Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1029 1029 [Game over] Please vote for me

Chapter 1029 1029 [Game over] Please vote o(〃'▽'〃)o

"as you wish."

"Professor Moriarty" was not surprised by her wish. He raised his hand and pressed the button on the table.

Then he said politely, as if he was calling it a day after work, "Well, see you later."

Suzuki Sonoko hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help but ask "Moriarty" opposite: "Are you a human?"

Jiang Xia was startled.

Before he could figure out whether Suzuki Sonoko was cursing or just saying a question, the game process was over, and the consciousnesses of several high school students who were brought to play quickly left and returned to their respective bodies.

In the empty office, Jiang Xia: "..."

...It should be a question.

Anyway, Jiangxia is Jiangxia, and "Moriarty" is "Moriarty". It's not a big problem. He shook his head, stopped thinking about it, and quickly returned to his body.

A few seconds later, Jiang Xia opened her eyes on the bed.

He yawned and wanted to turn over to catch up on his sleep.

However, when his eyes accidentally glanced at Noah, Jiang Xia was startled and slowly sat up: "...What's the matter with you?"

——Originally, Noah looked like a crystal ball.

However, at this time, there were traces of impurities in this ghost ball. It's like the mist that cannot melt is sealed in the water.

Noah looked down at himself and was also surprised.

After a moment, it carefully felt its physical condition and hesitated: "It seems to be the murderous aura after using it."

——As a ghost, when running a "game", its fuel is of course all kinds of murderous aura.

Maybe because he ate too much at one time, his murderous aura changed in some strange way and accumulated in his body, turning into this kind of white mist.

It was the first time Jiang Xia saw such a strange thing.

He stared at Noah and thought for a moment, grabbed the ghost, rubbed and rubbed it, trying to get those white mist-like things out of Noah's body - anyway, clean up the ghost first.

After rubbing for a few minutes, when Noah was rubbed into mosquito-repellent eyes, Jiang Xia finally stopped and looked at his hands.

——Although it was not completely cleaned, he pulled out a wisp of "white mist".

After leaving Noah's body, the "mist" did not disappear, but lay quietly in Jiang Xia's hands.

The fluffy appearance of the strands was exactly the same as the murderous aura, only the color was completely different.

Jiang Xia: "..." Theoretically speaking, this seems to be the product of murderous aura, and should be of little value.

However, they look too much like murderous aura...

Jiang Xia struggled for a while, and finally couldn't help but leaned out, fumbled from the bedside table, and found a box of ghost mints that had not yet been implicated in murderous intent.

He tore open the sealed package and tentatively brought the few wisps of "white mist" closer.

The next second, the mist quickly entered the cigarette case and blended into the ghost mint like murderous aura.

The ghosts gathered next to Jiang Xia, looking up at this scene curiously.

Filled by the strange "white mist", there were only two cigarettes.

Jiang Xia took a cigarette out of the cigarette case, held it in her hand and looked at it carefully, then got closer and smelled it, but found nothing unusual.

So he decided to practice and gain true knowledge. He glanced at the ghosts gathered in a circle and said, "Try to click on it?"

...Anyway, "white mist" is just the product of the murderous aura. No matter how it changes, its properties should be similar. At most, it will feel irritating after you light it, so just pinch it off when the time comes.

Thinking like this, Jiang Xia touched the lighter and lit the cigarette with a click.

The moment the fire ignited, a vortex seemed to appear out of thin air. The foggy dog ​​was floating nearby and watching. At this time, it was caught off guard and was swept over. It flapped its wings and hit the smoke.

Jiang Xia was startled, then quickly stretched out his hand and pulled Gui aside.

The foggy dog ​​flapped its wings in fear. Jiang Xia carried it like a chicken cub, looked around, and then breathed a sigh of relief - except for being a little frightened and looking a little weak, there was nothing wrong with it.

However, on the other side of the collision, there seemed to be some changes.

Jiang Xia lowered his head and looked at the burning cigarette in his hand.

I originally wanted to put out this strange cigarette.

But before taking action, Jiang Xia's eyes suddenly paused.

At some point, the appearance of the cigarette changed.

——Originally, it looked like just an ordinary handmade cigarette, with white paper rolls from beginning to end.

But now, the color of the smoke has turned into black. In the position of the cigarette butt, there are some light gold lines, and a few strokes outline a pair of closed wings.


Jiang Xia stared at the suddenly handsome cigarette, looking at it intently for a second, two seconds...

After a moment, he calmly put the cigarette to his mouth and took a puff curiously.

Then he choked on the weird smell: "Cough cough cough——"

Compared with the lighter plant aroma before, the smoke at this time is like lighting a handful of feathers, with a strong smell, like smelling a campfire up close.

Jiang Xia frowned and put his cigarette in the ashtray next to him, and was about to drink some water.

But as soon as I stood up, I suddenly felt a weight on my back, as if there was something heavy.

Almost at the same time, the ghosts' shocked murmurs came from the side.

Jiang Xia: "..."

Jiang Xia: "?"

He froze on the spot for a moment, then turned around silently.

A pair of dark wings came into view. As Jiang Xia turned around, her wings flapped in shock.

While flapping, Jiang Xia felt her body light up and lifted off the ground for a brief moment.

"...???" Jiang Xia turned back, pinched her wings, and pulled them in front of her eyes to take a closer look, "What is this?!"

The foggy dog ​​stared at him blankly, then looked back behind him, and flapped his wings in confusion: its wings were still there.

Matsuda Jinping held his chin up and looked at the strange cigarette, and then at Jiang Xia's wings.

After thinking for a moment, it floated to the ashtray. Before the cigarette was completely extinguished, he held it and took a puff, then turned his head and looked behind him.

Two shikigami suddenly flew out from the direction of Jiang Xia and stuck behind Matsuda Jinpei. They twisted and melted into the shape of wings.

Matsuda Jinpei's eyes lit up, he slapped it, and it flew up leisurely.

Then after flying half a meter, Jiang Xia "snapped" him.

"..." Jiang Xia picked up this new ghost who was brave enough to try, looked at it for a moment, and vaguely understood something.

He threw the ghost to the side, touched his wings with his backhand, pressed the base of the wings, and tapped the surface of the wings repeatedly, realizing the problem.

——It's not that he grew wings, but that the puppet clay naturally formed such a thing after inhaling the murderous aura.

Moreover, unlike the things he made with puppet clay on his own initiative - the wings Jiang Xia made by himself in the past, apart from being beautiful, had no flying effect at all.

But now the "wings" have the flying characteristics of the foggy dog.

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