment, Sakura Liulizi spoke first: "You were also called here by Jiang Xia?"

Kudo Shinichi looked past her and stared at the consultant teacher behind her.

Quickly, he nodded, made way to the activity room, and motioned for the two people to come in and talk.

——Kudo Shinichi remembered that the way to clear this dungeon was to announce all the truth in this activity room, and then go to the police with the truth.

Combining the information they collected, Kudo Shinichi already understood the truth.

Seeing Sakura Ruriko and the consultant teacher sitting down one after another, Kudo Shinichi didn't waste any more time:

"First of all, it's about the murder case yesterday - the body of 'Miyano' suddenly disappeared and reappeared in the 'Unopenable Biology Classroom' the next day.

"In fact, she has been hanging from the beam since the night she disappeared. It's just that she is not hanging in the 'biology classroom', but in the physics classroom on the side! - That night, we watched from the opposite corridor What we got was actually a floor-to-ceiling mirror. It reflected the scene in the physics classroom, causing us to mistake the location of the body.

"When we discovered the body and rushed over in a detour, the murderer put away the mirror in the corridor. After we passed by, he came to the door of the 'Unopenable Biology Classroom' and blended into our group as if nothing had happened.

"That night, we broke down the door but failed to find the body, so we had to go home. That night, the murderer moved the body from the physics classroom to the biology classroom, and pretended to be a 'secret room' technique, trying to mislead us in solving the case. ——At that time, because the door was broken, the biology classroom was no longer a 'biology classroom that cannot be opened', and this method can be easily accomplished."

Having said this, Kudo Shinichi suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the consultant teacher: "The 'after-school magician' who brutally murdered Miyano is you!"

The consultant teacher kept wiping sweat with a handkerchief.

At this time, after hearing Kudo Shinichi's testimony, his movements froze, and he slowly raised his head, his eyes becoming gloomy.

It was dark, and Kudo Shinichi was immersed in the process of reasoning and discovering the truth, so he didn't see his expression.

He integrated various information in his mind and continued attentively:

“Thirty years ago, this was not a school, but a research institute of Takahata Pharmaceutical Company. At that time, they developed a drug that had great value but may have dangerous side effects.

"Takahata Company was reluctant to give up this project, so they secretly hired a few people to conduct human experiments. Unexpectedly, the six people they hired all died during the experiment.

"In order to conceal this horrific scandal, Takahata Pharmaceutical Company scattered and buried the six corpses in the research institute. Some were built into the foundation, some were wrapped in concrete, and some were buried under trees... In the end, They quietly donated this institute to Fudo High School.

"Just in case, the research institute sent its henchmen to sneak into this high school one after another and become faculty members here. The 'corpse guard' fabricated the 'Six Unbelievable' horror stories so that the students and teachers could... Consciously stay away from places where corpses are hidden.

"As for the extra 'Seventh Mysterious', that's because 10 years ago, a member of the 'Mysterious Phenomenon Research Society' named Chihiro Aoyama discovered the truth about the previous 'Six Mysterious'.

"But her investigation alarmed the people sent by the institute. So before the truth was revealed, she unfortunately disappeared and was made... the seventh most incredible thing."

Swipe and pull——

Kudo Shinichi walked to the computer desk and took off the poster taped to the wall.

There was a palm-wide crack on the wall behind the poster, revealing the bones embedded in the wall.

——The earthquake last night caused many cracks in this old teaching building. The "Seventh Unbelievable" was just shocked out, and Hui Yuan Ai, who was left alone, saw it.

The moment the corpse was exposed, there was a muffled "boom" in the activity room.

Suzuki Sonoko originally wanted to scream. When she heard the sound of falling to the ground, she turned her head warily and saw Sakura Ruriko lying on the ground first, as if she fainted peacefully.

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

Almost at the same time, the consultant suddenly stood up.

He no longer acted like a coward and looked directly at Kudou Shinichi: "You are right."

Kudo Shin's eyes showed a little relief. He looked at Suzuki Sonoko: "Let's go and find the police."

However, just when he was about to go out, there was a sudden strong wind behind his head.

Kudo Shinichi was on guard early on, and he suddenly dodged to the side. A stick grazed his ear, and he knocked hard on the door.

"..." It's really not that simple.

Kudo Shinichi frowned and turned back, intending to subdue the murderer.

Unexpectedly, the other party's actions turned out to be neat and tidy, unlike a frail middle-aged man. The moment he turned around, Kudo Shinichi was grabbed by the neck by the consultant and slammed to the ground.

The consultant turned over and sat on him, holding the short stick high in the other hand and showing a ferocious smile:

"The analysis is absolutely correct. But unfortunately, you are about to die - and the truth will continue to be buried!"

Kudo Shinichi: "...*\u0026amp;¥ @" Wait! The combat power of this boss is too unscientific!

Although there are ten thousand curse words in my heart that I want to say, now is obviously not the time to do these things.

Kudo Shinichi struggled to grab the consultant and shouted to Suzuki Sonoko: "Go to the police station!"

As he spoke, he looked in the direction of Suzuki Sonoko and saw the scene there clearly. His pupils shrank, as if a basin of cold water was poured from head to toe.

——Behind the panicked Suzuki Sonoko, someone appeared at some point.

The man was about the same age as the consultant teacher. He had the same sinister smile on his face and the work badge in his pocket was not tightly stuffed. He was probably a teacher of a certain course.

After looking at Kudo Shinichi, the man held a piece of rope in his hand and stretched out his hand towards Suzuki Sonoko, who knew nothing about it.

——There are more than one "corpse guards" sent by the research institute!

Perhaps it was because Kudo Shinichi's eyes were too frightened that Suzuki Sonoko finally realized something was wrong.

She was holding the vase in her arms that she was going to use to hit someone, and was trembling as she wanted to turn around, but suddenly a piece of rope dangled from top to bottom in front of her eyes - the person behind her wrapped the rope around her neck and was about to slam it. Tighten.

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